Rain On Me

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Bradley's smile reached from ear to ear as he pulled Gaga around the house. She laughed holding his hand tightly, running every few steps to try and keep up. Bradley opened and closed doors, excusing the interruption for the people in each room. "Oh, sweetie, wait." Gaga forced Bradley to stop to peak in on Charlie who napped in their room, away from the reception.

"She's still in her little dress." Bradley pointed out, pulling Gaga against his chest, kissing her temple, just watching Charlie softly breathing. Gaga pushed him out quietly, closing the door. Just as the door shut, Bradley continued his search for peace and quiet, playfully ignoring everyone lifting their glasses to the couple. His mind reeled until it hit him. "Ok, this way." They exited the home and took off running far into the back yard. 

Joe made himself another plate of food. He looked outside and saw the dark clouds rolling in. He shrugged and grabbed a fork. 

"Where are you taking me?!" Gaga giggled as both of their bare feet leapt through the grass, getting further and further from their home.

Bradley turned slightly, pulling her into his arms and off the ground. "I just want a few moments with my wife." Gaga would never tire of him saying that. Her heart skipped a beat as Bradley slowed down, placing her back on her feet. "It's not finished but maybe we can steal a few minutes of privacy here." Gaga sees a new gazebo in the distance. Their hands intertwine as they continue to walk towards it. "I'm building it. Don't worry, I have a much nicer wedding gift for you-"

"-I love it." Gaga smiles and pulls him in for a quick kiss. "Bradley it's perfect. Right by the lake."

"I know! I figure we always bring the kids down here but we never have anywhere to sit or get shade." The sky rumbled. Gaga looked up at the darkening sky, then back in the distance seeing the faint glow of the party they left behind. "Do you want to go back?"

"No. I want a few private moments with my husband." Bradley held her hips and pulled her in for a tender kiss just as a few drops hit their face followed by a down pour of rain that consumed them. Gaga yelled and laughed while Bradley pulled her in the direction of the gazebo. They worked to catch their breath while laughing at how completely wet they both were. 

"I'm so sorry! Your dress!"

"It's ok!" Gaga dismisses while ringing out her hair. "Bradley look. No rain. Good job. You're quite the handy man."

Bradley shyly walks around and nods at his own work. Gaga simply watches him, enthralled with the love of her life. The smell of fresh rain and grass filled the air. A slight breeze cooled their cheeks. "I meant it." Bradley says checking the wood and turning to see her; perfectly dewy and natural. "I meant every word I said today. I love you so much Stefani. I'm so lucky I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise, I'll make you the happiest woman."

Gaga reached out her hands, holding his. "I already am the happiest woman. I love you so much, Bradley." Bradley holds the side of her face steady as his lips find hers for the millionth time that day. This time their kiss grew urgent, desperate. Gaga wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer. They pulled away simply looking at each other before consuming each others mouths again. Gaga could feel his length press into her stomach and she smiled knowing her Bradley felt excited. She kissed up his cheek towards his ear to whisper, "I don't think I can wait until tonight." 

Bradley eagerly looked around then found her eyes. Her eyes always seemed to do him in. "Really?" Gaga nodded and Bradley softly pushed her against the wooden beam. Her twisted long, wet hair perfectly framed her face. Bradley held the side of her neck, kissing her hard while his other hand explored her ruffled panties. Luckily the slit in her dress was high enough for Bradley to quickly find what he needed. 

Her breath hitched feeling Bradley circle her bundle of nerves. Bradley would never tire of seeing her face in pure pleasure. Gaga quickly worked on removing Bradleys belt, with the little strength she had left. She stopped worked the moment he pressed two fingers inside her tight heat. "Aah, baby, yes." 

"Shh. We're far but not that far." Bradley smiled into her ear. His white shirt was sticking to his toned body and Gaga couldn't keep her hands off him. She folded into him while she rounded her hips over his hand that moved between her legs. Bradley groaned when he felt her small hand makes its way into his pants and wrap around his thick girth. "Fuckk. Are we really doing this?" Gaga could only nod. Her eyes remained half open, her chest and cheeks with a thin shine and her lips parted. Bradley looked around and then ripped her panties down her legs, tucking them into his pocket for safe keeping. Gaga stroked Bradley, already feeling his precum cover her hand. 

Bradley lifted his bride up, holding her by the waist, while he lowered her down onto his aching cock. Gaga threw her head back, feeling her body open and accept every inch of him. Gaga moaned out but luckily the rain muffled any sound that came out of the gazebo. Bradley, knowing they didn't have much time quickened his pace, thrusting hard and deep into her. "Ooowww, baby don't stop. I can feel you so deep inside." 

"All mine..ah..tell me."

"I'm all yours baby. Fuck, I love you."

"I love you... shit, baby... I'm gonna cum." Bradley rubbed her clit as he came hard, filling her up until he felt their juices slide right back out of her. Gaga came shortly after, moaning his name into his ear. Bradley gave her every last drop, pulling out and gently letting her feet touch the floor. They heard a loud whistle in the distance. 

"Oh fuck, it's my dad. He used to call us into the house like that when we were kids." 

"Good to know. I'll use that on our little monsters." Gaga laughs fixing her dress. Once they were dressed and with one more gentle kiss, the newlyweds prepared themselves and took off running into the rain. The rain began to die down when they saw the house in sight. Mama! Dada! 

"Joe, grab them!" Cynthia scolds Joe, seeing Ava and Jackson take off without their shoes to join Bradley and Gaga. 

"It's ok, mom!" Gaga and Bradley slow down, catching their breath. They bend to accept the full charging twins, lifting them high in the air, just as the sun starts to peak out. The wedding guests filled the porch watching the beautiful scene. Natali and Nate give each other knowing looks seeing Bradley and Gaga both flushed and not just from running. Natali shifts Charlie to her other arm and helps her wave to her crazy family. The photographer catching every moment. 

"Oh, Stefani, your dress!' Cynthia continues to scold. "You're going to get sick you two! What about the cake and photos?!"

Joe places a small amount of cake on Cynthia's nose. "Sweetheart, they haven't done anything by the books since they've known each other. What makes you think they're going to start now?" Cynthia smiles and then laughs, hugging Joe and pinching his smiling face. 

Gaga sits up from her seated position on the grass to kiss Bradley, while the two tickle Ava and Jackson. She looks up at the setting sun and sees a light rainbow in the distance. She tears up and smiles knowing they have all the support they will ever need, standing and cheering behind them and also shining down from above. 


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