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I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I will only have a few more chapters in this story and then I may start a new story. I'm playing with a few ideas at the moment. Enjoy the rest of this one!

Charlie was like her father in that she was curious and silly; always blowing bubbles with her mouth and trying her best to belly laugh at only just a few days old. Charlie was like her mother in her natural beauty, warm soul and apparently her lung capacity, as her wails rattled the walls and pierced both her parents ears. Gaga and Bradley immediately jump up from their sleep. "What time is it?" Gaga asks, while unbuttoning Bradley's button-down that she grew very fond of wearing.

"6 am. I think that's the longest she's slept." Bradley yawned as he picked up the tiny baby, positioning her in her mothers arms. He'll never grow tired of watching his daughter latch on to Gaga's breast, it was a true miracle and gift from God. Bradley decided to position himself behind Gaga, holding them close to allow her to rest better as Charlie stared up at both of them. "If she wasn't so damn cute, I think I'd be extremely pissed at not sleeping this last week." Gaga mumbled in agreement, closing her eyes softly. Bradley unwrapped himself from Gaga and placed Charlie back in her crib. He looked down at Gaga peacefully sleeping. So beautiful, he thought. The mother of his children, his soon to be wife. Bradley looked down at her hand that lay draped across her exposed stomach, only a single button connecting his shirt over her body. His eyes honed in on her hand. She had taken her ring off a couple months ago, feeling the full effects of her pregnancy. Bradley admired his daughter. She was still a little swollen but he could see she had Gaga's lips, possible her eyebrows and eye shape. She was so small and perfect. 

"Shouldn't you be resting, daddy?" Bradley was pulled from his thoughts hearing Gaga's groggy voice, noticing her eyes still remained closed. Bradley crawled over, pulling her in close. Bradley kissed her neck. "Ssh, go to sleep. The twins will be up soon." She kissed his lips and turned over. Every minute that was not focused on the kids was used for sleep, and even that was few and far between.

Yes, between a newborn child and two thriving two year olds, their lack of sleep was weighing on the family and their days and nights molded together like the gum Gaga was currently trying to brush out of Ava's hair. Natali helped when she could but for the most part Gaga and Bradley were out numbered and had their hands full. Their days were a mixture of Bradley reading over drafts of his scripts and contracts, with the twins hanging off of him and Gaga talking phone calls while feeding Charlie who had quite the Italian appetite. Diaper changed, potty training accidents, doctors appointments, tantrums, feedings. It was positively exhausting. 

Gaga and Bradley used to party hard not so long ago

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Gaga and Bradley used to party hard not so long ago. Sleepless nights was common and expected with their lifestyles but for some reason their current situation was kicking their ass. Tensions and attitudes ran high.

"Oh my God, and don't even think about coming around me with that thing!" Gaga immediately demands when she feels Bradley hard against her as they finally get to bed after another long night trying to get all three children down to sleep.

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