Safe Travels

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Cynthia peaked into the guest bedroom and saw Jackson still fast asleep, she grabbed a pile of dirty clothes and added it to her basket. She smiled at the little boy and quietly left the room. She went to knock across the hall but decided to let her daughter sleep, so she quietly opened the door. To her surprise, she saw Bradley with his arm wrapped across Ava and resting on Gaga's hip, over the comforter. Her brow furrowed as she took in the sight. She quietly closed the door and worked her way into Natali's room, seeing the young Germanotta face down, spread out over the entire bed. She picked up her clothes, while Natali shifted awake. "Don't you knock."

"So, how long have you known?" Cynthia collected clothes. Natali turned over to throw her mother a questioning look. "You know, you two girls can keep secrets from me all you want. But just know, a mother always finds out one way or another." Natali rolled her eyes at her mothers cryptic words. "Good morning, Natali." Cynthia placed a kiss on Natali's head. 

"This is the creepiest way to wake up, just so you know." 

Bradley woke to see Gaga submerged under the covers; only her tiny face and a messy bun peaking out

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Bradley woke to see Gaga submerged under the covers; only her tiny face and a messy bun peaking out. He looked at her lips and frowned at her reaction to their kiss the night before. Bradley couldn't remember the last time he had such a tender kiss, a complete different feeling than the one he felt when he had her up against the wall. It was different, unique, bliss was the only word that came to mind. And yet, that was a forbidden act. Ava started to stir awake and looked up at him, dada. After their discussion last night about the photos, Bradley looked down at the little one and allowed her to say the name freely. She shakily got to her knees and climbed her way onto him. As he held her he whispered. "I will never compare to your dad, but I'll spend my life telling you all about him. Until then, yea ok, permission granted to call me whatever you want." Mama "except that, don't call me that." He followed her gaze to Gaga, who was awake and smiling at his little promise to Ava. 

"Morning. How much of that did you hear?"

"Good morning. All of it."  He nodded in embarrassment. Gaga cuddled closer to him to feel Ava's head. "I think little miss is all better. Just a little sniffly. You hungry? Want milk?" Ava nodded and slapped Bradleys chest. 

Gaga yawned and laid back down. "I'll grab Jackson. We should talk about New York." Bradley agreed and made his way out of the bed. He tossed a giggling Ava back onto the bed. Gaga looked down at his boxers, which she realize he must of removed his Jeans in the middle of the night. His natural bulge filling out his boxers nicely as he put his jeans back on. Gaga blushed, when he caught her staring. He held Ava high above his head making his way out of the room with a big smile. As she watched him leave she thought back to their kiss. The moment they touched her heart took off like a single firework, high in the sky and vibrant with color. But like all fireworks, the light immediately fizzled. Gaga knew it was wrong of them to blur their boundaries. They were already walking a fine line with their arrangement.

Gaga joined the family with a happy Jackson in her arms. "Ok, big boy, let's walk." She put him down and held his hand as he waddled, turning to fall every few steps. The entire family including Ava clapped for Jackson. Gaga gobbled him up with kisses, lifting him up for Bradley to kiss. 

Cynthia sat back sipping her tea, watching Bradley and Gaga interact. "Mom, you can't say anything." Natali whispered at her mother. 

"I'm not." Cynthia responded with a smirk. 


"I'm not!" Cynthia lightly tapped her mug, continuing to watch. 

"Jackson. Jack, look at Stefi, look." Bradley motions for Jackson to look at Gaga eat a strawberry. He can't help but also stare as she takes a slow, satisfied bite of a plump, juicy strawberry. He gulps and removes the thoughts from his head. "See, it's good. Try some." Jackson shook his head. "Come on, let me see your teeth. Take a bite." Jackson opens his mouth willingly and takes a bite, approving of the taste. Bradley and Gaga cheer. 

Cynthia clears her throat. "So, have you two thought about where the kids will be moving to?" Gaga and Bradley, made their way to the table confused by her question. They sat to feed the twins, who were begging for fruit. 

"Sorry, moving where?" Bradley cautiously asked. 

"Well, you can't live in that home forever. Stefani has her home and you have yours, the twins have theirs but that's clearly not ideal. I'm curious if you've thought about it." Natali knew what her mother was doing and lightly kicked her under the table. "What? It's an honest and serious question."

Gaga avoided eye contact and furrowed her brow. "Um, no we haven't talk about it yet. I think it's early to think about. They have already been through enough changes." Bradley smiled at her response. 

"Fair enough." Cynthia sipped her mug and brushed crumbs off of Joe's chest. "It's just something you probably should think about and sooner rather than later; where you'll continue to raise them. That's all." 

"Yea, we'll talk about it. I had assumed the kids would just come live here, with me." Gaga knew her mother had ulterior motives for her questions but couldn't quite place her finger on it. 

"Why would you assume that?" Bradley was quick to ask. "I mean, I think they're fine in the house. Like you said they've gone through a lot."

"Mom's right, though. We can't live there forever and my schedule is going to pick up, it would make more sense for them to have roots here with me."

Bradley tried not to let the comment discourage him but it did get under his skin. "And so what, I'll just see them now and then? Maybe once a year if your schedule involves them traveling with you."

"That's not what I said. And we can talk about it another time."

"It sounds like you already made up your mind. All I'm saying is the twins are familiar with their home. I mean they already had the shock of coming here once." The home sat in silence. "Sorry, we can talk about it after New York."

"Oh, are you both heading to New York, too? So, wouldn't they be out of their comfort zone even longer, by that thinking?" Cynthia continued to push the two. Bradley knew he contradicted himself but also knew these last few days away from them, away from her, was already difficult. He didn't know what another couple days would be like. 

"I suppose you're right." He continued feeding the twins, biting the inside of his cheek to avoid any confrontation. "A little break or distance would be nice." 

Gaga tried to not look disappointed. "Well, then maybe it's better if we don't go." This is the exact opposite of what Bradley initially wanted. "Maybe, we're crowding you and becoming too dependent." He didn't mean what he said and now that she is repeating what he said, he realizes it's not the time or place to try and backpedal so he just nodded in agreement. "See, when the twins move, it'll be fine. We just have to think about the logistics. Plus, they'll get more comfortable here once we stay here while you're in New York." 

"That's true." Bradley unwillingly agreed. They both plastered fake smiles the rest of the morning. "Look, I have to still pack for New York. So maybe I'll just-" Bradley tried to approach Gaga. 

"OK, you probably should say bye to Jackson and Ava now then." Gaga avoided his gaze and helped the waddling babies walk to Bradley. Bradley took his time saying goodbye, already thinking about how he could cut this trip short. "Safe travels." Bradley went in for a hug, but she turned on her heel and guided the twins towards her sister. Cynthia, Natali and Joe also said goodbye, leaving him cold and confused. Bradley drove away and felt alone once more. He shook his head of the feelings and decided to focus on what he needed to do over the next few days. If they wanted distance, then he'll give them that. 

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