Sick pt. 2

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A long one for you. Thanks for the comments!

"Thanks for breakfast, Coop, what no lunch?" Joe joked seeing Bradley carrying Ava down the stairs of the large estate. 

"Haha, I can whip something up if you'd like. But Cynthia already threatened me to never let you eat that much bacon again."

"Stop bothering him, Joe. He's fine, Bradley. We're heading out to lunch now. Can we bring you back anything?" 

"No, thank you. Enjoy!" Bradley had managed to put Jackson down after Gaga left for a photoshoot. Ava was extremely tired but extra clingy and refused to sleep. He found Natali on her laptop in the living room. "Guess it's just us three. Unless you want to be alone."

"No, no, come on in. Hang out. Is she not tired?" Natali noticed little Ava bury her neck into Bradley, shuttering from crying.

"She's tired, but won't sleep and is being stubborn, isn't that right Ava girl?" Bradley lifted her head and noticed her sniffle. "She's been extra snotty the last couple days, I'm hoping she not getting sick." Bradley and Natali carried on getting to know each other for some time. Natali even told him about a guy she was seeing back in New York, getting advice from Bradley on why men are so stupid, to which Bradley explained that "...we can't help being stupid around beautiful women."

"Oh, you are such a charmer, very dangerous. Well, I am still full from breakfast, but do you want to make yourself something to eat? There's tons of food." She reached for Ava.

"Actually, that would be great. Thanks." Bradley tried to move the half-asleep little one but she clung to him and through tears said dada. Natali's eyes grew, both adults just looking at the whining baby as she cuddled back into Bradley. "I-she's never...Ava, sweetie, it's Bradley...shit that's long...B, can you say B?" Bradley pointed at himself going back and forth with the little one. Ava attempted to breath through her stuffy nose, dada, B, dada, B-ee, daddy, nope. Bradley looked to Natali for help.

"Wow. This just keeps getting more and more interesting. What I can do is make you a sandwich, while you internally freakout. I take you for an everything on your sandwich kind of guy." Bradley nodded in shock. Gaga was right, it does sound weird. Seeing a helpless and needy tiny person look at you and assume you're someone you're not. Ava walked around the living room, throwing herself down in tiny tantrums the rest of the day. Luckily, Cynthia was able to help calm the girl down enough for Bradley to run to the store and get some supplies for the sick baby. 

Gaga arrived around 8 pm that evening to a household of crying babies. "What's going on?" mama! Ava called and reached for Gaga. "Hi, baby, what's the matter? Where's Bradley?" She touched the small girls forehead and looked around for Bradley, nervous that her family drove him away. Nervous that their big breakfast meant nothing.

"He ran to the store to grab some things for Ava. We are keeping Jackson away so he doesn't get sick either. Sweetie, I have to say, it is odd hearing her call you that."

"No more strange than it is for me." Gaga rolled her eyes. Bradley rushed through the door. "And Jackson's still up? He should be asleep by now. B, did you grab a thermo-"

"Got one and some of the pedialyte and meds we used last time. Also, those popsicles things." Natali and Cynthia worked to get Jackson asleep, while Bradley and Gaga tended to Ava. "99, not bad. She definitely isn't as bad as Jackson was." Bradley looked at the thermometer, now that Gaga finally got Ava to sleep in her arms.

"I'll bring her upstairs and she will have to sleep with me tonight."

"I'll clean up down here and probably head out after that." Bradley kisses Ava's sleeping head and Gaga heads upstairs. After placing Ava on the bed surrounded by pillows, setting up a monitor and changing quickly she went back downstairs. "Hey, good you're still here."

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