New Plan

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I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I get unmotivated when there isn't much to go on the Bradga scene. Also, this quarantine has got me down in the dumps. The latest news about 'the love of her life' and all the PDA from her live videos was the icing on the cake. I believed in love for the first time when I saw what Bradley and Gaga had. And now I guess she immediately found love with someone else and someone who doesn't really show her much affection. I don't know, obviously I don't personally know them. But even when Bradley and Gaga weren't touching I could feel an energy between them that gave me hope that maybe one day someone would look at me the way Bradley looked at Gaga and vice versa. Sorry for my rant. I'll be posting more often.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Bobby nervously looked around, while Gaga walked confidently towards the door, seeing the flashing of the paparazzi cameras through the window. 

"Yes Bob. If I know one thing about my Bradley is that he is very protective and impulsive. Can you please get the door for me?" 

"I'm sure Bradley is both of those things but couldn't we at least just, I don't know, give him a heads up?"

"It has to be real. It has to read on camera. I feel like he'd hold back or not want to go through with it. Bob, it's fine. The door please." She waited in her 7 inch heels as Bobby went to open the door. 

Bradley walked down the sidewalk towards Gaga's studio sipping on his coffee. He looks around and holds up up her iced coffee taking a sip. Damn, he should have gotten an ice coffee, too. As he approaches the studio he sees a rowdy crowd gathered close by. About to pull his hat down and turn away he sees the mass crowd is actually near Gaga's downtown studio and then sees her right in the middle being absorbed by screams and flashes. She gets pushed and pulled while Peter has trouble maneuvering her to the car. Before Bradley can think his steps quicken and he finally drops the coffees just as he breaks through the crowd. 

Gaga's body is pushed around while camera lights flashed in her eyes. Her anxiety crept up her spine and for a split moment thought that perhaps this wasn't the best idea. Before the thought had a chance to consumer her body, she felt two strong hands and his presence behind her. One hand lay perfectly on her stomach, while the other touched her hip and then pushed the wall of cameras and people away. Peter quickly saw Bradley take over and made his way to the other side of the car. Bradley opened her door and helped her in, their hands mingling long enough for multiple shots to catch the lingering touch. Once Bradley was in the car and silence surrounded them, the car drove past the masses and quickly drove towards the apartment. Bradley looked back at the cameras flashing, his heart racing. "What the fuck was that? Are you ok?" Gaga nodded while texting Bobby. "Are you hurt? Let me see you, are you sure you're ok? Hello, Stef." Bradley frantically checked her body.

"Sorry, yes, I'm fine." She finished texting and turned to kiss him passionately.

Bradley let his lips meld into hers in confusion. the car sped down the New York City streets, unnoticed and uninterrupted. "Wait a minute, wait, you were just tossed around like a rag doll in that crowd. I'd be surprised if they didn't get at least one shot of me grabbing you. I swear my rage almost made me hit a guy." Gaga sat back and watched Bradley come down from the experience, voicing his concerns and anger. "I know they are fans but that felt aggressive, did they know you were going to be there? When I left the studio, no one was there. I was only gone 15 minutes." The car pulled up to his home, having lost most of the paparazzi. Bradley followed her closely, cleaning up the coffee stain on his pants. "They definitely saw me hold you close. Stefani, did you hear me?! This could be bad!" 

They entered the apartment to see Natali and Nate thankful for their return. "Hi, my darlings! Were you good for auntie Nat and Nate?" She peppered them with kisses, while Natali shoved the twins into Bradley's arms. "I'm going to take a shower. Natali, I'll see you on the flight to LA." 

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