New York

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This bites. New York City's frigid weather, Bradley's audition earlier in that day, the paparazzi following close behind him, the salad he had for lunch, the itchy hat that he decided to wear, and the fact that he hasn't seen the twins in days. Gaga sent him two photos of them, but other than that it's been radio silence. The only thing replaying in his head was whether this is what it was going to be like if they all move out of Henry's home. That home has been his home since Henry first bought it. It was small and quaint and nothing like his LA home or his New York brownstone, but it was perfect. The time he spent with the twins and Gaga was all part of his life now, it all of a sudden was vibrant with color and now the colors are muted again. Bradley had too much time to think. Sure committing to raising the twins was a difficult decision and at times he still pulled at his hair and complained, but at the end of the day he loved those little boogers. Was he even doing a good job? Was he just holding them back? The worry and self-deprecation that filled his head was exhausting. "Well, that was a long day of that same old press bullshit." Bradley was pulled from his thoughts when he saw Chris Pratt walk beside him. 

"Oh, hey. Yea, I'll never get those hours of my life back. You have the worst of it, man, so I can't complain too much." The two laughed as they walked in the same direction, occasionally looking at the paps, giving them what they want. "So, any plans for the night? Want to grab a drink or food?" 

"Wish I could, the wife's waiting on my ass. Rain check?" Bradley nodded and the two parted ways. Yup, New York was beautiful, but in a city filled with millions of people and tons of noise, the impending silence of a lonely heart is more common than one might think. Bradley stared at his corner bar. He contemplated going in for the third night in a row but decided against it. He had a six pack and groceries at home. Bradley was fortunate to have lost the paparazzi along the way. Could that be his high of the day? Or did they just get tired of taking photos of a sad man. The thought caused him to almost double back towards the bar. But had he done that, Bradley wouldn't have heard the most beautiful sound as he opened the door to his home. 

"Dada!!!" Bradley saw Ava get ahead of herself and run too quickly, immediately falling in front of him. 

"Ava!! Sweet girl, what are you doing here?" He picked her up almost expecting her to answer back. He threw her high in the air. Her giggles and smiling bringing the color back into his face, the shine back in his eyes. The next thing he saw took his breath away. 

Gaga walked towards them, with Jackson wiggling in her arms at the sight of Bradley

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Gaga walked towards them, with Jackson wiggling in her arms at the sight of Bradley. "Jackson, who's that? Who's here?" Dada! Jackson answered almost obviously. "Is that dada?" Bradley's heart did flips in his chest at the scene that greeted him. He felt whole. He walked towards them in elated confusion. "I hope it's ok we broke in...I'm kidding, your assistant helped me...Hi." She stood confidently at 5'2 in front of him, her large eyes locked with his and a smile pulling at her lips.

"Hi... that's more than ok. God, I can't believe you guys are here!" Bradley grabbed Jackson from her. "Monkeys! Did you fly all the way here to see me? I missed you so much." He peppered them with kisses until they had enough and wiggled free. 

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