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UGH!! I had a few ways to go with this, but I think I landed on a direction. Bare with me while I get there. Sorry for the delay, enjoy!!

Gaga woke to movement on the couch cushion she fell asleep on. She opened her eyes and was met by two happy, chubby faces. "Hi angels! Did uncle Bradley dress you today?" She pulled both wiggle worms into her chest, inspecting his outfit choices. She had to laugh at the mismatched looks but was happy he took her words to heart last night. She rolled slightly to see him coming back into the living room with two bottles. "Sorry, I slept in. Thanks for getting them ready."

"I was up early anyways." He hands each twin a bottle, Gaga helping their movements. "My manager called me with some good news pretty early this morning. And I slept on a real mattress for the first time in days so I'm feeling pretty good."

Gaga side eyed him willing herself not to get angry over him sleeping in her bed. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last part. What did your manager say?" Bradley and Gaga have never questioned each other about their jobs or personal lives. A mutual acknowledgement that both were in the industry and didn't need to pry in each others lives. Before the accident they couldn't stand to be in the same room together without fighting, let alone carry on a civili conversation. Nowadays, their conversations typically revolved around the babies if they weren't at each other throats yelling. Their late night chat about the rules may have been an entirely new leaf being turned over.

"I auditioned for an unconventional part and he called to just tell me I got it. That's all." Bradley said nonchalantly while cleaning up the living room. 

"Bradley, that's great!" She saw him try and hold back a smile. "Yay, uncle Bradley!" Gaga used Ava's arms to clap and cheer as she held her in her arm and balancing Jackson half on his belly on top of her. Neither of the three ready to get up to start their day. "What's the part?" Gaga felt weird asking. She wasn't sure if he was a talker or just wasn't a sharer but since their lives are intertwined, she probably should know more about him.

"A Marvel movie. I will be an anti-super hero of the sorts." Bradley called his publicist in the morning to tell them the news and he silently celebrated alone in the guest bedroom. He finished cleaning up and wasn't sure if she was just being nice or truly wanted to know. He looked over at her laying as the sun shined on the three of them, smothered by the kids and saw her eagerly waiting for him to continue. "It's for a voice acting role. Essentially, I'll be playing a scientifically-modified raccoon; Rocket Raccoon." He blushed hearing it sound slightly stupid.

"A raccoon? Like CGI?" He nodded looking around the room and outside at the sunny day. "That's is so cool. Super hero raccoon. I can honestly say what will they think of next? I love those movies." They caught each others eyes and quickly looked away. "You do have an interesting voice. Have you ever done something like this before?"

Bradley was shocked she wasn't making fun of him. "Yea, as a kid I always made up voices and messed around. But never in an acting role. I thought this could be fun. Better than wearing superhero tights, right? Want to hear my audition?" He was pushing his luck but she nodded, shifting Jackson to watch on his belly. "Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual." He did in his rocket voice. The twins simultaneously giggled. Bradley and Gaga look at each other shocked. Bradley walks towards them "You idiot! How am I supposed to fight these things without my stuff?"  The twins contagious laughter filled the room. Bradley leaned over them on the couch as Bradley and Gaga both join in hearing their adorable laughter. "Quit smiling, ya idiot, you're supposed to be professional." He grunted out causing them to laugh even harder, showing their gummy smiles and the 4 teeth they shared between them. Bradley continued saying lines as he kissed and leaned into them with his heavy head. Gaga laughed but was also suddenly aware of how close he was, how much of his body was leaning over hers and moreover, was very aware of how blue his eyes are. How had she never noticed them before? Bradley smiled settling into them and staring right at her. "I've never heard them laugh like that."

"Me either. I see why you got the part. You already have fans, Rocket. Well, we are very proud, let's celebrate with Pancakes!" Gaga passes Ava to Bradley, feeling that he was still leaning against her. 

He took Ava happily and blushed at Gaga's suggestion to celebrate. "Are they allowed to have pancakes?"

"We'll do a mix of both. They need to eat more solids anyways. Plus, I have a bottle of Champagne for celebratory mimosas for us grownups." Bradley sat with both twins continuing to make them laugh until they couldn't breath. He always treated work like work and a way to pay the bills but it truly was his passion and typically only told his mom his achievements who used to be his biggest cheerleader.  This oddly made him feel proud of himself and happy to have someone... others to celebrate with. 

"Why do you have a random bottle of champagne?" He started to open the bottle she handed him. 

"My sister brought it for me for if I ever had a moment to take a long bath. Which now that it's Wednesday, I actually might get a chance to do that. Unless you wanted to switch days and had plans to go celebrate or something." Bradley popped the bottle and poured their mimosas. 

"Nope. No switching. You have your bath tonight. This is the perfect way to celebrate." He handed her a glass and their eyes lingered while they cheersed and sipped.

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