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"Are you ever going to let me see what you're working on?" Gaga sneaks up behind Bradley as he frantically types on his laptop. He melts into her back rub. "I'm happy to see you are writing again. I know your projects always take a back seat to your other roles." Bradley leads her around the couch and positions himself behind her to massage her hips and back. "Mmm, yes, right there."

"I actually think I'm ready to pitch this. I was stuck for so many months and I made a slight change and haven't been able to stop thinking about it." 

"Only a slight change?" She closed her eyes accepting his nimble fingers. 

"Yup. I actually started writing for you." Bradley whispered into her ear. Gaga turned her head to see her fiancé. "I am writing A Star is Born, like a told you last year. But I felt like my heart wasn't in it. Now my heart is overflowing. I'm writing the part for you. I only hope it's good enough for you to say yes to." 

"Are you serious?" Gaga held her 41 week stomach and angled herself towards Bradley. "A part specifically for me?"

"I couldn't get you out of my head when I was thinking about it. I made the main character a musician, I think it gives him more depth and I can't think of a better counterpart. You're the best and so versatile." 

"That is so thoughtful of you to say." She scratched his stubble.

"Well it's true. I only ask that you be honest with me when I'm ready to show you. Can you do that for me?" Gaga nodded and sealed her promise with a kiss. Bradley helped her stand. "What about you pumpkin? Are you going to give me an honest opinion too?" Bradley kissed her belly, feeling a small kick. " I'll take that as a yes. Have a good walk." With that Gaga joined Natali outside for her daily walk, leaving Bradley to continue writing.

"You're huge."

"Thanks, Nat." Gaga waddled along the path. Gaga felt extra crampy that day but hadn't told anyone for fear of them over reacting. 

"No, I mean you're still super tiny, one of the smallest pregnant women I know but for you, it's just crazy to see. Here." Natali laughed giving Gaga her arm to hold while they continued walking. "So are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be. It's going to be hard but I love our little family and adding to it will only make the love I have grow bigger." Natali smiled at how happy her sister was. "Bradley and I might be bringing another little hot-headed, passionate Italian person into this world but at the end of the day we are both very calm and strong willed, so I think we are ready." She tried to convince herself. 

Later that night Bradley paced his office. Gaga was in the other room sitting with her tea reading his script. He contemplated walking by just to see what page she was on but decided to continue giving her space. This was his passion project, pouring all his heart and creativity into. This would be his first time writing and directing and her critique meant the world to him. He continued to pace until he heard a groan coming from the living room. He stood stil, oh no, she hates it

"Oh my God!" Gaga yelled. Bradley looked at the door, what part was she on?  "Oh no, no fucking way, now??" Bradley stood with his hands on his hips, slightly offended.

"Ok, it's only a second draft, give me a break Stef-" He saw her hunched over with a small amount of water by her feet. "Oh... OOH it's happening. Is it happening?!" He was by her side in a heart beat. "Okookok, sit...no stand... wait breathe..." Bradley started lamaze breathing.

"Relax. Wake Nat, give her oowww, the baby monitor, tell her we're leaving!" Gaga held onto Bradley's shirt as she bent over in pain.

"Ok, ok, ok, then you need to let go- never mind." Bradley slipped out of his shirt and ran the monitor to Natali.

"Oh my God, put a shirt on, Cooper-"

"We're having a baby!! It's happening! It's happening!" Natali got up and ran with Bradley as they grabbed Gaga's clothes and her go-bag. Both were shaking and white as ghosts as they packed a few last minute things. 

They both slowed down as they descended the stairs, shocked as they watched Gaga walk around in her heels, putting eye-lie-ner on. "Nat, we're having a baby! Oh, good you grabbed my bag." 

"I know, sweetie...wait, how are you ok right now?"

"My contractions stopped. I have a couple minutes until the next one so I thought I'd get ready in the meantime. Kiss the kids for me." She put her shades on and grabbed Bradley's shaky hand. "Come on, B." Bradley looked back scared to Nat who gave him a thumbs up. 

Bradley lightly sped down the dark highway, relaxing a bit. He held her hand, smiling at the beauty next to him. Gaga put her sunglasses on top of her head and smiled at him, both hearts beating with anticipation. Bradley kissed her knuckles. "I love you so much."

"I love...ooooowwwmother fucker!!" Gaga bent over in pain, squeezing his hand. "Ow-ow-ow..."

"Oh God!" Bradley speeds up, finally making it to the hospital. 

An hour later Natali shoots Bradley a text, too excited to go back to sleep.

N: How's it going? 

B: Please, remind me that my fiancé loves me and that she is a sweet and kind angel.

Natali looks confused at the text.

N: Stef loves you more than anything in this world. Earlier today she said she was so excited to grow this beautiful family. You two are perfect for each other. 

B: Thanks, Nat. 

Bradley sent the text just as a pillow hit him in the head.

"You did this to me, you fucking asshole!! OWWW You were supposed to wear a condom! AAHHH Oh but nooo, not The Sexiest Man Alive; Mr. Bradley Cooper is too good for condoms. OOOWWW It feels better, he said OWWW I love feeling so connected to you he said OOWW you couldn't keep it in your pants, could you! AAHH!" Gaga was covered in a sheet of sweat as she continued to yell while Bradley accepted her words and tried to hold her hand.

Cynthia and Joe stood with their backs against the wall outside of their room with wide eyes , neither speaking and both mentally promising to never remember or repeat the words coming out of Gaga's mouth.

"Ok, Stefani, it's time. I need you to push." Dr. Cho peaked from between Gaga's legs.

"I can't..." Gaga lays back exhausted. "...I can't anymore..." She starts to sob, closing her eyes in pain. Bradley is finally able to take hold of her hand.

"Yes, you can. You are the strongest most powerful woman I have ever met. Strongest most powerful person. Stefani, you can do this. You will do this. I'm here, baby." Bradley kisses her lips hard.

"Mmm that helps, keep kissing me." He does it again as she starts to push, she breaks away screaming. Gaga stops and cries again.

"You're so close, Stefani!" Dr. Cho encourages. "Bradley she really is." 

Bradley runs out the door and pulls Cynthia in. "Baby, your mother has done this twice. You have told me before you come from a long line of strong women." Cynthia cries and holds Stefani's hand. "You can do this." Cynthia nods agreeing through tear filled eyes.

"A couple more pushes." Dr. Cho peaks up urging her on. "That's it, one more push!" Cynthia and Bradley each hold Gaga's hand as she screams and gives one final push. 

(a tiny cry fills the room) 

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