Bat Cave

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After feeding the twins and having their own dinner, after having a wine filled giggle attack during bath time, Bradley and Gaga back peddled out of the nursery and closed the door quietly. They both stood in the hallway, neither wanting to call it a night. "I have another bottle of wine." Gaga broke the silence. He smiled and followed her to the kitchen.

"She was practicing after you left. She'll do it tomorrow, too, you'll see. She just pulls herself up and she would take a few steps and fall but get right back up." Gaga poured their glasses, gloating over Ava's big day.

"She has no fear. She just went for it. It's not rocket science but it is hard and I think we're crushing it." Bradley confidently stated holding up his glass.

"We are crushing it. Cheers." They both sipped awkwardly, they never really hung out before just the two of them. "So, you didn't bring your date back to your bat cave?"

Bradley smiled, completely forgetting he even went on a date earlier. "Nope, but someone should at least see it. Come on!" He grabbed the bottle of wine and Gaga followed him downstairs.

"God, I haven't been down here in forever. Still looks like a bar. A bar with a bed now." They both sat on the couch and Bradley dimmed the lights and put on some music. The change in mood was apparent to both of them. Gaga pulled her legs up. "Am I getting the full Bradley Copper seduction treatment? Is this how women fall helplessly into bed."

He laughed out loud. "Yup. Most don't even need the lights or the music, they just fall."

Gaga almost chokes on her wine laughing. "Well your date missed out. This is pretty epic."

"So epic. But I actually went to her place." He looked at Gaga almost hoping she would have a reaction, but she just leaned into her hand to listen. "We had a drink. I must have played Ava's video for her like 5 times. Anyways, yea we went back to her place but... I just wasn't feeling it." He used her words from the night before. "I don't know. I have a lot going on and..." He didn't quite know why he left. He had a chance to hook up with someone but he didn't even have a reason for leaving. "...and I was just really hungry I guess."

Gaga threw her head back laughing. "Well, I'm glad I could feed you."

"Your cooking is amazing. Can I tell you something?" She nodded. "You should stop trying to recreate Lilly's recipes for them. Just try your own recipes for the kids, just to see what happens."

Gaga played with the rings on her hands. Using Lilly's recipe almost made her feel like she was keeping her spirit alive. "I try and remember how she used to make their food and I just can't remember. I know that was important for her to make their own food, that I feel like I'm letting her down if I don't."

"Ava took her first steps today. Jackson if coming out of his shell... kind of... still needs work. You have done such a great job with these kids, that I don't think you could ever let Lil down. She would be proud." Bradley honestly stated.

Gaga blinked back tears and caught the ones that fell on her cheeks. "Wow. Who would have thought you and I would be getting along. I'm sure Henry and Lilly would be shocked about that the most."

Bradley refilled their glasses. "I think about them all the time." He confesses, not sure why he even admitted it. She nods and wipes at the corners of her eyes. "Like all the time. It's the kids, it's the house. I just... fuck...I wish they were here. I wish this never happened." His voice shook and she leaned in closer, rubbing his back reassuringly. 

"Me too. I wake up sometimes and cannot believe it happened and that this is now my life. But I'm happy I'm able to keep a piece of them with the kids. I love them so much."

"Me too. They love you so much!" She laughs at his comment. "It's true! Ava is chill but like lights up when she sees you and Jackson, forget about it. That kids can't stand me, he is beyond yours." She tries to protest. "No, it's true. He like can't stand being in my arms, he just wants you all the time. It's infuriating" 

"Well I'll give you two guesses why he prefers to be in my arms." The pink on her cheeks aren't the only effects of the wine. She looks down at her chest. Bradley follows her gaze, gulping as he stared at her breasts. He burst out laughing, trying to hide the blush that crept over this cheeks. 

"Uh, hmm, great, well I can't compete with that." He leans closer into her neck. "It's also probably because you smell amazing." He inhales her incredible scent. Gaga freezes and lets him smell her, both staying there a little longer than necessary, feeling his hot breath on her neck. 

"Well, I think you have some redeeming qualities, too." She smoothes her hand up his arm. "They love when you throw them up high, or play with them. I'm 100% not strong enough for that." She squeezes his bicep. Bradley feels his pants tighten and moves to naturally cover himself up, causing them to sit back. "Wow. This wine went straight to my head." They both laugh. 

"I heard you sing this morning, you're amazing." He sips his wine, looking around the room at his not so casual statement. 

"Thank you. You'll have to come to a show sometime. Bring the twins, get the whole experience." He nods in agreement, liking that idea. Gaga's phone buzzes, she sits up shocked, "Oh my God it's Luke." Bradley gives her a questioning look. "The kid's doctor. You met him, remember?"

"It's 11 at night." Bradley looks at his watch irritated as he finishes his glass of wine.  

"He said he's out with friends and finally has the courage to reach out."

"What? So he's too chicken shit to harass you during normal hours like a normal douch bag."

"Bradley!" She scolds him and texts back. 

"What?! This is their doctor?! Way to pick them, Stef."

"Stop. He said if i'm not busy would I want to go out sometime." Bradley got up, grabbing their glasses and the bottle and heads upstairs. "Dick." She mumbles under her breath.

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