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Short chapter but I PROMISE that you'll like the one after. Just needed a path to get there. 

"Irina?" The mini hot dog falls from Bradley's mouth. Gaga looks from Irina to Bradley and steps to the side to let the woman by, who is already making her way into the house. She runs and hugs Bradley, who is holding both plates out with a look of confusion. "What are you doing here?"

Gaga takes the plates from him and plasters a smile on her face. "I'll just bring these downstairs."

"Wait, sorry, Stef this is friend." Irina gives Bradley a sly look.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Gaga."

"I believe we've met actually. It's good to see you again."

"I don't believe so, no."

"Victoria Secret Fashion show, 2017. I performed, but yea, it's nice to see you again. So how do you two know each other?"

"We... have a history." Irina's eyes honed in on Bradley who was uncharacteristically quiet. 

"Well, I'll leave you to catching up. There's more appetizers down stairs if you're hungry. Excuse me." Gaga makes her way into the game room just as the Eagles scored a touchdown. Everyone high fives and devoured more snacks. Aimee passes Jackson to Gaga.

"He was asking for his mama. Poor little guy. Broke all our hearts. I'm sure you hear them ask for them all the time." Gaga sadly smiled and took Jackson in her arms. 

"It's past their bedtime, I think they're getting sleepy. I got to say folks, the Eagles showed up today! I won't jinx it, but I feel ok heading up to bed knowing they are up." Everyone laughed and said their goodbyes. 

"Do you need help? They are so cuddly when they are tired." Aimee asked while holding Ava. Gaga was grateful for the help and would prefer to not pull Bradley away. She nodded and the four made their way upstairs. "Oh, Irina. Hello, what are you doing here?" Aimee asked shocked. 

"I was just telling Brad, Mike invited me. He knew I was in town and I wanted to see Brad, so here I am. Oh look at these babies. May I?" Irina held her arms open towards Gaga, she handed Jackson over with a warning that he's tired. She ran to make their bottles and as expected Jackson started to cry and ask for his mama, pushing Irina and reaching towards Gaga once she returned. "That's odd, he said mama. Tragic, really." She handed him back to Gaga, who calmed him down. 

"Well, I'm going to put them down and call it an early night."

"Here, I'll help." Bradley tried to take Ava.

"Aimee and I are ok. It was nice seeing you again, Irina." Aimee and Gaga made their way upstairs. On Bradley's bed, the two women worked to change the twins' diapers and put on their pajamas. Aimee was content holding Ava while she drank her bottle. 

"You know, I have to say, it's a little weird that Irina is here." Aimee looked around the large bedroom, lowering her voice as if someone might here. "They used two... you know." Gaga awkwardly nodded willing the babies to sleep so she can be alone. "But Irina was looking for something serious and Bradley is well Bradley and wasn't invested but also gave in to her diva ways. But then she had a pregnancy scare and he ran. Luckily it was a false alarm, we all think she made it up, but they cut ties after soon after that. Can't blame her." 

"This really isn't any of my business-"

"Craig was telling me that Mike told him that Irina saw some photos and videos of him with the babies... I'm sure you know all about the paparazzi.... and she all of a sudden wanted to get back together with him. Almost like she wants a redo with this new and improved Bradley."

"New and improved, huh."

"Oh, huge difference. I've known him a long time. Craig is a producer and works often with Bradley. This awful accident really changed him as a person. He's kinder, patient, more mature, he even is dressing better. These two really are leaving an impact on him." Aimee watched Gaga tenderly look at the sleeping babies. "I think maybe you have a little something to do with that as well." 

"Let me show you their little sleeping area." Gaga carefully led them out of the room. Aimee looked at the younger woman knowing there must be something between her and Bradley. After they laid the twins down to sleep, they said their goodbyes. 

Bradley put away the last of the dishes, looking around the kitchen for any remaining plates. He turned the lights off and made his way upstairs. The Eagles won and he had an amazing night with friends but a cloud still followed him. He looked in on the twins sound asleep. He slowly entered his bedroom. She looked so small on the mattress. Bradley cleaned up and got ready for bed. He pulled back the comforter and saw her in nothing but his Eagles shirt. An absolute angel in his bed. Bradley wanted to tell her everything. Everything that happened with Irina, everything he's been feeling as of late and ask her a billion questions. But he settled for just climbing into bed quietly next to her. He saw her breathing change and realized she was awake. "Come here." His demands always came from his gut, without the intention of being controlling. His tone always speaking directly to her soul. Gaga turned and melted into his body; her leg lazily over his thigh, her arm and head softly on his chest, his arm securely around her waist. "Thanks for today."

"You bet." A lump formed in her throat. 

"I mean it. Everyone had a great time and I owe it all to you. I never thought there would be a day when I'd prefer to be home instead of at a bar." They both nervously laugh. He wanted to explain and turn the lights on and look at her and clear the air. "So, yea, just thank you."

Before a tear could fall, Gaga turned around curling back into her side of the bed. "You're welcome. It was fun."


"Goodnight, Bradley."

"...Goodnight, Stefani."  

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