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Gaga retied her hair in a messy bun. She smoothed her hands over her clammy face. She brushed her teeth and rolls her eyes at the woman that stands before her. These last few weeks have been absolutely hectic to say the least. It's not wonder the bags under her eyes are heavy. She's been vomiting daily, so her pale skin is only to be expected. The news of their relationship spread like wildfire among the masses and the couple leaned into it as best they could. Gaga has always been quiet about her private life, so the media was happy to eat up anything she put out, no questions asked. She touched her tiny protruding womb and smiled. These weeks had been difficult but she needed to be positive for the little one growing inside her. Tomorrow was a big day and she needed all her energy to get through today's preparations and tomorrows festivities. She tidied up the bathroom silently thanked God that Natali and her mother were in town. And Bradley... she looked down at her ring, she thanked God she was going through all this with the love of her life but also prayed that man would stop testing her patience.

Gaga weakly walked down the stairs prepared to face the chaos and hyper screams that bellowed through the living room. "Babe, babe, watch this...Jack, go long." Jackson runs into the far room and opens his mouth just as Bradley lofts a cheese puff into his mouth. Gaga see's the numerous times that they missed on the floor, but is impressed that the puff landed in Jackson's mouth. "Did you see that!?" 

She pinched the bridge of her nose and wiggled her finger at Bradley, "Come here." Bradley jogs over to her with his boyish grin. "Remember when I said to move the patio furniture outside?" 

"Well, I-"

"Now, Bradley. And clean all this up before-" Crunch. She closed her eyes, counted to 5 while reminding herself, I love him, I love him, I love him.... Gaga walked into the kitchen, Cynthia and Natali both giving her sympathetic looks. "Don't." She put her hand up and melted into her arms, sitting next to her mother.

"Did you honestly think all this would be a walk in the park?" Gaga let out a sigh that was somewhere between anger and agreement. "Does it help if I tell you it will get better?..." Cynthia felt Gaga nod. "And then a little worse..." She felt the younger blond tense up, "And then so much better. I promise." Gaga sat up, actually feeling a little better. Perhaps it was her mothers soothing voice or the lull after her pregnancy sickness, but she actually felt better. She turned and saw Bradley hauling the patio furniture around the backyard with Jackson and Ava in tow. 

The family continued to prep the home well into the evening. Gaga kissed her mom goodbye and continued to wrap presents when Bradley entered their room. "Did they fuss going down?" Bradley shook his head and took over wrapping. Bradley did his best to wrap the gifts, happy with his accomplishment. He looked up from his seated position on the floor and caught a glimpse of Gaga changing for bed through the walk-in closet. He is shocked to see the bump. It seemed to appear over night. His legs led him to her. His hand covering the entire bump. She smiled at the surprise, loving the flutter that came with his touches. "I read that the baby should be the size of a peach by now."

"Amazing." He held her close, feeling the mound. "Our little peach." He closed his eyes and felt her lean into him. "I'm sorry I've been so ...distracted these last few days. I'm so happy and excited and you're so ...sick, it doesn't seem right."

"I'm just moody and my body is fighting me. But I'll do anything from this little peach. Just be patient with me and help me, ok?"

"Anything you need. I'll try harder. I promise." She turned in his arms and peppered his jaw and lips with kisses.

"Mmm, I love your promises."

Bradley smiled into her kisses. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Because you always keep them."  With that the couple got some much needed sleep.


"Babe, maybe we let them sleep."

"No way. If they sleep, they won't go down for a nap and they will be all off. Come on, sleepy heads." Mama. Both groggy twins lightly whimper. "Happy Birthday!!" The twins cheer up and smile at the balloons and the hats Gaga and Bradley wore. Quickly jumping up and down and begging to be let loose. Their hyperactive morning was only a preview of what their day was going to be, but the couple was happy to indulge. Mama and the party and the cuppycake? "Yes, baby, everyone is going to be here and you get to have cupcakes and candy!" And-and-and the baby? Gaga laughed out loud. "Yes, my angel. The baby is coming too." Gaga let Ava touch her tiny bump. 

Once the party was in full bloom, Bradley kept a keen eye not only on the twins but also Gaga to make sure her energy was up and that she felt ok. As they cut the cake in front of family and extended friends Gaga felt eyes on her expecting a few words. She grabbed her sparking water and demonstrated how the kids learned to cheers. "See partnering isn't so hard!." The crowd laughed and awed over their cute trick. "I'm obviously kidding. It's hard." Her eyes glazed over. "Really hard." She felt Bradley pull her close. "This time last year, was a lot different. Within that year, these two brave little ones went through a lot...we all did." The crowd wiped at tears and held each other. "I want to thank you all for your continued support and Bradley and I figure all this out, for being here for Jackson and Ava...I want to thank Henry and Lilly for giving us their all with the short time they had on this earth and for giving us a part of them to keep. Thanks Lilly and Henry for giving Jackson and Ava your hearts, and smiles and kindness." Gaga felt Bradley pulls away to wipe at his tears. "To Henry and Lilly..." They all raise their glasses "...and a very happy birthday to Mr. Jackson and Miss. Ava. We love you both so-so much." There wasn't a dry eye as the crowd found their way to cake and to hug Gaga, Bradley and the kids. 

Towards the end of the evening, Bradley gave out gift bags to all the kids, with Gaga by his side making small talk. The couple accepted all the compliments on their co-parenting and their newly revealed relationship, as awkward as they both felt. Gaga cleaned off Jackson's cake stained face while Bradley cleaned up all the garbage. "You know, I have to hand it to him. I honestly thought bad-boy Bradley would show up again." Gaga smiled at Bo and Sarah, as they sat back and watched her man work. "I'm serious." Sarah continued. "I wanted to believe that he changed but a part of me was like, can people really change?"

"He has. I mean, he's still a bad-boy, sometimes." The girls scream at her insinuation. "But he has stepped up, big time." Bradley hauls a large garbage bag over his shoulder and meets her eyes smiling. She noticed his blue eyes a little less bright. After her speech, he was just a little more glum.  

"Well, I hope you're right. Don't think we haven't noticed that little bump. Before you know it, you'll have a third and we just want to make sure you guys will be ok." Gaga smiled at how much her friends loved her. She watched Bradley from a far as he placed the garbage on the ground and joined a few of their loitering friends for a drink and then two. She nodding reassuring her friends and herself that they would be ok. 

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