Think Fast

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"Hi, Ava! You're so pretty, you're so cute! Look at these cheeks!" Sarah bounced Ava in her lap and played peak-a-boo with the smiley baby. "Stef, they are adorable. I could smell her all day."

"I know, don't they smell good? I mean, their poops are no joke and when they cry, it literally scrapes at my soul but they are truly the cutest. And honestly, they're pretty well behaved." Gaga hands Sarah a bottle of water. "Watch, she's actually walking now." Gaga persuades the little girl to walk. Ava wobbles over for her snack. 

"I can't even begin to deal. What about Jackson, is he walking?"

"No not yet, we're working on it. Bradley says he wants them both walking soon so they can start earning their keep around here." Gaga smiles to herself, cooing at Jackson. 

Sarah notices her smile and picks Jackson up curiously. "So, how are things going with Bradley?"

"Um, good." Gaga avoids eye contact and grabs veggies and hummus from the fridge to add to their kitchen table spread. "He's out all day today and he has an award show tonight. It's just me today since he'll probably go to an after party or something." She tries to avoid the disappointment that crosses her mind.

Sarah is looking for something in Gaga's eyes but can't seem to find it. "But he's helping out? He's lending you a hand at least?" Gaga's cheeks flush at the thought of his hands. "I knew it!" Gaga stumbles over her words. "Oh no you don't. Are you sleeping with him?!"

"What?! No!" Well, that was half true. 

"Ok, I mean you're glowing and more relaxed and-and you smiled when I asked about Bradley earlier and, oh my God, you're doing it again right now!" Sarah pointed as Gaga's lips turned into a smirk. 

"Ok, fine! We've messed around. Is that what you want to hear?! Are you happy now? Drop it."

"Oh sweetie, I'm not dropping anything. When? Where? How was it?" Sarah used Jackson's hands to help voice her intrigue, propping his little fist under his chin as they both waited for the dirty details.

"Don't you use my godson to pry information from me! Look, it just kind of happened and nothing even really happened and it might not even continue." That wasn't enough for Sarah. Gaga rolled her eyes. "We just like touched and...earmuffs" They both covered the kids ears. "...he got me off and then I- but we didn' know. And that's all I'll say." Sarah screamed and cheered with Jackson. "Oh stop! It's not a big deal. We're both adults and I already told you I don't really have time or space for anything serious, so this is a...healthy solution."

"I thought you and Cooper were always at each others throats? Look, all I'm saying is be careful. I know you and I just don't want you to get hurt or in a situation that is toxic for you and these fat little babies. I don't want you to regret anything." Sarah smooched Jackson while he whined for his mama. Sarah looked at Gaga shocked. "Did he just say...?"

"Yea. We have a lot going on right now." She rubbed at her eyes. "Whatever, we have a lot going on with the new line too, so let's change topics. Eye-Lie-Ner, go!" 

Bradley adjusted his suit jacket and pulled at his collar. He was in and out of meetings and interviews all day. He was late to the ceremony and rushed to tie his tie; his oxygen and temper were running very short. Bradley waved to Brad Pitt and made his way over to his friend. "Why are these things so fucking long? We've been at this for three hours now."

"I have no idea. It's all political and about the money. Showing face, this and that. Who cares? So you'll ride with me, yea? I'm thinking we'll hit up the after party and then Vogue is having a party...." Bradley looked around while Brad talked. The entire night was filled with fellow actors coming up to him asking about the accident. He appreciated the support from his peers but the constant reminder of the accident was making him irritable. The women all together were something else, their sympathy came in droves. Sincere with an extra hint of flirtation. Any other day he'd play up the puppy eyes and wounded dog act but none of them seemed to rub him the right way. Rub him, great, now he was thinking of the night before. It was true, none of them smelled like she smelled, none of them looked like her or held a flame to what he experienced last night. It was his night out, so he shook the thoughts from his mind. A party could be fun so he walked along side his buddy as they caught up with more friends. Bradley quickly checked his phone for the first time all day. Among the messages was one from Gaga early in the day, it was a photo of Ava sleeping with sunglasses on and two middle fingers;  😂😂😂 Sarah had too much fun with the kids today. Bradley smiled and turned away from Brad as they walked to keep scrolling. In another message Gaga sent a photo of Sarah and her kissing Jacksons cheeks. The small boy smiling with his entire face. The message said, don't worry we're giving Jackson too much attention, too. Bradley zoomed in looking at her puckered lips. The flutter in his stomach returned. "Bro, broooo!"

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