The Plan

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Bradley's cheeks were smooshed and stretched, smooshed really close together and then stretched really far apart. His left eye lid is wiggled and pinched and pulled to open and close, open and close. A repulsed Bobby sat watching as Jackson's hands played with Bradley's face. Bradley stared back at Bobby emotionless. "And you guys are going to have a third one of these?" 

Gaga laughed at Bobby's question as she entered the room. "Baby, leave daddy alone." She sat down releasing Ava from her hip, watching the little one waddle to her toys. "Ok, all changed. We're ready." 

Bradley flips Jackson from behind him. "Nope, not yet, we have another diaper change." He swiftly left the room with Jackson high above his head. 

Bobby sighs and tosses his folder to the side. "LG, are you serious? Do you think this is going to actually work? I can't even get you two to sit down for 5 minutes without a snotty nose or crying baby or a poop." 

"We will make it work. We always do, Bob." she sang. 

"Look I know he's hot and you guys have somehow made all this work. I want this for you, I really do but-"

"Bobby we didn't plan for this to happen, but like most of our issues with the brand, we just go with it. You're going to have to trust me and go with it, too. I trust you and what ever you have cooking in that folder, so please trust me, too." 

Bradley returns leaving Jackson by his toys. "Now we're ready." 

Bobby looked at both of them anticipating another interference. He breathed and grabbed his folder. "Assuming, nothing changes and hoping you two can keep a very strict schedule, I'm talking to you two-" He turns at looks at Ava and Jackson who blankly stare back while Bobby returns his attention to Bradley and Gaga. "-then this is our best bet at getting through the next 8 months." He hands them each a copy. "Are you ready?" Bradley and Gaga look at each other and the detailed plan and back at Bobby to nod. "Ok then, first you two need to start looking like this co-parenting thing is working out. Simple, take the kids out. The media had a field day when they first realized you were their godparents, we need to get them talking again. "

"Ok, this is easy." Bradley pushes Ava on a swing. 

Gaga walks around holding Jackson's hand, looking suspiciously at all the paparazzi. "Easy for you say. You always walk around town. I, on the other hand..." The paps snap a million photos of her, while Peter stands very close to them.

"After they get used to that relationship, then we isolate you two. Perhaps the grocery store, together, alone. No Peter." 

"Ok, this is nice." Bradley follows her pushing a grocery cart, as Gaga  looks at cheeses with her shades on. A few fans take photos of her and Bradley laughs at how different both of their situations are. Once finished she leans into him remembering that Bobby asked them to take it slow, no real couple affection. Her arm grazes his while she pulls a few bottles of wine off the shelf. Bradley leans in, knowing her anxiety is peaking. "I finally feel like I get to be with my girl, like a normal couple. So people stare, so what? I stare at you all day and you don't seem to mind." Gaga smiles, feeling a little less anxious. 

"Any public statements should be subtle but allude to maybe something is going on."

"Things are going well! The twins are full on sprinting away from me, so it's been kind of crazy at our house."

"Our house? Does this mean other things are maybe moving at a fast pace in other areas of your life? Love life perhaps" An interviewer points her microphone towards Gaga.

Gaga looks around, her dress catching every light and camera on the red carpet. She smirks. "That's a secret."

"And mind you guys a lot of this should get done before LG heads back to LA for American Horror." 

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