Cookie Cake

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I realize most of us are locked inside, so I appreciate you continuing to read and care for this story. For the sake of everyone's sanity, this is the last one for today. Got to spread them out. More tomorrow! I think I know where this is going now, woooo!

"Ok, that's 1 pint for me and 1 pint, a bag of chocolate chips and an entire cookie cake that says 'Congratulations Graduate' for you. It was the best I could find on such short notice." Bo put the remaining groceries away as Gaga refilled her wine glass emptying the entire bottle. Bo notices, "Oh, no thanks. I didn't want any anyways, but thanks for asking."

"Oh, I'm sorry am I supposed to run every decision I make by you too?!"

"Whoa, G! Back up, I was kidding. I did not rush over here in the middle of the fucking night for that attitude. Let me finish putting this away, get us spoons and then you can talk. Breathe." Bo was right, Gaga opened another bottle and miserably poured a glass for Bo, then sloppily bringing all their snacks to the backyard. She brought blankets and waited patiently under the blacks and blues of the midnight sky, meditating. "Where is your rage at?" Bo joined her handing over a spoon in exchange for her wine.

"5..." Gaga creepily opened one eye to catch Bo off guard. "...and don't worry,  it's going down. Seriously, thank you for coming and bringing all this."

"Girl, anytime. Talk to me, what happened." Bo took a modest scoop of her ice cream.

Gaga didn't even know where to begin, Bo let her take her time. Gaga began to make an ice cream sandwich as a distraction. "Bradley left." She used a frosting covered piece of cookie cake as her base. "He's probably flying to New York as we speak." She layered ice cream over the cookie steadily, covering the cookie entirely. "He wants to take a break, be friends, it's 'temporary'." Gaga sprinkles chocolate chips over the ice cream. "And it's all my fault. I pushed him and I royally fucked up by signing a petition to be the sole guardian to Ava and Jackson." She topped her creation with another piece of cookie cake. "And now, I'm all alone, a mother and sole provider of two without the man of my dreams." Gaga smiled at Bo and took a giant bite of her mega sandwich and broke down in tears. "And he hates me for whah-I-ah-diadaf-ahnad-"

"Ok, ok, slow down before you choke." Bo grabbed the giant sandwich from Gaga while she caught her breath and finished eating, wiping away at her tears. 

Gaga calmly explained everything to Bo putting everything into perspective. "...I fought him on everything, I didn't even recognize myself and I was, I did pushing him away. The legal docs, that-that was a fucking terribly timed coincidence. I didn't even take a moment to think about what I was signing!" Gaga buried her head in her hands. "No, you know what? Fuck him. If we is going to run every time things get tough, then that's not someone I wasn't to be with. If he's not going to respect my work, or me, then there's the door!" 

"Wow. That's heavy. You both went through something pretty big. I hate to say this, but I kind of get it." Gaga rolled her eyes, taking her sandwich back, adding a layer of potato chips to continue eating. "Look, I've never seen you happier than when you're with Bradley. But before that, I never saw you worse. I don't blame you for what you signed and I think they rushed to finalize it, so you should be able to open the case back up." Gaga listened intently while she ate. "And Bradley was a textbook fuck boi and you changed that." They both laughed. "He seems like he needs to work through some shit and you need to be single for a minute." Gaga hated when Bo was right.

"Maybe you're right."

"Maybe cut him some slack, for trying to be a part of your life? The jealousy shit and possessive shit if weird, but sounds like he wants to work on that part of himself."

"He called my called my American Horror Story role a naked vampire! He was being such a dick. And God, I still hate that he fucking did this, we were so good!"

"Sounds like it was a defense mechanism. But for the sake of girl power, yes, what a dick. Girl, you've been here before, I've been here before. Breakups are hard. You just need time."

"They are so hard." Gaga whined and agreed with cheeks full of cake. "The tears won't stop."

"Right?! And sad music and the boo-hoo, no one will love me." Bo mimicked and laughed.

"Ha! Exactly and my hormones are insane, the mood swings are crazy. I've been so sad since we started fighting that I've literally become nauseous over this. I'm not kidding Bo, the other day I literally puked from arguing with him. I've been so tired from fighting with him." Bo watched her intently as Gaga put her hood down and grabbed her wine. "And randomly my boobs are killing me." Gaga laughs catching Bo's eye.

"Oh fuck." Bo puts the pieces together. 

"What?" Gaga looks at her, curious as to why Bo looked so shocked. "Bo, what?" Gaga played back what she just said and started to places the pieces together as well. "Oh. Oh no. Nononono..." Bo slowly grabbed the wine from Gaga's hand and took a sip for both of them. 

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