The Funeral

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I am not familiar with the legal process of all this and I didn't really google anything because I think their relationship is a better story then how they technically get to this point. So sorry for the inaccuracies. Enjoy!

After Bradley left, Gaga put herself in contact with Henry's lawyer who released previously appointed funeral arrangements and set up a meeting for her and Bradley to meet with him after the service. Gaga stayed up most of the night crying, calling her mom and of course tending to the twins. Jackson seemed to be the light sleeper, so she carried him into the living room and slept with him between her and the couch. His small hand wrapped around her finger, his sad eyes finally drifting off to sleep. It pained her to know that they were too young to know their own tragedy. His sad eyes the last thing she saw before she drifted off as well.

Bradley drove his jeep up to the home the next morning. He sat in the driveway almost 15 minutes just staring blankly at the home. He still found it hard to believe the reality of what had happened. He rubbed his eyes and ran a hand through his damp, freshly washed hair. He let himself in like he's done thousands of times before. Seeing the photos that guided him further into the house only made him want to turn around and leave. He felt like a stranger in a home that was once so inviting. In the living room he saw Gaga sleeping with her hand on Jackson's protruding belly. He looked down at her thinking she looked so peaceful when her mouth was shut and without her eyes rolling at him. The more we stared the more he took in her features and hair and how soft her skin was. Without realizing it, he was caressing her face. His furrowed brow softened as he let his fingers trail over her skin.

 His furrowed brow softened as he let his fingers trail over her skin

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Gaga stirred awake at the feeling. Her blurry eyes cleared seeing Bradley's handsome face staring back down at her and brushing her hair back. They stayed in a locked stare for a few seconds. She groggily said, "Hey-" just as his finger dipped into her ear and poked her hard. "-ugh stop! Get off!" Her jolt woke Jackson, who immediately started to cry. She mumbled  "asshole.." as she brought Jackson into her lap, trying to calm the small boy. 

Bradley laughed briefly taking a seat in his favorite spot on the opposite couch. "I can't stay long. I have things to do."

"Oh do you? Do you have things to do?" She sarcastically bit back. "I got in contact with Henry's lawyer." Bradley flinched at his name. "Funeral arrangements were already decided by them before hand and the funeral home has been notified. Last night, I sent a follow up email to everyone with those details. If you haven't read it, it's tomorrow." She let Jackson stand between her legs as he balanced using her fingers. Bradley's heart was quickly swelling looking at Jackson knowing the small child didn't understand what was happening, that he lost someone so great. Bradley felt his eyes sting so he focused on Gaga's bare legs open in his direction as a distraction. "He wants to speak with us both after the service. So, we'll have people over here for food and sometime around 3:00 pm, we will meet in the office to chat. Hello? Are you even listening?"

Bradley tore his eyes from her sunkissed, oddly long legs to lookup. "What?" She rolled her eyes, there she is he huffed.

"3:00 pm, after the service, meeting with lawyer. Need me to write it down for you?" She lifted Jackson back into her arms. 

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