A Day

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"Hello? Hello, Lady Gaga? Do I call you Lady Gaga?" Molly walked around the disastrous home. Molly tiptoed around the home, stepping over spilled milk and questionable diapers. "Hello, Ms. Gaga? It's Molly." Molly walked into the living room. "I hope it's ok I let myself in, I figured-AH!" She stumbles over a pair of legs, startled by the body on the floor.

 "I hope it's ok I let myself in, I figured-AH!" She stumbles over a pair of legs, startled by the body on the floor

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"Oh my God. Gaga! Are you alright?" Molly touches her pulse just as Gaga springs up.

"What? I'm up, where do you need me? Why is it dark?" Molly removes Gaga's sunglasses. "Oh, Molly, honey, hi! Thank god you made it!" Gaga hugs Molly. Molly is ecstatic in the embrace, feeling the icon's arms around her but soon realizes Gaga fell back asleep in her arms. She shook her awake. "Sorry. Seriously, thanks for coming over. My sister, I think you met her at the funeral, she left a week ago and I'm-I'm..." She starts to cry.

"Oh Gaga, there, there." Molly pats her back. "I came as soon as you texted. Well, not right away, I had classes all morning, but I'm here now. How can I help?" 

Gaga stood up and looked around at the mess, "I know Lilly had you watch the kids, so I'm going to finish cleaning and laundry and I have a few emails to write for work and a few calls to make and what time is it?" She looks at her phone just as the babies began to cry and wake from their nap. "And that, if you can handle...that. They haven't been sleeping at all." She yawns. Molly acertively nodded and ran up the stairs to tend to the babies. Gaga said a tiny prayer thanking God for kind teenage girls. She finished her coffee that was cold from earlier that morning and got to work. Gaga juggled laundry while on the phone with Bobby. "If my mom can fly in that week, then we can have the meeting at my home... no my real home...shut up, Bobby. Then we can figure out a timeline for this launch. Sarah has been handling a lot of the day to day....ok... next week, I will try...I know... like I said, I will try. Ok, bye sweetie." She threw in another load then started  cleaning the bathtub. Baths were one of her personal favorite pastimes but the twins bathtime was her personal hell. Suds and water stains, toys and empty bottles lined the entire bathroom as she entered. She slipped on some water as she entered and Gaga counted to 5 before shaking of the slip and setting to work. Once finished, she quickly passed Molly in the kitchen, kissed both kids, "hi, angels!" and quickly made them food. "Try this, if they don't finish, then open one of the pre-made jars." She cleaned the living room, took out the trash, plugging her nose at all the diapers, cleaned out the car, brought in an arm-full of mail, she passed Molly who had the kids playing with blocks. 

"They ate the jars." She yelled as Gaga swiftly made her way into the kitchen to clean.

"Of course they did." She cleaned the kitchen, while on the phone. "Yes, I know they need to come in for their shots. Is this something I can push a little longer?...I see...Ok, Friday, what is that in 2 days? What day is it? Ha, I'm kidding, I know what day it is." She checks her phone for the date. "Ok, Friday it is. 9:00 am. Thank you." Gaga marks a large calendar with the appointment. Putting away her cleaning supplies, she steps back to slowly walk around the home. She finished an online grocery order with a smile on her face...and send. "Not bad." She looks at her list. Not everything was checked off but a clear home, is a clear mind.

"Gaga, I'm sorry but I do have to leave in 15 minutes."

"15 minutes? Ok, let me try and shower and change quickly." Gaga runs upstairs and took an entire 5 minutes for her hot shower, happy for the extra time. She changes her clothes and even though she doesn't have a drop of makeup on and her hair is still wet, she still feels accomplished with herself. She heads down the stairs. "Here you go, Molly. I really appreciate you coming over. Now we can finally start our day." Gaga coos, taking Ava into her arms.

"Gaga...um... it's 8:00...pm" Gaga checks her phone.

"No that can't be right." Molly looks at her sadly. "That means bathtime, bottles and sleep, if they even sleep. Have I had anything to eat today?" Her eyes look at Molly, who refuses to look at her out of pity. "We'll be fine. Its all ok. Thanks again." She gives the young girl a hug and payment leading her out the door. 

"Seriously, call me for anything. I'll text you my class schedule."

"I'd like that, thank you." She shuts the door, turning and sliding down the door, falling into a crying mess on the floor while Ava plays with Gaga's eyelashes. 

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