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A short one to hold you over while I figure out how much farther I want to go with this. Enjoy this snack! 

Bradley quietly worked his way around the kitchen. He could not shake the smile from his face and anytime he caught his reflection he shook his head at how juvenile he felt. As much as he wanted to stay wrapped in Gaga's arms, he had the second part of his audition today. They had a busy day today, considering they were heading back to LA so he needed to get it out of the way early. Bradley made the twins breakfast, prepped their bottles, made airplane snacks and packed as much as he could without waking the entire house. Bradley's car arrived. He gave the driver a sign for 1-minute and quickly ran upstairs. "Baby...babe..." Bradley whispered as Gaga's eyes fluttered open. "Sorry, you said to wake you before I left. I'm heading out." He whispered and dropped his backpack near the bed. "I made snacks, breakfast, bottles. All their toys from downstairs are packed."

"You're amazing." Gaga groggily voiced. Bradley smirked and crawled over her to give her a kiss.

 Bradley smirked and crawled over her to give her a kiss

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"Good Morning." He whispered against her lips. 

"Good Morning." She smiled against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him down for another kiss.

"Now, I really don't want to leave."

"Go. Have a good audition. We'll be all packed and ready to leave when you get back. The jet should already be prepped. I want to get back before dark, ok?"

"I won't be too long." Bradley crawled off the bed and with one last look at his girlfriend, he left. 

Gaga took her time to shower, letting the warm water soothe her body. The ache between her legs was a welcomed pain, as she smiled remembering how incredible the night before was. They were actually going to give this a try. They were actually on the same page and shared the same feelings. Their sex last night was unlike the times before but also unlike any of her past relationships. He was soft and strong all at once. She couldn't even begin to fathom the PR shit storm this would be, but she also kind of didn't care. "Hey, no, out of your mouth. That's not food, Jack!" Gaga ran around the home trying to finish packing, while watching the twins. Uh-oh, mama. "Yea, uh-oh, you can't eat that." Gaga smiled holding up Bradley's Eagles shirt. She folded it neatly and hide it at the bottom of her luggage. The flutter in her stomach a constant reminder that she was a goner. 

"Ok, cheese cake or cheese plate?" Bradley wrapped her tighter in her arms, pulling her blanket tighter around her. The flight took off with a cabin full of crying from the  babies as well as Gaga and Bradley who managed to make it to the flight in one piece... barely. About half way through the flight, the twins finally fell asleep, giving the new couple free range to breathe and have a little 'alone time'. 

"Cheese plate!... and then a sliver of cheese cake."

"You don't know how to play this game!" Bradley lamented and tickled her sides.

"What?! I can't help it if like a lot of things! Ok, my turn. Beach vacation or ski vacation?" She played with the collar of his tshirt, while she looked up at him patiently waiting for his answer. 

"Beach, for sure....but we already live in Cali so... ski?"

"See? It's hard!" They quietly laughed.

"Soft kisses..." Bradley softly pecked her lips. "... or hard ones.?"

Gaga whispered against his lips. "Both." In the darkness of the cabin the two collided for a passionate and quiet kiss. They strategically touched each other, careful to not bring attention to themselves. Peter and and both their assistants sit unfazed in the front of the plane. Both mutually slowed down to not get ahead of themselves. They cuddled and stared at each othe "B...where do you want to go when we land?" Bradley sat back, holding her close. "We can go back to their home but I'm worried without the space that you and I both need, that we..."

"Nothing will change when we land. Look we're not perfect." He kissed her temple. "Well, you're pretty close to it. But we won't return to where we left things last time we were here." He still felt she wasn't satisfied with that answer. "How about they go to your home, and visit theirs on the weekend, when we can, so there is a sense of familiarity.." She sadly looks up at him over his selfless answer. "I'll come over to build the furniture we had delivered and maybe I can stay a few nights? If that's ok with you."

"You're pretty close to perfect, too." 

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