Rock On

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I'm so happy you are enjoying and continuing to read!! Stay well during this crazy time!

Bradley closed his eyes and leaned back on the bench. Her face immediately stared back. "What's wrong, baby?" Bradley grabbed her backside with one arm and lifted her to sit on the counter top. He assumed his favorite position; perfectly buried in her neck, her arms and legs wrapped around him. "Aww, sweetie, talk to me." Bradley shook his head no. He kept pushing his thoughts from his mind and replacing them with her endless comfort. "Shh, well, whatever it is, I know you'll get through it." Bradley scoffed. "Want to know why?" He nodded curious how she could even know what he was thinking. "Because you're smart..." She tickled his ear. "...and funny...and charming..." She squeezed his arms, kissing his neck lightly. "...and strong." Bradley lifted his head up, captivated by her positivity. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" How could he cloud her thoughts with his negativity. Instead Bradley rubbed her thighs, her head turning to look at the twins who played with their long spaghetti strings. Kith! "Should I kiss, daddy? You think so? Ok." Gaga grabbed Bradley's head and pulled him in for a tender kiss while the twins screamed and giggled. Ping! Bradley opened his eyes, getting pulled from his memory. 

S: Just landed.

Gaga buckled the twins into the carseats of the private car that received them on the tarmac. "Are you excited to see daddy?" Dada! The twins yelled followed by baby talk and their new words. She smiled at their innocence, internally agreeing with their celebration.

B: Come over whenever works. We have the day off today.

Bradley quickly texts, sliding his phone into his pocket. "They landed. Should be here in another hour." Bradley grabs the coffee Joe brought him. 

"Perfect. That gives me time to specifically lay out why the Eagles have a weak offense." Joe puts his sunglasses on as the two continue to walk along the park. Bradley smiles at Joe's rant, a perfect distraction while he waits to see the three people who fully consume his thoughts.

After his daily chat and walk with Joe, Bradley paced his home, occasionally rearranging the pillows on the couch and moving them back. When he heard the knock, it almost shocked him. "Hey." He answers, immediately seeing her hazel-green eyes, the same eyes that greet him in his dreams. He pulls his eyes away to look at Peter standing behind her, giving him a slight nod. Both holding the sleeping twins. "Come in." Gaga makes her way in with Ava. Peter offers Jackson to Bradley, making his way back to the car. "They fell asleep? They must have been tired." Bradley led them to the living room. He watched Gaga softly lay Ava down, tucking a pillow on one side.

"They flew better this time." Gaga looked around seeing that he purchases high chairs for this dining room chairs and other new toys. "Um, all their things are in their bags, but they ate most of the snacks I packed on the flight."

"Hey, come here." Gaga finally looked at Bradley, who held Jackson with one arm. She walked into his embrace and softly smelled the scent that was all him. He felt her arms snake around him while he rocked them softly. 

"How have you been?" She asked pulling away, both taking a seat. 

"Good. The play is opening soon." Bradley laid Jackson down between them. "Look, I know you're heading out but I just want you to know I'm working myself." Gaga listened, his eyes were captivating and honest. "Please, be patient with me and believe me, I'm doing better." It hurt her to hear, that he was doing better without her. "I just need to get right here..." he points to his head, then his heart " I can get right here." She searched her brain. Where had she heard that before? "I hope you'll wait for me." It pained him to say it, but he truly wanted to be the best man for her.

Gaga kept the tiny flutter in her tummy at bay, avoiding the tears that threatened to fall. She simply got up and kissed his temple."I'm glad you're doing better." She kissed the twins and Bradley walked her to the door. "I'm going to visit with my family mostly. I have a couple of radio interviews but call me, ok?" Bradley nodded. "Oh and there is a new book they love, they are learning so many new words. Help them with pronunciation."

"Wait, what is Jackson's little trick?"

"Oh, just ask him if he is ready to rock? Bye, Bradley." Her little tip was so curious to him and he was nervous he was missing out on too much. Bradley watched her walk into the car and drive away. She was glowing, even more so than his memories allowed him to remember. He covered his heart with his right hand and shut the door. Dada? He smiled at the familiar voice. 

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