RULES pt 2

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After tucking the twins in, Bradley was overwhelmed with how happy he was, how effortless and joyful their day had been. He wasn't used to the feeling but it drove his actions. He was panicked and miserable the night before but the events that took place after were incredibly moving. He watched Gaga kiss each baby goodnight and her face was perfectly lit with their starry night light. Bradley didn't know what came over him but as soon as that nursery door closed, his hands were on her. He had hoped she would accept his advances and proposal, as it might come off sleazy but was ready for the rejection. To his surprise she grabbed his hand and quickly moved them into her bedroom. Once behind those doors, the two just stood still looking at the bed. The room was lit by the light of the moon and the home was silent. Bradley remained behind her and held her to his chest. Bradley's large hand came to land over her toned stomach, a reminder that they were actually awake, that this was their reality. He moved her hair to the side as he sucked on the side of her neck. Gaga used both hands to hold his hand over her stomach, closing her eyes, feeling his wet kisses. She could feel him hard against her backside and couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips. The moan filled Bradley with heat, he whispers in her ear as she looks at the bed, "I promise it'll be good." It already felt good. She needed this. She wanted this. Of all the things that have happened, this hardly seemed like the craziest, or was it?

She is hesitant, "No regrets?"


Gaga removed his hands from her and crawls on to the bed. Bradley just watches her feline movements. Her hips putting him in a trance. She turns around, her beauty is striking. "No strings?"

Bradley slowly makes his way over to her,  "No strings." He crawls over her. 



"Bradley! Yes, ok, I've thought of it and it sounds like you have too but we have to do what's best for them." She had a point. He spreads her legs and fits himself in between. Gaga bites her lip, feeling him hard at her center, willing her moan to retreat back into her body.

 He continues kissing her neck, "Rule number one, no being awkward."

"Be serious!" She pushes him away but he catches her hands and presses them over her head.

"If we're going to do this, you can't be walking around here all weird and awkward over it. We're adults, we kind of live together." He releases her hands and she buries them in his hair pulling him towards her face by the neck. 

"Ok... rule number 2..." Bradley settles further between her legs, leaning into her face. "No kissing."


"Too intimate. If we're being honest, we both need to just get off, right? It feels too close to kiss."

Bradley thought about it and she was right. He continued to roll his bulge into her center and she let out a light moan. "That makes sense. Number 3, no being clingy." 

"Oh please-" he grinds even harder, "Ok, obviously, yes. 4, never sleep over."

"Works for me. Can we fuck now?" She nods, rolling her eyes at his crassness. Bradley continues his assault on her neck, while pulling at her shorts. 

"Oh and bonus rule-" Bradley pulls away and smiles at how cute she is with her rules. "Always wear a condom." She pulls him back down to continue the magic he was doing on her neck but Bradley froze with wide eyes, "Look I know we're both clean, it's just it seems like you've been with a bunch of girls and sometimes I forget to take my-" 

"No, no it's ok, it's not that, I just..." Bradley rolls off of her in disbelief.  "...I don't think I have one." 

"What!?" They both stare at the ceiling frustrated. 

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