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You guys are too funny! I agree, some peace at this time. Just needed to get over the obvious humps. Also, why hasn't LG posted?! Anyways, enjoy!

"Slow down, sweetheart!" Cynthia shoos Gaga away from eating everything in the kitchen. "Go sit and we'll talk."

"I'm starved! I'll stay for a moment but I need to meet with Bobby and my lawyer." Gaga took a handful of grapes and went to go wake Natali. "Oh, hey Dad. Heading out?"

"Yea. Morning, angel." Joe kissed his daughters cheek and did a double take. "What is that?"

"What's what?" Gaga finished her grapes, walking past her father towards Natali's room. 

"That-that on your neck?!" Gaga quickly caught her reflection and saw a hickey on her neck. Cynthia ate a grape while she prepped more food, smiling at the exchange. "Let me see."

"No, it's nothing. I burned myself with a curling iron." 

"I bought that excuse 10 years ago, Stefani Joanne, turn your head."

"Dad, no. It's nothing. Don't you have to go?" Gaga continued up the stairs. Joe gave up and pointed to Cynthia to talk some sense into their daughter. "Nat. Psst, Nataliiii-" Natali responded by opening up her bed for Gaga. "Guess what?"

"You're going to stop talking, so I can keep sleeping? Is that it?"

"Bradley and I made up." Gaga said happily as she cuddled her sister. Natali finally turned to see her sister's happy face. Natali pushed her face to the side.

"You have a giant hickey on your neck." Natali deadpanned. 

Gaga quickly touched her neck. "I know. Dad almost died when he saw it. Whoops." Gaga watched Natali's eyes start to close. "I think I'm going to tell him today." Gaga half asked, half worked on convincing herself.

Natali's eyes shot open, remembering the events of the last 24 hours. "That's amazing. You didn't tell him last night when you snuck out? Or did you just fuck and make up?"

"No! It was more romantic than that. We had a lot to work through. I couldn't add one more thing. Plus, I have one more thing to do before I tell him. I was hoping you might be able to help me." Natali closed her head and nodded, pushing Gaga out. Gaga kissed Natali's head and met her mother back in the kitchen, grabbing a fork to eat off her mothers plate.

"That's some burn, Stef." Cynthia smirked at her daughter. "I take it you and Bradley are back together? Is now an ok time to talk about it."

Gaga stopped eating. "I wanted to tell you. I did. It was complicated and I didn't want you to have another reason to not like him. I have so much to tell you." Cynthia hugged her daughter close. 

"Does he make you happy?" She felt Gaga nod. "You told me you love him, is this still true?"

"More than anything in this world." 

"Then I'm happy for you both. I've gotten to know him a bit over the last week or so. He's a good man. I take it daddy doesn't know yet?" Gaga shook her head. "Well, for Bradley's sake, I hope he doesn't tell him on their date today." Gaga's eyes grew at the realization. "Ok, so tell me all about it."

"Oh, look at you guys, you got so big!" Joe bent to greet the twins who ran towards him. "You remember me? Or are you just excited to be outside?"

"I think they are just happy to be anywhere." Bradley embraced Joe and both picked up the twins. "It's nice to have two extra people on our walk. Get some fresh air."

"I agree and it's nice to see you happy, son. What's with the smile?" Bradley tried to stop smiling but he couldn't. "I'm guessing this has to do with a certain girl?" Joe poked Bradley in the ribs.

"It went well. I was nervous but open and honest. You were right. Even after all my concerns and issues with myself, she still was there, supportive and..." Bradley smiled remembering her say it for the first time. "...and she loves me. Joe, I'm on top of the moon." 

"Bradley, that's wonderful. You deserve to be happy. She deserves to be happy." Bradley nodded his gratitude. "It's very mature to accept your flaws and want to change. I'm proud of you." 

Bradley swallowed the emotions that came to the surface. "That means a lot, Joe. You were a big part of it. Thank you."

"Forget about it. Now, if I can only get the girls to listen to me. Stefani came home with one of those blood sucking things on her neck, ridiculous." Bradley gulped and tried to look shocked. "Let me buy them an ice cream. Here." Bradley grabbed Ava from him, a new panic clouding Bradley's thoughts. 

"Neither one of you rat us out, got it?" He looked from Jackson to Ava who seemed to agree. 

"Thanks for the lift, Bobby. I think that went well, don't you?" Gaga looks at the lights on in Bradley's home, then to Bobby. 

"I think so. And you're sure everything is ok and that this is what you want?" Bobby confirmed with Gaga one last time.

"Bob, this is something I never knew I needed. Now I don't even see myself anywhere else. Hey, Bob?" Bobby looked at his dear friend in admiration. "You'll stand by me no matter what right? Like if anything crazy were to happen, right?" Gaga asked not so hypothetically. 

"That is positively the creepiest thing you've ever asked me. Did you kill someone?" 

"Not yet."

"Ok, well, then yes. The world already knows your situation is absolutely one in a million. You're kind and talented and a good person, you both are. I will stand by you and help no matter what." Gaga hugged Bobby, grabbed her travel bag and headed into the apartment. 

Bradley sat on his couch with his laptop open with various faces staring back at him, as he finished his monologue. Gaga walked into the room and backpedaled as soon as she realized what she walked in on. "Oh my God, is that Gaga!!" Bradley looked up taking notes on his script to see Gaga flat against the wall, smiling apologetically. Bradley smiled at how cute she looked and nodded for her to come out of hiding. Gaga waved at the camera. 

"Hi everyone, B-Bradley that sounded amazing. I'm sorry to interrupt." The group at the table read waved and cheered for her. "I'm picking up the kids, so I'll just leave you to it. Nice to meet you all! I'll talk to you later Bradley about their schedule and what not." She mouthed sorry, once she cleared the video. 

"That's going to be part of my monologue, just have Lady Gaga show up." The group laughed at Bradley's joke. 

Dave the producer who hired him laughs at the statement. "I have to say Bradley, domestic life looks good on you. Maybe wife and ten more kids are next?" 

Bradley shyly shuffles his script. "I already have my hands full with two." Gaga finished grabbing a small snack for the kids and listens in. "I don't know about ten." Her heart races slightly. "But man, I'd love a couple more." The women on the call swoon. "Alright, alright, enough." Gaga smiles to herself, calming her heart down. 

Bradley rubbed his eyes and made his way into the nursery that he created for the twins. He turned the corner to see Gaga on the floor in a pile of pillows and blankets, Ava and Jackson consuming either side of her as she leaned against the wall reading. Dada! Dada! Dada! Gaga reached her arm out as much as Ava's curled up body would allow. "Hey, daddy. Come here." Bradley pushed off from the door frame and crawled over, pulling Ava into his lap, as Gaga and Jackson leaned into his side. In the warm, twinkly lights of the nursery the unconventional family let their hearts beat as one. "Let's put these two to bed and then I have to talk to you, ok?" Bradley nodded, knowing he'd listen to and do anything those pouty lips asked of him. 

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