Still a Cloudy Day

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By the time Bradley got out of work, drove out to Gaga's estate, accidentally getting lost on the way and made his way up to her door, bath time was already over. Bradley buzzed and was met with a stoic and stern looking Joe. "Hey, how are ya Mr. Germanotta... or Joe-"

"Mr. G is fine."

"Can I come in?" Joe barely moved aside for him to enter. "Are the twins in the bath?" Joe just nodded towards upstairs and went back to the living room. Bradley quickly made his way upstairs in the foreign home and listened for any sign of the twins. He heard a giggle and followed it to Gaga's room. He saw Natali, Cynthia and Gaga bouncing the naked twins on the bed. He knocked gently and the twins yelled and reached for him. "Hi babies! Hi Cy-Mrs. G, Hey Natali, Stef." 

"Hello. I'm heading to bed, loops. Let me know if you need help with anything." Cynthia left the room after giving her girls and the twins kisses.

"I'll go grab them some clothes." Natali walked out and shut the doors. 

"How were rehearsals?" Bradley and Gaga calmed down the twins and put their diapers on. 

"Fine. Long. I got lost no the way here. It's a little hard to see the trails at night. I'm sorry I missed bath time." He held Ava keeping his lips on her head. "You home is amazing by the way."

"Thanks. I'm sorry you got lost. At least now you know your way." She laughed, but he wasn't amused. "There's food downstairs if you want to eat." Bradley just smoothed out Jackson's hair and wiped Ava's runny nose with his shirt.

"Thanks. I feel weird here. Your mom and dad are really something." Bradley sarcastically laughed. "I feel really welcomed."

"They actually are the sweetest people. I warned you they weren't your biggest fans."

"They have no reason not to like me!" He regretted raising his voice. He felt like an outsider and just wanted to take them back to Henry's house. 

"Well..." Bradley looked at Gaga questioningly. "I mean you didn't really make the last few years that easy for me."

"Ok,  what did you tell them?" 

"Just over the years your treatment of me wasn't great and they obviously were witness to that."

"Oh God, I poked fun at you a few times, big deal. I don't any more. I know you now. I'm different or I'm showing you a different side and-" Natali entered the room with pajamas. "Thanks." Bradley felt embarrassed for raising his voice and took the pajamas. 

"The guest bedroom across the hall?" Gaga nodded at Natali. "Ok, I'll set up their playpens." Natali could feel the tension and helped them out a bit, shutting the doors once again. 

They both silently clothed the twins who were yawning and rubbing their eyes in exhaustion. Gaga quietly confided in Bradley. "Well I was bullied most of my life, so they are over protective of me, especially when it effects my work which is the only thing that makes me happy."

Bradley grabbed the half empty bottle and held Jackson while he drank his milk, Gaga doing the same with Ava. Gaga pushed her high school days behind her having grown so much since those experiences. "I'm sorry that happened to you but how did my little teasing effect your work."

"Like the time you hid my purse on Lilly's roof. I missed a flight that night and was late to my own show." Bradley remembered that time and was about to say it was a joke. "Or the time you pushed me into the pool at the baby shower. I needed to leave the party early to redo my hair and makeup which I had done early so I can stay for a little while longer at the party. I had to go home early and clean up for an interview later that day. Constantly telling me I look like different ugly animals, making fun of my job or the way I dress, or-" Nat peaked her head in and noticed the babies asleep.

"Want me to take them?" 

"No that's all right. We will. Thanks, Nat." Bradley followed Gaga into the guest bedroom in shock, he was miserable over his actions and his skin started to crawl with emotion. They placed the babies in the playpen and turned on their night light. They backed out of the room. "Come on, let's get you some food."

"Actually, I'm going to head out." Bradley needed to be alone, he felt himself starting to shut down. Gaga grabbed a tupperware full of food, handed it to him and walked him out. 

"Dad, say bye to Bradley." Gaga yelled, smiling at her dad asleep on the couch. Joe grunted in response. Gaga laughed but noticed Bradley was in his head. She led them just outside the front door. "My offer still stands. Come by whenever, seriously, my house is your house." He was looking at his car, needing to be in it and 10 miles down the road already. "I'll talk to my family. I don't want you to feel left out or like an outsider. I've seen first hand you're working on all that.  And remember to eat... night." She left a lingering kiss on his cheek and before she could step back into the house, Bradley wrapped a tight arm around her waist. She hesitated but eventually returned the hug. Gaga needed to push him away lightly to break his warm hug. 


Gaga closed the door, shaking her thoughts about Bradley. "Dad, go upstairs to sleep." Joe grunted in response as Gaga made her way upstairs. She checked on the twins and then entered her room to find Natali on her bed. 

"So, how long have you two been fucking?"

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