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"Small coffee, 1 sugar, please." Bradley patiently waited for his coffee, occasionally nodding to the people around him who noticed his presence. One of his favorite things about New York is that the paparazzi were scarce and the people who recognized him, typically left him alone. "Thank you." As Bradley walked through the park, he made note of the playground. Jackson and Ava would love it and it's close to his home. The flight from LA the few days before sent him into a spiral of misery. He reviewed his script and locked himself away. The more he rehearsed the easier it was for him to slip into a character that was far from the scruffy, angry man he had become. The fresh air breathed new clarity into his lungs. The memories of his last days with her came crashing back. He found a bench and let his mind sift through the memories of them as he watched the people walk by. 

The way she would wake him up by gently kissing each eye lid, until he finally opened his eyes. 

The sound of baby babble as she carried on full conversations with Ava.

The way she would wake him up off the couch when he stayed up waiting for her to come home.

The way they yelled at each other over the phone on his way back from  the office.

The placement of her hands on her hips as she flinched at his touch.

The way her lips glided over his when they both said goodbye. 

Bradley felt the bench shift and an elbow pushing on his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts. "Sorry." The man next to him apologized as he balanced a fully loaded hotdog and managed to take a giant bite.

"No worries-wait, Joe?"

Joe looked at Bradley with a mouthful of hotdog and nodded his greeting. "Don't tell Stefani or Cynthia. You know he has the best dogs in the city?" Bradley was shocked at his bench buddy but it actually wasn't that rare to meet a familiar face in such a large city. "Ronnie, hook my man up with the works."

"You got it boss!" The man at the cart started on his order. 

"So, how ya been?" Joe asked taking another bite and looking around the park.

"Um..." Bradley sat up straighter, he wanted to tell him everything was fine, that he needed to run but Joe's large presence and kind, narrowing eyes gave him comfort. "Not great, actually. I'm busy mostly. I'm here for work for a few months actually."

"You miss them?" 

Them. Bradley missed the three of them terribly. "Yes."

"I used to have to be away from the girls for a couple of weeks at a time and it was awful. They'd call, sure, I miss you daddy, when are you coming home, it broke my heart." Joe paid Ronnie after he brought Bradley his hotdog. "It'll pass. And nowadays with the technology and all that FaceTime, forget it, you'll be fine." Joe finished his hotdog as Bradley took a bite. "Good?" Bradley nodded with sauce all over his face. He swallowed and thought about Gaga as a child calling her father. "Something else bothering you, kid?" Bradley shook his head no. "You eating enough? You look thin. Smaller." Joe looks at him almost disgusted. 

"I eat....when I remember. This is delicious by the way." 

Joe tossed an idea back and forth a few times in his head. He didn't like to meddle or involve himself in other peoples drama. "You know I own a restaurant?"

"Stef, mentioned that a few times, yes." 

Joe stood up and shook Ronnie's hand then turned to Bradley. "You should come by. Whenever. Tonight if you're free. You can try our new special." He threw out his napkin. "We can talk or whatever." 

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