It's Complicated

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I truly hope Gaga is happy and not "fooling" us because she deserves to live a normal life and not play into publicity games. In any case, M is not an actor, so the roles in this fanfic will still be played by Bradley and Gaga. Carry on. 

Bradley drove in silence down the dark roads of Malibu. The smell of the food filled the car and made his stomach growl. Ever since Bradley could remember, food has been a staple in his life. Typically, when his stomach growled, he was miserable beyond belief and aimed to rectify the disruption almost immediately. But his anger towards himself and his past actions towards Gaga overpowered the minuscule need to eat. His soul craved something else. Bradley drove past his own gate, parking in his 5 car garage, just sitting there and replaying her examples of his behavior. The reality was he had done most of those things to keep her around longer, the others just wanting to see her cheeks flood with anger, her eyes roll in annoyance, and on the rare occasion feeling her use all her power to slap his shoulder or push him away. When he pushed her into the pool, he was the one who got the privilege to take her home. She fought him the entire drive, just sitting there yelling at him, soaking wet and pouting in the front seat of his car. He remembered feeling satisfied with himself for finding a way to be alone with her. It was childish and he didn't realize it effected her so much. Other times, he annoyed her as pure punishment for being stuck up. He only recently came to find out that was not the case, just his own assumptions about a woman he knew nothing about. He didn't know the root of what drove him to be so cruel. Bradley hit his steering wheel. He paced his home while he heated up his food. He angrily ate, hating how much he loved her cooking, he didn't deserve it. Bradley knew she didn't deserve the treatment he gave her, he even smiled at how much she fought back over the years. Even worse, she seemed to be able to move past it. He cleaned the Tupperware, miserable that he couldn't take his actions back. He dried the glass container and  just looked at it. He couldn't take his actions back, but she deserved a proper apology. 

"Sooo, how long have you two be fucking?" Gaga's eyes grew as she quickly shut her bedroom door and tried to come up with a redirected answer. "Oh come on. It's so obvious there is something going on between you and Bradley. The longing stares, the light touching, the fact that he didn't want you and the twins to leave."

Gaga clenched her teeth. Their situation wasn't a big deal but no one else would understand. She lays on the bed next to her sister. "Wine." Natali yelps in excitement and runs out of the room. When she returned Natali finds Gaga with her hands over her forehead. 

"If you don't want to talk about it. It's ok. You both have gone through a lot of the last few weeks. I would understand." Gaga grabbed her glass of wine. Natali set the bottle down and they both sipped in silence. "So... are you two together?" 

"No! No. It's complicated. You already know we've never gotten along. But he's really been a huge help and those kids love him so much. We have a pretty good handle on our routine and I have so much going on with Haus Gaga and he has a lot of projects he's working on..." Gaga was struggling to even figure out what her and Bradley were doing and more importantly, why.

"So, it's out of convenience?"  Gaga nodded at Natali's assumption. "Well that makes sense. I can't say it sounds healthy. But I know you and I know you wouldn't do anything that you didn't want to do." 

"It's been almost therapeutic. He's the only one that understands what I'm going through and he doesn't even have to talk. He just makes me feel good and it's an escape. Does that make me a bad person?"

"I think that makes you human." They both smile. "'s the sex?"

"Natali!" Natali patiently waits for her answer. "...It's-It's really fucking good." Gaga smiles just thinking about it. "He's very...selfless. It's been hard with the kids around but we make it work." They both giggle like teenagers at the thought, then they quiet down. 

"So, you're ok and he's not a complete waste of space and what you're saying is we should all accept this for what it is."

"In less words, yes. I'm fine. It's literally just a good ol' friends with benefits, where the word friends is used very, very loosely. Happy?"

"So, it's just sex, nothing more?" Natali questions and grabs the now empty bottle and heads for the door. Gaga nods and goes to get ready for bed. Gaga would be lying if she didn't find herself looking at him often and or getting butterflies when he flirts with her, or if she didn't feel like maybe there could be more, but they truly just had a pact. Natalie suddenly turns. "Last, question; is it true what they say about hands and feet?"

"Goodnight, Natali!"

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