The Video

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Bradley bounced Ava on his knee while he synced his laptop to the big screen. "I was going through old pictures and videos last night and I came across videos from the wedding." Gaga shifted closer to Bradley as he scrolled over photos. 

"I haven't seen these in years." Gaga turned Jackson to look. "Baby, who's that? Look, who's that?" Jackson and Ava clapped, mama, mama! "Yes, that's mama! She looked so beautiful. We loved that dress." The four sat back and scrolled through video after video, the twins perfectly captivated. The wedding reception video showed the bridal party dancing their way into the room. The announcer calling for the maid of honor and best man. In the video Bradley throws Gaga over his shoulder and dances his way onto the dance floor while she kicks and hits him to put her down. The crowd cheer and Henry and Lilly laugh. They listen to their speeches, seeing Bradley holding the mic high up above Gaga's head so she couldn't grab it. Bradley looks over at Gaga laughing at the video. 

"I'm sorry if this is triggering. I was such a jerk."

Gaga rubs his back. "It's actually endearing. I just couldn't see it at the time. You teased me so much."

"I mean the way you looked that night, you were teasing me too! So, it's not totally my fault." Bradley clicked on their first dance as a married couple. Henry led Lilly to the dance floor. In the background Gaga wipes tears from her face as she sways alone. Bradley watches Gaga wipe at a few fallen tears over the video. The video also shows Bradley just watching Gaga the whole time, his face serious as he watches her get emotional and dance alone. Henry spins Lilly and they both laugh at their lack of dance knowledge. Henry pulling Lilly in close again to softly dance. In the background Bradley makes his way to Gaga, leaning in to whisper in her ear. For a split moment she smiled but then immediately turned and slapped his shoulder. As she stormed away Bradley grabbed a cloth napkin and whipped her ass as she walked away. Gaga and Bradley sat watching the video a little embarrassed. "I don't even know what I said but I feel like I need to apologize for it."

"You said I looked beautiful. And that you'd ask me to dance if I promised not to twerk like Lady Gaga." 

"Jackson, please don't ever listen to me about how to flirt with a girl or boy. Clearly, I have no moves." Gaga laughed and the sound filled Bradley with joy. "Ava, may I have this dance?" Bradley stood up with Ava and held her close as he swayed to the music. 

"Jackson, what do you say? Shall we show them how it's done?" Jackson clapped. Gaga held the tired baby to her chest as she continued to watch the video and swayed to the music. Both adults steal glances with one another while the babies are lulled to sleep. Bradley securely lays Ava down on the couch and takes Jackson from Gaga, placing the growing boy on the couch as well. He holds his hand out and Gaga takes it. Bradley pulls her close and holds her tiny frame as they dance in the middle of the living room. Her arms lightly rub his biceps and make their way around his neck. Gaga kisses over his heart and looks up to see Bradley looking down at her. 

Bradley leaned in and to the side, catching a tear as it fell from Gaga's eyes. He slowly moved to the other side and did the same for the rogue tear. Bradley looked at her for permission and slowly took her mouth with his. Their lips pressed softly yet firmly together for their first kiss. They mutually opened up to each other and allowed their tongues to test the water. A perfect kiss for any alter. They pulled away to confirm their feelings were still present. Bradley bent again and consumed her lips in another tender kiss, this time with a little more urgency. He needed to prove to her he wasn't that man in the video. Well, he was but instead of a playground crush, he was head over heels. Gaga pulled away against his wishes. "Shh, why don't we put them to bed... then you can take me to bed." Bradley groaned in response. He turned off the TV. Gaga grabbed Ava and soothed the whine that followed. "Ssh, I know, I know, go back to sleep, Ava." Bradley did the same with Jackson who surprisingly was out like a light. 

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