Sweet Potato

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Bradley walked through the airport with flashing lights blinding his vision. His manager whispered details of his agenda into his ear, knowing the two would part soon. Bradley frantically rubbed at his eyes as his manager continued laying out his schedule and only looked up once they arrived at the large mansion. "Great, put it all in an email. It's been... well it's been fucking long. Have a good weekend!" With that he shut the door and ran into the home. Bradley didn't here the typical voices he was hoping to hear. He placed his luggage at the entrance and worked his way around the home, hoping to find any sign of life. He heard giggles and his heart immediately warmed. Bradley saw Jackson and Ava running though a sprinkler in the backyard and he saw Gaga with her back turned away from him. He took in the sight of her sheer coverup and made a mental image of her perfect ass in her neon bikini. Dada! Gaga turned towards the door as Bradley walked towards them. His eyes fell on her rounding belly. "Look at you!" He caught a wet Ava in his arms as he bent down to kiss Gaga's waiting lips. "Hi."

"Hi. And yes, look at me. I'm huge!" She whined, her hands finding her 20 week large stomach and then covering her face in dread. 

"You're beautiful." Bradley pulls her hands away.  "I can't believe how much you've-"

"-Don't you even say it, Bradley." She threatened. Jackson slammed into Bradleys legs. The larger man pulling them all in for a giant hug. "Welcome home, daddy." Bradley kissed her again, finally breathing into his thoughts. He had been gone too long and all he needed was all these arms wrapped around him. The last few weeks have been tough. After Bradley moved into the estate, he was quick to pack up and travel for work leaving them all a little on edge. With Gaga being pregnant and the public only just getting used to their relationship, they had to proceed as if nothing had changed. But the lingering engagement and ever growing baby inside her had a timeline of its own. "Hey, babe?" 

Bradley leaned into Gaga's seductive voice, nuzzling her nose with his, falling deeper into her warmth. "Mmm, yea baby?"

"Now that you're home..." Bradley's hand slid over her perfect ass for a squeeze. "...you can take these two, change them and take over potty training for a while." She gave his face a playful slap before moving away and into the home. Bradley watched her walk away while both twins pulled him in by his arms. After a few hours of running after the naked toddlers, Bradley finally was able to sit. He rubbed his eyes, realizing his jet lag was catching up to him. He opened his eyes to see Gaga with Ava on her hip and Jackson running at him full speed. The image making him smile.

"Dada, see baby? Wlisten." Jackson reached up to show Bradley how he listens to Gaga's belly. "b'careful." Jackson warned as Gaga had warned Jackson so many times before. Bradley leaned in and both boys face each other while they listened. Bradley turned to kiss her belly and Jackson did the same, shortly running off to play. 

"Our little one is the size of a sweet potato, you know." Bradley pulled her close, keeping his large hand over her protruding belly. 

"I can't believe how much I've missed." Both sat in the silence of their unconventional Hollywood normalcy. "and I hate to say it but... I have to leave again-"

"-B, are you kidding me right now? You just got here." She pulled away to confront him face to face.

Bradley pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know, I know." 

"Bradley your family needs you here, I need you here." 

"And I will be, I just have to finish my work and I'll be here, I pr-"

"Don't you dare promise something you can't keep." She holds up her finger as Bradley breathes out defeated. Before Bradley could try to reconcile, pee-pee, mama. he went to get up but Gaga pulled herself up and took Ava's hand, walking them to the bathroom. 

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