Papa Joe

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Long chapter, but just kept writing and writing. Apologies for any errors. Here you go!

"I'm gonna kill him!" Joe lunges across the table, just as Bradley flinches and falls backwards out of his chair. Cynthia and Natali hold Joe back, as Gaga helps Bradley to his feet. Napkins fly through the air as Ava claps and Jackson slowly eats his pancake. 

Pause - Rewind to earlier that day

"Jackson, Ava. We have something we want to tell you, two." ChooChoo. "Um, ok, let me find it. Here is your train, buddy." Gaga smiled at Bradley, while he tried to get the twins to focus. "Stefi and I- mama and I are going to officially be your adoptive parents. We'll always be here for you, protect you, help you." wed twuck. "Red truck? Oh, firetruck, ok, here you go."

"They're too young to understand, B." Gaga joins them with their breakfast. 

"We love you so much." Luvoo. "Ah-ha! She gets it." Bradley cheers, taking their food from Gaga. "And, guess what?" nom-nom. Jackson opens his mouth expecting food. "Hold on buddy, we have more news." Bradley pulls Gaga closer, as she stands by the three of them, laughing at how awful this is going. "Mama is having a baby." He pats her belly and gives it a tender kiss. "We're having a baby." bebe. "Yes! Oh wow, you got it, good job." Ava reached for her doll that dropped. Bebe. "Close enough."

Gaga bends to grab the doll. "Hey, you two, daddy's being serious. This baby..." she wiggles the doll for them " in here." She points to her tummy and repeats. "Baby." Bebe. The twins repeat and point to her, causing her to tear up. "Yes, good job. That's right. You're so smart. " She turns to Bradley, kissing the top of his head. "You think we're ready to tell everyone?"

"Well, typically people wait to tell family and friends." Bradley helps the twins eat, avoiding her eyes. "I'm totally ok, waiting until they're at least 10 years old before we mention anything." 

"Don't be dramatic." Gaga laughs at Bradley while picking up her phone. "Ok, babe, we are confirmed for an appointment with my doctor at 1 pm. We can drop the kids off with Natali."

"You're right. Your dad and I are buds. He really has been a huge part of my growth. You're lucky to have grown up with him." Bradley smiles cleaning up after Jackson and Ava. Gaga pulls him closer by his tshirt.

"These kids are going to be so lucky to grow up with you." Bradley dips his head for his kiss. kisthh, dada. "That's right, little nosy boy, I get to kiss my girl whenever I want. Let's wash your hands, come on."

Natali met the couple outside, taking both twins by the hand. "Ok, just went down for a nap, so just play with them and a snack until then, got it."

"And check their diapers."

"Well, that sounds like a mom thing, but I'll let her know. Oh, speaking of she invited you two for brunch afterwards." Natali balanced their diaper bag and pulled the eager twins up towards the apartment. Gaga and Bradley looked at each other, their secrets all of a sudden becoming too real. They simple nodded and drove away. 

"Those two are going to drive her crazy." Gaga laughed agreeing with Bradley. "God, can you imagine if we had twins again." The thought settled between both of them as silence consumed the car. "I mean, that could never happen, right?" Gaga stared at the New York City roads blankly. "Right, Stef?"

"No, I mean, I don't know. Lilly and Henry did IVF and twins don't run in our families so, no? Oh, God can you imagine?" The rest of the car ride was quiet for the two adults as reality of caring for one more small person set in. 

Peter met them in the private garage to escort them through the back entrance. "Hey, LG, the hallways are clear and I already prepped your doctor with the NDA. No nurses, but she said it will be a relatively quick appointment, so she doesn't mind doing the whole thing alone."

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