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Gaga fidgeted with her fingers as she waited for the twins' milk to heat up. She didn't sleep very well, tossing and turning thinking about Bradley and his secret call. She grabbed the milk and before she could walk up the stairs, she saw the door open. "Hey, beautiful." Gaga walked up to him and wrapped her arms, still holding the bottles, around his neck and passionately kissed him. Her tongue spelling out her jealousy. "Mmm, what was that for?" 

"I missed you last night." The desperation in her voice was unavoidable. Bradley broke their close embrace when his phone rang.

"Sorry, I have to take this." He walked back outside to take his call. 

"What the fuck?" Gaga rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs. "Oh, hello! Who's awake and had a little sleep over? Hi, my darlings." Gaga cooed at them while they happily sipped their milk. 

Bradley joined them and wrapped his arms around her from behind, looking down at the little ones

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Bradley joined them and wrapped his arms around her from behind, looking down at the little ones. "Hi, monkeys!" He made faces at them, causing them to laugh and kick. 

"Is daddy being silly?" Gaga pulled Bradleys arms tighter around her. "So, who was that on the phone?" She casually asked. 

"No one. Hi, Ava! Are you getting milk drunk? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!"

"No one? That's weird." Gaga nervously laughed and cleared her throat. "Was it work?"

"Babe, it was no one." Bradley bent to pick up Jackson who was reaching up. "I have to step out this morning, want me to take one?" Gaga nodded while feeling a chill cover her body from the loss of contact with him. Their morning routine was quiet and the silence was just as deafening once he and Ava left. Dada bye-bye.

"Yes, baby, daddy went bye-bye. He'll be back." She reassured Jackson as much as she reassured herself. 

"Jackson!!" Sarah and Bo yelled while peppering Jackson with kisses. "Hey, sweetie, how are you?" 

"Good." Gaga lied while adding toast to her brunch spread. She decided to have the girls over for some much needed girl time. The three embraced in a long hug. 

"Hey, look at us, are you ok?"

"Yes, ugh, it's so stupid." She finally sat with them as they all enjoyed her spread of fruits and eggs and mimosas.

"Well, those eyes are typically reserved for a love interest and heartbreak, but you and the boy are only fu-hooking up....right?....right, Stef?" Bo asks while Gaga looks around the room suddenly finding her light fixtures and wooden floors much more interesting. "Stefani!" 

"Bad girl, bad!" Sarah throws a piece of bread at her. "Why didn't you tell us?! What is going on?"  Uh-oh, mama! "You tell her Jackson, uh-oh, big uh-oh!"

"Ok! Alright! Bradley and I... we are not just hooking up anymore." Bo and Sarah push for more. "And we have feelings...mutual feelings...more than friend feelings." She whispers. 

"Why are you whispering? Jackson can't understand. Jack, do you know what hooking up is? One guess, it's how you were conceived." Baba. Sarah handed Jackson his juice bottle. "Yes, exactly." 

"Leave him alone. Ok, we are trying to make this work and before you say anything, he has changed tremendously. In fact, anything that used to bother me before, doesn't. I know he's coming from a good place." She shyly smiles at how adorable he can be and sadly smiles at how distant he's been the last couple days. 

"Oh, yea I'm sure he's cumming from a great place." The three laugh and scream at Bo's comment. "Ok, I accept this. If you're happy, I'm happy and I get it, you both honestly look great together. Any time I've met him, he's been so kind, it's just his teasing you all the time was annoying. But I guess I get it now."

"Me too." Sarah agreed, feeding Jackson. "So, then why the face?" 

"Christian came by to pick up the rest of his things and I didn't really talk to Bradley about it. It feels like maybe that rubbed him the wrong way like maybe he doesn't take this relationship we are trying to create seriously. He's been distant and, ok, I know this is bad but he's been taking secret calls and has had weird texts." Gaga sits back and crosses her arms hearing how petty she sounds. "He slept at his house last night. I don't know, am I being crazy?"

"Yes." The two women said. "This is new, it's fresh. Distance is good. You all of a sudden have two kids now and now you're working on a relationship? It's lot for you both." Bo sets her straight. Sarah is busy showing Jackson her phone.

"Ha! Look, proof you are crazy." Sarah pulls her phone from Jackson. "The paps just took photos of Bradley with Ava, caption: Bradley Cooper looking happy to step into a paternal role after the tragic accident that took his best friend." The three shudder at the caption as Sarah continues reading. "We wonder who the lucky lady is to be receiving such beautiful flowers." Gaga looks at the photo of Bradley, Ava high on his shoulders as the two pick flowers from a shop in Malibu. Gaga melts at the photo. "See? I bet that was taken today, right?" Gaga nods looking at their clothes. Bradley and Ava's perfectly timed entrance cause the women to look over at the handsome man flying Ava around the room. Sarah puts her phone away as Bradley sets Ava down on Gaga's lap. Mama!

"Hi, sweet angel." Gaga cuddles the little girl as all three women notice the lack of flowers in Bradleys hands. 

"Ladies, how are you all doing?" 

"Good." "Fine." Bo and Sarah look from Bradley to Gaga, then back to Bradley. "How are you?"

"Good. I had a mini-date with Ava, so I'm feeling extra happy." The girls swoon at his comment. Gaga softly kisses Ava, wondering were those flowers ended up. Gaga works to make him a plate. "Actually, I'm not staying. I have to head back out. See you later today?" Gaga sadly nods as Bradley hugs Bo and Sarah goodbye.

"We're not talking about this." Bo and Sarah nod at Gaga's command.

Bradley bathed the twins alone, while Gaga played a sad melody on the piano. When he returned later in the day, he was even more quiet and distant than that morning. She couldn't tolerate being in his presence and retreated with an excuse to her piano. As her hands danced along the keys, she found the healing she needed through her music. The sad melody turned dark and gained speed as it turned to anger. Satisfied with her song, she continued playing until she was abruptly interrupted by the door bell. "It's 8 pm, who the hell is here?" Typically she would check the cameras but her angry tiny legs march her to the door as she hastily whipped it open. "Can I help y-Molly?"

"Hi Gaga!" 

"Molly." She repeated. "M"

"Yes, that's me. haha. I'm here to watch Jackson and Ava. You're home is amazing, by the way. Sorry, I'm late. I got lost on your trails."  Gaga was lost in thought when Bradley came down the stairs. 

"Molly! Hey, thanks for coming! Come in." Gaga felt Bradley pull her into his chest to allow Molly to enter the home. "The twins are diapered and in their cribs. I'll come chat with you in a bit. Second door on your left." Molly removed her shoes and made her way upstairs. Once she was out of view, Bradley turned Gaga around. 

"Bradley, what's going on? Did you text M... I mean Molly."

"No, that was Jackson... obviously, I did. Stef, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me? I even got a sitter, Molly. I have to set up and we should change but, first you have to say yes."

Their hands connected and Bradley brought one of her hands to kiss her knuckles, charming his way into a response. Gaga shook her head of her insecurities. "Yes. That sounds perfect. I would love to go on a date with you." 

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