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Gaga grabbed the laundry from the dryer, removing Bradleys shirt and pants. She walked over to his body which lies face down on the couch. She threw the clothes as hard as she could down on at his bare back. He startled awake with a groan. "What the hell?!"

"Oh good, you're up. Your clothes are done." She sat to fold the rest of the laundry. Bradley slowly got dressed and checked his watch. 

"I'm going to head out."

"Is this you trying?"

"What do you want from me? I don't live here. I have work todo. I'm hungover."

"I want you to try, like you promised."

"I helped you all morning!"

"Then you slept all day! Bradley, I have work, too. I have a life, too." He scoffed at the thought. "And this is a full-time job. I need you to share the responsibilities!" She threw her head in her hands, regretting letting him into the house earlier that day. 

"Fuck! Let me just clean up and I'll help out more tomorrow."

"The kids have a doctors appointment tomorrow."

"Ok, I'll meet you there-"

"You'll meet me here."

"At 9-"

"At 7."

Bradley grabbed his keys and walked towards the door, containing his anger. "Ok, mom." He slammed the door out of habit. She flinched, just as the babies woke from their nap to the sound. 

As much as she was furious at the type of person Bradley was, Gaga had to admit that he seemed to be trying. He was promptly at the house at 7:00 am the next day, with his jeep, not his bike and he even brought breakfast. "I know you don't remember to eat or whatever, so here is a fruit thing and coffee." 

She took the peace offering. "Thank you. The babies are dressed and I made their food. I'm almost ready, just need to feed them and pack their bag." Bradley was half way upstairs before she even finished her sentence. After an hour of fighting over how the car seats fit in his jeep, they finally made it to the doctors office. "Good morning, I have Jackson and Ava Hall here to see Dr. Peterson. 9:00 am." Gaga removed her shades to look at the woman at the front desk. The woman's mouth dropped.

"Are you? Sorry, are you Lady Gaga?" 

"Here we go." Bradley backed away rolling his eyes and sat with the twins in the waiting area.

"Hi yes, you can call me Stefani. So, I have all their paperwork and insurance card and I'm afraid this is my first time doing anything like this."

"Oh my god, I read about this, and so is that Bradley Cooper?" Bradley smiled his bright white smile from across the room, causing the woman to swoon.

"Yes, I'm sure half of America is aware of the situation. I'm sure you can imagine how hard this is for everyone." Gaga tried to be civil, while willing herself to not break down into tears. 

"Right, yes, so sorry. Well, around the 12-15 month mark, children are due to get a check up, make sure everything is going well. Also, in your case CPS just needs regular reports that you and Mr. Cooper are caring for the children, which A+ to you both." She looks past her to look at Bradley and gave him a thumbs up. He reciprocates with two sarcastic thumbs up. Gaga moves into the woman's line of vision. "Right, sorry and also just a series of shots and then you'll be on your way. Their insurance is still in effect for the rest of the year, you'll need to update us if that changes. And you're all set. The Doctor will be with you shortly."

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