See You Soon

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I see everyone hates me, I hope not for long! More chapters coming soon!

"Is that everything?" Gaga asks while Bradley made his way down the stairs with a couple of travel bags. Her eyelids pink, puffy, tired. 

"Yup. I've officially been in here what, 3 weeks? Crap adds up." Bradley jokes through his frown. 

"I'll be in New York in another week or so. You can have them during that time. And we'll figure out the rest as we go, I guess." Gaga walked them back to the living room, distracted and concerned over their plan. After a few more tears the couple decided a break would be best, so they could focus on their schedules which neither included in the decision making process. They realized they needed to work on themselves. They went from hating each other, to helping each other, to using each other, to a forced living relationship. Both still in pain over their loss and both moving on their their careers. The pressure was too much they decided. Gaga blamed herself for her behavior, for removing him from decisions. Bradley blamed himself for wanting too much from her, for his jealousy, for being 'possessive' as she put it. Their words cutting the other which was neither's intention.. They mutually agreed they dove into their relationship, using each other and hurting each other in the process.

"It's temporary." Bradley tries to convince her again. Gaga fought for what they had but felt Bradley shut down but the courts granting her custody was a wound she couldn't close. 

"Ha, yea, sure." Gaga laughs as she goes to collect the kids. "Jackson, no, out of your mouth." Gaga pried the marker from Jackson's chubby hand.

"Stef, we're still friends. It's not my intention to-"

"Runaway? Could have fooled me." 

Bradley rubbed at his eyes. "I can't leave with us still fighting."

"I know. I'm sorry. Friends, fine. Temporary, ok." Gaga guides the twins over. "Come on, say bye-bye to Bradley." His name on her lips almost burned. Bye-bye dada

Bradley kneeled in front of the siblings. Both standing securely on their two legs, much different than when all this first started; much more happy, confident with vibrant personalities. The thought of them changing and moving on without him brought tears to his eyes. "Hey, I'm not going to be around all the time, ok? But you can come visit me in New York and we'll go outside and go to the park and maybe I'll take you to a game." He looks up quickly at Gaga who covered her mouth to avoid the sob that threatened. "Be good for mama, ok? See you guys soon." Both looked back at him with big doe eyes. Jackson looked at Gaga trying not to cry and his lip started to quiver as a reaction. Ava attempted to connect the dots but the message falling short on both of them; Shoon? "Yes, babygirl, real soon." He gave them each another lingering kiss. 

Gaga walked him to the door, quickly looking back at the twins playing with their toys. They embraced, holding each other for a long moment. Unlike friends, the two slowly connected for one more kiss, their lips finding each other through the cloud of confusion. Their tongues righting their wrongs and apologizing as best as they could. Neither knew whose tear caused the salty taste but they kissed right through it. The fire, though a dimly lit ember, still beat deep within them. "Bye." Gaga shoved her hand in her back pocket, her other cleaning her lips. 

"Bye." With that, Bradley softly closed the door behind him. Gaga held her face while she cried. Only stopping once she felt a tiny pull at her leg. Jackson pointed to the door, Dada go? She picked him up holding her boy close, feeling the void in her chest open. "Yes, baby, daddy's gone. I'm so sorry. I tried." 

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