Lace & Straps

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"Oh you guys came back at the same time. What a coincidence." Molly says as both Gaga and Bradley are quick to unlock their hands. Molly gets off the couch and starts to collect her things. 

"That is weird." Gaga lies. 

"Sooo, how was your date?" Molly presses while Bradley grabs a bottle of water smiling.

"It was amazing. Probably, the best first date I've ever been on." Gaga grabs Bradleys wallet off the table and pays Molly, giving Bradley a wink. "He got me flowers and everything."

"Oh my Gosh, that's so sweet! Well, fingers crossed. What about you, Bradley? Can I ask how your date went?" Molly walked towards the door, thanking Gaga for the tip.

"It was incredible although..." Both women quickly look up. "...she wanted to take me home but I'm just not that kind of guy." Gaga turned to avoid the blush that spread across her cheeks.

"She must have really been into you. I think you're a real gentleman for being so traditional. Well, call anytime!"

"Thanks, Molly. That means a lot. Take care!" Bradley held his heart appreciatively. As soon as the door shuts, Gaga saunters over to Bradley. 

"Not that guy, huh?" Bradley bites his lip. "Traditional?" He nods. "So, am I to believe you don't want a good night kiss?"

Bradley slowly pushes off the counter, pulling her close by the hips. "I had an incredible date with you. I would very much like to end this date with a kiss." Bradley lowers his head so his lips are mere centimeters from hers. "But If you think for one minute that I don't want more of you tonight, then baby you don't know me at all." He ravages her mouth, walking her backwards towards the stairs. 

Gaga pushes his strong chest away, breathless. "Oh. But I thought google said not to do this on the first date?" She turns and walks up the stairs to her room.

Bradley is quick to attach himself to her. "Well, sometimes google's wrong." They stumble into her room as he attempts to pull her close but she pushes him away. 

"Sit." Gaga puts on mood lighting and a little music, checking the baby monitor out of habit. Bradley sits on the edge of the bed, watching her, mesmerized by even the smallest of movements.  She walks up to Bradley placing her hands on his knees, separating them and bends down for another kiss. "Unzip me, please?" She turns and Bradley smiles taking the tiny zipper in his hands, slowly pulling it down the length of her body. Gaga turns again letting the material fall to the floor. Bradley gulps. She is a vision in her lingerie, the pieces clung to her body perfectly. Bradley already thought Gaga was sexy in anything she attempted to wear, but this was a new level of erotica. He grew harder than he was before and couldn't help grabbing himself while she rolled her hands over her body. Gaga went to her mirror, giving him a new view of her constricted ass. She was a present that needed to be ripped open. Bradley removed his shirt, hoping to cool down his body; the view only making him hotter. He sat back as she touched up her hair and makeup, lingering to make him wait just a little while longer. 


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