Dinner for Two

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What...a...week! Seriously, couldn't even look at comments, couldn't do anything was so busy (also, low key panicking). Whatever. I will be posting more and more chapters all weekend. Also, anyone who said they re-read the whole story, fucking awesome. 

Bradley buttoned his shirt and ran his hands through his hair. He ran down the stairs and peaked into the nursery. Dada! "Hey, monsters! Thanks again, Molly. I will be home in a couple hours. Hopefully they don't give you too much trouble going to sleep." 

"We'll be fine. They seem pretty tired as is and I brought them a few new books."

"You are a rockstar. Thank you!" Bradley kisses the twins and ran down the stairs, taking a quick look around and doubling back towards the backyard. He smiled to himself as he made his way to the beach. He's been on a million and one dates but for some reason this one made him the most nervous. 

Gaga put on some perfume as she walked around her room in her robe. She couldn't stop smiling at herself over her surprise date. She had been so concerned he was pulling away but he was being adorably secretive all along. Gaga went in her drawer to grab her underwear when she hesitated. She closed the drawer and opened a lower drawer, looking through and settling on a strappy black lingerie set. "I think he'll like this." She bit her lip and slipped into the deadly attire, quickly throwing on her dress. Her phone buzzed;

B: Beach. Follow the lights. See you soon. 

Her heart raced. She knew him for years, but it's been only 2 months that she really got to know him and the man she came to know was everything. She took one last look and quickly made her way to the nursery. "Molly, honey, I'm leaving. Should be back in a few hours. Night-night babies!" Molly thought that was a coincidence but continued reading to the babies. Gaga made her way down her staircase, quickly looking back up and then turning to head to the back of the home. She immediately stopped upon seeing a long path of candles leading towards the beach. Gaga walked the familiar path and after turning the corner she noticed a beautiful table for two set up near the water. Further down she saw Bradley throwing pebbles as far as he could into the ocean. "Excuse me, I believe I have a reservation."

"Right this wa-" Bradley turned around and stopped mid sentence. Her beauty was radiating under the moon light. The dark green dress fit her perfectly, hugging her curves in all the right places. Her lips looked glossy and plump enough to eat. "Stefani, you look amazing."  They walk towards each other, his hand quick to hold her hips. 

"Thank you, handsome. You don't look so bad yourself." She compliments with a tiny peck on his soft lips, loving how his blue eyes popped against his fitted light blue button down. She admired the beautiful spread.  "This is amazing. All this for little ol' me?"

Bradley kisses her temple. "Trust me, you are worth so much more. I wish I could take you out but we haven't really talked about that."

"B, it's perfect." Bradley smiled and could finally breathe knowing she approved of their alternative date. He pulled out her seat and sat across from her. As Gaga sat down she noticed the flowers from the paparazzi picture at the center of the table. "I'm the lucky girl." She quietly smiled to herself.

"What's that?" Bradley poured their wine.

"Nothing. So, how may I ask did you happen to organize all this?"

"With a little help from some friends and I did google proper first date." Gaga laughed out loud, knowing he most likely wasn't lying. "Tara, my buddy's wife is a chef and was able to send over this delicious spread. I think you're going to like it a lot. But first I'd like to make a toast."  Bradley grabs his glass and Gaga follows his lead. "I know I never officially took you on a real date. I think it's safe to say our lives are out of the norm. I honestly couldn't have tried to raise those kids without you and getting to explore this... is just icing on the cake. Thanks for putting up with me these last couple of months, thanks for saying yes to this date." Gaga's heart was beating out of her chest. Bradley just kept on surprising her. 

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