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Gaga patiently paces around the living room, waiting for Bradley to exit the bathroom. "Ok, let's see the damage." He sneaks up behind her and tilts her head to the side and whistles. "Wow, your dad was right. That is a big one." 

Gaga pushes him away playfully, holding her neck. "My God! It's so weird that you guys hang out. Well, you did this to me, so technically you're to blame. What did you even say?!" 

"Nothing! I have to agree with him. You need to be careful of the men you hang around with." She whines and pulls away from him. "I'm joking! I think it's sexy. Marking you are mine. I'll be careful next time." Bradley whispers into her ear. "It's just a tiny little thing that connects us." Gaga smiles at his choice of words. 

"Baby, sit." They huddle together on the couch, now it's Bradley's turn to patiently wait. "When Henry's lawyer approached me about the guardianship of Jackson and Ava, you had just walked out. I was a mess. I hadn't slept and at our first meeting with him he knew I was 100% in-"

"I regret ever having a doubt in my mind that those two wouldn't be a part of my life."

"Bradley, it's a big decision. I don't blame you. But when he approached me the second time, my head was not there. I was mad at everything. We both lost our friends. He said it wasn't finalized, until you signed away your rights." 

"So, what you're saying is...." 

Gaga ran to her purse and pulled out an envelope. "I had my lawyers work with Henry's and you don't have to do anything right away, you can think, but..." Gaga handed him the documents. "...we have adoption papers in order for you and I to have custody of them. All we have to do is sign. Together."  Bradley looked to her and then the papers, lightly removing them from her hands to read quickly for himself. 

"Ours, together? Officially?" Bradley timidly and happily made sure. 

She eagerly nodded. "Officially. It's what Henry and Lilly wanted. It's what we both want and now it can be official." Bradley pulled her in for a hug. He looked around and ran to his office, returning with a pen. "Now?!" She laughed. Bradley signed and initialed all the tabs and Gaga followed suit. 

"This is amazing. It doesn't really change anything but I do feel better about it, legally." Gaga agreed, as they embraced again. Bradley held her tight, happy with her little surprise. He felt whole. He rocked them slightly. "Signing them makes me feel like I'm officially part of a family, you know?"

Gaga pulled away. "I have one last thing to tell you." She pulled at her fingers and looked down at her lap. "The last few weeks I haven't been feeling very well..." Concern flooded Bradleys face. "I figured under some of my stress that I was feeling under the weather, which is what I assumed  was the reason I was late last month..." Bradley found it difficult to follow. "...I wanted to wait to make sure we had talked before I told you and as much as I wanted to surprise you, I feel like the mature thing to do is talk about it and make the decision together." Gaga spoke so quickly, that when she looked up Bradley's face revealed his concern and confusion. Her hand grazed over her womb, catching Bradleys eye. "I took a test last week and-" 

It clicked. "Are you...Stefani, are you pregnant?" She simply nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "Are you serious?" His eyes were saucers. 

"The test was positive."

"Oh, my God."

"Like I said, I want it to be our decision and hear you out-"

"Oh my God."

"And it won't change how I feel about you, about us-"

"Oh my God...we're having a baby!" Bradley stood up lifting her with him, spinning them around. "I can't-I don't know what to say."

Gaga had been nervous of his reaction but was just as shocked at his happiness. "I wanted to tell you but I just had to make sure we were ok first. Whether you wanted to be with me or not, I wanted us to be ok before I told you. I would have told you either way."

"I have so many questions. And it's your decision but-" They both read the answer in each others eyes.

"I want to keep it, I want this so bad. I want us, all of us." She rubbed her hands up and down his chest.

Bradley grabbed her hands and kissed them agreeing, finally letting the tears fall from his eyes. He bent down and kissed her tummy. "I'm going to be a dad." He laughed, "a dad, again.  Stefani, you've made me the happiest man. I want this more than anything." 

"Baby, you're shaking, sit." Gaga pushed him down, but Bradley was not letting her go that easily, pulling her down onto his lap. "You can ask me anything."

Bradley wiped his eyes. "How long have you known?"

"Officially, about a week now. I started to feel the symptoms, something was off, and actually Bo was the one that guessed. I should have told you sooner, but I thought..." she intertwined their hands. "like I said, I wanted this first." 

"I understand. I'm glad we are where we are. I'm so happy but how did this even happen?" Bradley rubs her tummy, curious as to when this happened.

"I think you know how this happened." She teased, giving him a quick kiss. "I mean, we weren't very careful, after awhile we gave up entirely on condoms." Bradley squeezes her acknowledging the absent thought. "My pill complicated my other issues and medecine, so here we are. I know it's not ideal timing, but I truly am happy."

Bradley agrees with a longer kiss. "And how far along?"

"I have no idea." They laugh. "I have to schedule a doctors appointment but wanted to make sure you could come, so we need to check our schedules. I don't want to make decisions without you, we're in this together, right?"  

Bradley held her tighter, burying his head into her neck, his hand flat against her womb. "I'm so here with you, together. Thank you, thank you so much! I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby." 

"God, every time we made love, I wanted to tell you I love you, but I never did. Even when...even  when we were rough, it was still so good and I wanted to shout how much I love you." Bradley got pensive. "I can only think of one time that it wasn't very nice." Both remember the last time they had sex before they made up, right before everything imploded. "I just hope our baby wasn't born out of anger."

"I'm almost positive it was not that time. But if it makes you feel better..." Gaga leans in and captures his mouth for a passionate kiss. Bradley moves his hand from her womb, up her body to form around her breast. Their kiss heats up and Bradley softly pushes her back, making his way between her legs. The couple remove their clothes, smiling a their new little connection. Bradley sits back to look at her glorious body, imagining the even more beautiful form it will take now that she is carrying his child. He gave her tummy a tender kiss, before he positioned himself at her entrance. "Listen here, mister, no more marking visible areas, got it?" Bradley slowly entered her body, pulling out a moan at the end of her sentence.

"I got it." He takes his time with her until their bodies crave more. Bradley pulled her on top of him as he leans back agains the couch. Gaga bounces on top of his cock, filling herself up with him. "I love you."

"I-I lllove you, Bradley. Ahhh" Bradley grabs her hips and meets her thrust for thrust, both cumming  undone at the same time. 

"God damn, it's always so good with you." Bradley pulls the blanket off the back of the couch, covering her naked body that lazily lays over his. He works to catch his breath as their sleepy body's start to cool under the blanket. "What now? Doctors appointment. I'll check my schedule."

"Yea." Gaga sleepy says against his chest. "Then, we can tell our team, because we won't be able to hide this any more. But first, before all that, we should tell my parents." 

Bradley's eyes spring open. "Your dad is going to kill me." 

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