Mish You

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Bradley's hands trailed up the curves of Gaga's body. He bunched her hair up into a ball, pulling it to the side so he could see her flushed face. He bent over her body while he drilled into her from behind. Bradley bit down on her shoulder causing Gaga to hiss. She grabbed his face to meet hers. She licked from his chin to his temple. "We don't bite, we cut." Bradley's arms braced themselves on either side of the tub, the muscles of his back on full display. He crashed into her over and over again, until the water spilled over the sides. Their moans and pants filled the smokey room. "Yes, Bradley, just like that, fuck me!" The sounds of their skin meeting each other thrust for thrust perfectly timed with the buzzing noise that filled the room. Gaga was pulled from her dream, quickly turning off her alarm and falling back into her bed with a sheet of sweat covering her body. She quickly looked around to get her bearings, spotting a pile of scripts on the bed. "Fucking, hormones." Gaga pulled herself out of bed trying to cool down. She took a cold shower before getting the twins ready for the day. Dada, shoon an-an go. "Ava, baby, you're talking so much! Good girl! You want to see daddy, huh? What about you Jack?" Mor' juice. "Ha!  Ok, I can get you more juice. Why don't we just try to call him. What's the harm in that?" 

Gaga grabs her phone and dials Bradley while she gets Jackson juice. Bradley breaks away from the cast on stage and quickly makes his way to a quiet corner once he saw her name flash across the screen. "Hey."

His low voice vibrated her body. "Hey. Are you busy?" Her soft voice in his ear made him miss what they had all the more. 

"No, not at all. Just breaking for lunch...how are you?"

A million things swirled around her head. As she twisted Jackson's sippy cup, she looked at the plastic bag that continued to sit on the counter. "The kids have been asking about you. Want to see them?"

Bradley wanted her to answer the question but he didn't want to ruffle any feathers since this is their first time speaking. "Please, if that's ok." Gaga clicked FaceTime and walked him over to the twins, handing Jackson his juice. Dada!! Hi, Dada, hi! "Hi, munchkins!! Oh, you're so big drinking with your sippy cup. I miss you!" 

 "Tell daddy, you miss him. Say miss you!" Mish you! "They've been talking a lot lately." Gaga tries to avoid the chubby hands reaching to grab the phone away. Bradley wants to see her but can't figure out how to ask. 

"I can tell. That's amazing. Jack, your hair is so long. He looks like a little rockstar."

"I literally said the same thing the other day." Gaga turned to look at him. Bradley's heart swelled at her simple beauty, even slightly pixilated, she was stunning. "I taught him something but I'll show you when we visit. You'll want to eat him up." 

It felt so normal to talk to her. Bradley leans against the dark walls of the theater. "Can't wait. When are you coming? I thought it was this week." 

"I've been shooting this week and will be these few days but hoping later next week." Gaga looked at him, still just as handsome as ever. 

"That's right, American Horror. How is it going? The Countess right?" 

Gaga gave him points for remembering. "It's going well. The schedule is being expedited, so I can get back to normal hours for the kids."

"That's good. So who watches them while you work?"

"Bo mostly, sometimes Molly is able to help out. Sometimes they come to set with me and Sarah occupies them, puts them down for naps." Gaga alternates between herself while she talks and showing the twins who start to get sleepy.

"That's quite the schedule for them. A little inconsistent, don't you think?" As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it.

"Well, I had to make do since I don't really want to find a random nanny and I don't really have the support I thought I would have." 

"And the issue there would be me, right? 

"We're not doing this."

"Nope, never a good time to talk it out."

"It's not talking it out if you're combative."

"I'm not trying to be, I wish I was able to help-"

"Say bye-bye, you guys." Buh-bye, Dada! "Blow a kiss." The twins sloppily blow kisses, 

"Bye Jackson, Bye Ava." Bradley waited for the camera to turn to her. "I'm sorry-Stef? Fuck." The call went dark and Bradley made his way back to the stage. 

Gaga crossed her arms and looked at the plastic bag. "Hang tight for one moment, sweethearts. Mama, will be right back."  

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