Date pt. 2

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Bradley was stirred awake by the light cries coming through the monitor. He peaked at his phone and saw Jackson clinging to his crib crying. Bradley looked at the time; 6:00 am. Rubbing his eyes, he rolled out of bed and made his way upstairs since technically the kids were still under his watch. When he arrived the door was already open. He nudged it open a little more to see Gaga absolutely glowing in the rocker, soothing Jackson back to sleep with a tiny melody. "Something we can both get over, oh I still believe in love..." She hums and Bradley gave himself a note to listen to some of her music because her voice was that of angels. He stayed watching the beautiful scene just one more moment. Gaga looks up when he makes his way further into the room. Her eyes quickly trail over his bare chest. 

Bradley gives her a questioning thumbs up. She peacefully nods. He stands at the door not really wanting to leave then whispers, "I'm actually heading in to work early today, but will be back around 1 so you can make your meetings. I'll make their food before I leave." 

Gaga nods ok to the plan and whispers, "Have a good day, see you later." For the first time in his life he felt a flutter in his stomach, he shut the door frowning at the odd feeling. He contemplated going back in and telling her to have a good day too but shook the thought from his mind as he jumped into the shower. 

After a few hours of voice acting madness, Bradley returned to the home. Gaga was already dressed and coddling a crying Ava and tried to soothe Jackson who was kicking and screaming in his playpen. "They are fussy today. I'm sorry to leave you with them like this. Should I stay? I don't know why they're acting out... I'm going to stay-"

Bradley took Ava from her, kicking off his shoes. "No way. I've seen you working on whatever the hell you've been working on nonstop. You're going. Good luck." He walks past her towards Jackson. "Bro, chill." Jackson looks at him questioningly and his sobs quickly turn into light whimpers. Gaga still found it difficult to leave even more so.

Sarah holds Gaga close for a full solid 3 minutes. "Girl, it's been so long! How are you, like really, how are you?" The two sit in Gaga's home living room while he calls for her dogs to come find her. 

"I'm good. I think. Hi angels, mommy misses you!" Gaga hugs her frenchies close looking at Sarah who gently rubs her back, knowing her friend has gone through a lot. "I'm better." Gaga says a tiny prayer, knowing Sarah is doing her best to not pry too much into the tragedy. 

"Those babies are lucky to have you. How's all that going?"

Gaga wipes a tiny tear from the corner of her eye. "It was so fucking hard, Sarah. But I think we finally have it down, I think we are doing ok. I don't know. Some days I truly feel crazy."

"I can't even begin to believe what you are going through and with that asshole. At least he's fun to look at." Gaga smiles shyly, picturing him earlier that morning and how his pajama bottoms hung low on his hips. "What? Is he not there to help anymore? I knew he'd bail-"

"He is. He's a huge help actually. It's just...he's not a total asshole, that's all." Gaga admits, letting Asia finally go so she can go play. 

"Not a total asshole? He once lit your dress on fire because he said you think you're hot shit." Gaga remembered that day. She did think she was hot shit and she did think he was an asshole.

"I know. It's just nice to have the help. We have a routine. I even had time to go on a date last night." Sarah got comfortable and pushed her to dish. "He was very nice. Bobby's friend. I even Brought him home, not home-home, Lilly's home, whatever." Gaga got pensive about her living situation and how crazy it was.

"And?! And you finally fucked your brains out? It's been a while, girl." 

Gaga laughed at how crass Sarah was. "I thought we would but it felt off. He kept like petting my hair, I felt weird bringing him into our space... and I just wasn't into it. Anyways, it's totally fine. The point it our routine is awesome and I have a life and we can focus on Haus Labs, so let's fucking do this!!" Gaga grabbed her portfolio and the two focused on their makeup-baby. 

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