The Talk

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Am I the only one who could not focus with all this Stupid Love hype? It's so good!! Aaanyways, here you go!

Fuck the sun. Bradley turned over in his bed, burying his head in the pillows. A flash from the night before came crashing into his already pounding head. I like you... do you feel the same...Bradley's head shot up and he looked around the room. Had it all been a dream? What did he actually say? What did she say? Was she even here? He buried his throbbing head once more. As regret and depression began to set in, he finally forced himself out of bed. He noticed a bottle of water and pills by his bedside. Maybe he wasn't dreaming, he never prepares or cares for himself after a night of drinking. Bradley takes the medicine and slowly drags himself around his bathroom to shower, brush his teeth and put drops in his blood shot miserable eyes. 

His audition the day before went well but all he could think of was going back to her house. About midway through his stampede around the city, Bradley paused in front of a bar. He couldn't possibly take the kids away, he couldn't even face her, couldn't look at her, what if he was still there, did he even have a right to be angry, to be this jealous? Instead, Bradley opted for a drink, which led to two, which led to more. He stumbled home and the silence was too loud for him to handle. Bradley opened up a the bottle of wine he bought for her and sat by his laptop looking through photos and videos. As he spiraled and darkness set in, he grabbed his phone and made a call, everything that followed was a blur. 

Bradley blinked back the drops and stared at his own reflection. Deafening silence again. He checked his phone as he walked down the stairs; 1 pm, no missed calls. He had slept the day away and yet after a quick meal he planned on diving right back into the shallow. Bradley ran his hand through his damp hair and walked down the stairs noticing a folded blanket and pillow on the couch as he descended. The front door unlocked and in came two giant smiles as the energetic twins ran as best the could into his awaiting arms. Dada! "Hi guys! I missed you!" I missed you rang through his head, she was there the night before he vaguely remembers. Bradley held them close and looked up into her eyes. 

Gaga put her bags down and hung up her coat. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a truck.", 

"I'll make you something to eat." She avoided his gaze and retreated into the kitchen. 

Bradley stayed in the tiny embrace, breathing in their baby scent, accepting their sloppy kisses, needing their strength and love until he was ready to face the music. He removed their little jackets and  picked them up, setting them on the breakfast nook bench. He poured Cheerios on the table for them to carefully devour while Gaga worked her way around the kitchen. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm so, so sorry. I-I-" It took her a moment to realize the peace offering and finally turned in his arms to wrap her arms around him. He breathed her in and they stayed like that a few moments. 

"I know. Me too." They fit perfectly together in each others arms. "If you're ok to watch them. I just have a few things to do and then maybe tonight we can talk?" They pulled away from each other. Bradley kept his gaze at the floor, putting his nervous hands in his pockets and nodding in agreement with her plan. Gaga felt for him. She grabbed his chin, rose up on her toes and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Eat. I'll be back." The butterflies came rushing back into his stomach, crashing into the pit that was forming and filled him with hope. She gave his arm one last squeeze, before kissing Ava and Jackson and grabbing her purse. Bye-bye, mama! "Bye-bye, baby!"

Bradley sat with he twins. "So, how's that other guy? Please, tell me you bit him or at least drooled on him." Hi, dada. Bradley laughed. "I'll take that as a yes. High-five." Jackson flailed and finally landed for a solid high-five. 

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