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Early the next morning, Bradley makes his way back onto Gaga's property; up the curvy road, running a hand through his freshly showered hair. He parks close to the home, admiring it in the day time as the sun starts to rise. After looking back at his groceries, confirming he has everything on his list, he rests his eyes until he felt appropriate to text her. To his surprise the front door opens and a sleepy Joe ties his robe tight and slowly walks out. Joe walks directly up to Bradley's car, coffee mug in hand and knocks. Bradley gulps at the intimidating man, rolling down the window slowly. "Hi, son. Want to tell me why you're parked outside my daughters house at the ass crack of dawn?" He sips his coffee.

Bradley clears his throat. "Good morning, sir. I apologize for not calling ahead. I was just going to wait out here and text Stefani around the time she wakes up if that's all right."

"That's fine. But what the hell are you doing here right now?"

"I-I I brought groceries. I-I was hoping to make you all breakfast, help with the kids." Bradley hated knowing that her whole family saw him as a bad person. The bitter taste in his mouth, made his stomach turn. He heard his door open. 

"Alright. Come on in."

"Wait, really?" Bradley stumbled out of the car and grabbed the bags before Joe could change his mind. 

"Yea, sure. I'm the first one up. I could eat." Joe walked towards the house with Bradley in tow. 

Gaga woke up, surprised that she hadn't heard the twins baby talk yet. Before checking the monitor she got a flash of the time both her and Bradley realized the twins had slept in. They both quietly backed out of the nursery and silently cheered and jumped up and down at how happy they were but instead of going back to bed, both ran into the bat cave, removed their clothes and had sex not once, but twice before they finally woke up. Gaga smiled at the memory and slipped her hand over her damp center. She bit her lip and made light circles over her most sensitive spot. Closing her eyes, she pictured Bradley hovering over her body, hey beautiful. The heat drained from her body. It was one thing to have a physical deal with him, but to crave his touch when he wasn't around was an entirely new feeling. She shook it from her mind and got out of bed. After brushing her teeth, Gaga went into the guest bedroom and noticed the twins were no longer in their playpen. She made her way downstairs and followed the delicious smell of breakfast into the kitchen. To her surprise, Bradley worked his way around the kitchen with Jackson on his hip. "More bacon, Mr. G?"

"That's great, put it right there, son." Joe made room on his plate, as Bradley placed a few pieces  down. 

"Let me know if you want anything else, I have another pot of coffee on. I'm going to feed these monkey's before-"

"Mama!" Jackson wiggled in Bradley's arms. Bradley turned to see Gaga standing in shock in the door frame. 

"Hi angel, what's all this?" Gaga grabbed the little wiggle worm from Bradley and lightly touched Bradleys arm as he explained.

"Your dad was kind enough to let me in. I wanted to come over and make the family breakfast, help with the kids...make sure you were good. I hope that's ok." Bradley explained, hoping he wasn't crossing any lines.

"That's more than ok. That's very sweet of you." Gaga realized she still had her hand on Bradley who was standing very close to her. Natali and Cynthia both walk in. Natali smiling at the scene. 

"Did someone say breakfast?" Natali steals a piece of bacon while Bradley makes her a plate. Even Cynthia smiles with gratitude and accepts a plate. Gaga kisses Jacksons temple as she just watches the family moving around the kitchen. Her mother overly kissing Ava and happily accepting a bowl of Ava's food from Bradley. 

"Stef, can I make you a plate?" All she could do was nod and watch the gentle tall man fill her plate, setting it down before her while he kissed Jackson's cheek. "If you guys don't mind, I'd like to say something." The family settle down to listen to Bradley as he finished pouring Gaga's tea. "I-I just wanted to say, I'm sorry, Stef." Everyone stopped eating entirely. "I know I hurt you in the past with my words and my actions. I was stupid and immature and careless and cruel. If I told you it's because I was jealous of you, I know you wouldn't believe me. Henry and Lilly were my family and I thought you took them for granted because you were always late or unable to make it, or buying them gifts when you didn't show up. But I realize that the extra time you had you gave to them. Neither of them had any family and you gave them that. And you're giving these kids that very same thing." Jackson held his arms out and Bradley took him from Gaga. A first for both Jackson and Bradley. He held the small boy close. "I'm sorry to you three, for having to see her like that because of something I did. I can't go back in time but I can promise you I'll be here for her, support her, support these little ones as long as she'll let me. We may not have been before, but if it's ok with you, I'd like to be your friend. Someone you can depend on. I can't promise, I won't tease you but I definitely won't make you cry any more." The tears finally fell from Gaga's eyes. Her family also secretly wiped their eyes as well. 

Gaga hugged him from the side, he wrapped one arm around her pulling in to solidify his apology. "Thank you for that. You've changed over the last few weeks and I'm happy to call this new man, my friend." She turned with his arm still draped across the front of her shoulders. "I hope you three can also get on board. I'm alright, I'm ok, it's in the past. Enough, let's just eat and be happy ok?" Bradley pulled her closer one last time. Joe nodded and winked. Cynthia raised her orange juice at him. 

Natali approached Bradley and put a hand on his shoulder. "Bradley, I just want to know... Are there any more pancakes left?" The tables laughs and he hands over Jackson so he can refill Natali's plate. The family continue eating and working towards accepting Bradley. Cynthia gave him a long pat on the back as she helped him clean up. Bradley still was disappointed in himself, but he felt lighter publicly apologizing to the entire family and promising them and himself that he would do better. As he joined the family outside, he watched Jackson attempt to walk and catch up with a waddling Ava, he sat next to Gaga on the grass. "I'd like to just hang here if that's ok." She smiled up at him to acknowledge the plan. "So, is there anything else I can help you with today?" He nudged her shoulder and her cheeks immediately flushed both knowing that he was talking about more than just the kids.

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