Coconut Shower

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Last pregnant chapter. Cannot believe how long this story is. 

"Go right through the house and right  outside to the patio, you can leave the flowers there." Cynthia pointed the delivery men in the right direction, with Jackson wiggling on her hip. Nonniiii, truck outside? outside?  "Sorry sweetheart, you're stuck with me." Nonono, outside! "Joe! Can you please take your grandson outside!" Cynthia ran through the house checking things off her list.

"Dad went to pick up the cake. What do you need mom?" Natali was barely visible behind a bunch of balloons.

"Nat, take those outside. Where's Ava?"

"I have her Mrs. G." Bo sped past them with a towel between Ava's legs as she rushes her to the bathroom. "Did they have to potty train them now? Like right now??" 

"We will NOT be changing three diapers." Bradley enters with his best Gaga impression.

"Bradley, finally!" Cynthia bounces a fussy Jackson who refuses to be let down unless he goes outside. "Your son is impossible this morning..."

"Can you take him for just a moment longer, I have to help with the tent and then with that giant ass table." Bradley pleads as he runs past her.

"Where is my daughter?!" Cynthia yells while collecting a basket of decorations. 

Gaga sits in her car at the far end of her driveway just sitting in silence, staring at the home. Her eyes are filled with tears, her hands still wrapped around the steering wheel. Her mind was spinning with thoughts. She took a deep breath and drove the remainder of the way up the driveway parking and letting her legs carry her inside. Mamaaa! Jackson cries as soon as he sees her walk through the door. Bradley quickly finishes the tent and excuses himself to tend to Jackson. 

"Stefi, I'm going to continue decorating, but you have like 10 missed called from Brandon and none of us remember the order of the table settings and what are we doing with...." Bradley could see Gaga from far away zoning out as Natali spoke. He watched as Cynthia approached with Jackson crying and reaching towards Gaga. He quickly grabs the blonde's hand, pulling her lifeless eyes away and urging her to follow him upstairs just as Joe walks through the door. 

"Joe, do you mind taking Jack outside, maybe by the horse stables. Nat, I think there is a copy of the place settings on the folder in the dining room, under the kitchen table are more candles, too. We'll be right back." Once behind their bedroom door, Bradley holds her teary eyed face between his large hands. "Talk to me. What's wrong?" Gaga struggled to talk as her tears finally fall. She holds his hands they stay on her face and sobs into his chest. "Oh, Stef, honey, I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"What are we doing?! What is happening? We are having a baby, are we even ready? I'm surprised we have kept Jack and Ava alive for as long as we have. We don't know what we're doing!" She sobbed.

"We are a team, we have a system. Sometimes it's messy and there is pee everywhere and that's ok. Breath. You have to try and be calm for our coconut, babe. What is this really about? What's actually wrong?"

"I feel like I'm going coconuts." She held her head. "These fucking hormones, that's what's wrong. And-and this shower and-and work..." Bradley rocks her, shushing her rambling thoughts. "I just- I just want to marry you. I just want to have this baby and be a regular family, with regular jobs. We were supposed to be married before I turned into-into this-this cow!" 

"But we aren't...regular. You will have this baby and we will be married. You love your work, so that's just the hormones talking. And God you're so beautiful." Bradley kisses her temples feeling her relax into his arms. "I don't mind the hormones."

"That's because I'm horny all the time." She hiccups and laughs, looking up at her man.

"Well, yea that's true but that's only part of the reason... I like that you need me. I like that you talk to me about what's going on. I know they make you crazy but I'm always here for you for what ever you want." Bradley looked into her green eyes trying to heal her. "What ever you want, you just say the word and I'll take you away. You want to get married now? We'll get married. I know you want a big wedding and I want that for you, for us, but if a small civil union makes me your husband faster than I'll make it happen. Just say the word." That's all she needed to hear. She let her tears fall out of relief and pulled him as close as her growing belly would allow.

"I love you." She stutters out.

Bradley's heart raced shocked at his own words. The woman in front of him has completely changed him for the better. His once playful crush turned into the love of this life; his lifeline. He gave into her hold and rocked them back and forth. "I love you." After a few silent minutes just holding each other. "So what do you say? Do we run? Or do we clean up these tears and get back to the beautiful chaos that is our life?" 

Gaga took a deep breath. "Ok, let's go." She wiped at her tears.

"Actually, why don't we rest our eyes for a couple minutes." Bradley walked backwards, pulling Gaga with him. He gave her the birthing pillow she liked and positioned himself close behind her. She yawned and agreed to a few minutes, scowling dozing off. Bradley quickly texted Joe, Cynthia and Natali;

B: What do you say we give our girl one more gift? Some much needed sleep! I'll be down soon to help.

N: You got it! We'll keep decorating.

10 minutes turned into 2 hours. Gaga woke up to see Ava and Jackson sleeping peacefully next to her. She rubs the sleep from her eyes and reaches for her phone realizing how long she slept. 

"Hi beautiful." Bradley whispers entering the bedroom, pulling her up to sit. He knelt in front of her, taking her hands, kissing her knuckles. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good. I over slept. We need to..."

"We don't need to do anything you don't want to. You can turn and keep sleeping if you want. Or you can change into your dress and we can go say hi to all the guests who are arriving. Elton and the boys just got here."

"Oh, babyyy!" She quietly squealed. "Is everything ready?" 

"Everything is ready and perfect. Now, Ms Germanotta, what do you say? The choice is yours and I stand by whatever you want."

She holds him close, containing her tears. "I say we go downstairs and party and celebrate our little girl. And Mrs. Cooper." Bradley pulls away lightly.

"What's that?"

"Mrs. Cooper. I want your name. You're my family and you're the one getting me through all this. It's you Bradley, only you, always you. I want to take your name." Bradley's eyes fill with tears as he feels her pull his hand to her stomach, feeling the powerful kicks from their strong little girl. "I think she wants to party." Gaga smoothes her hands through Bradleys hair, watching his eyes fitl with tears. "I think she wants your name too." 

"I-I would be so proud and so happy to give you my name. Whatever you want. God, I love you so much." Bradley and Gaga stole kisses while he helped her get dressed. She cleaned up Ava and Jackson after their nap and the unconventional family made their way down the stairs, through the kitchen and into the backyard where Gaga was met with the most beautiful shower and an array of beautiful souls clapping and cheering for this perfect little family. 


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