Playing Hooky

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Jackson opened his little eyes. What a night. He yawned and stretched is tiny little body that laid comfortably over Bradleys. Jackson wiggled and reached up grabbing Bradleys chin. "Ouch." Bradley jokingly groaned. "Hey, buddy." Bradley kissed Jackson's hand. "How are you feeling? Hmm?" Gaga stirred awake and witnessed the cute little exchange, watching Bradley softly kiss the little boys hand. Jackson really did open up  his trust more for Bradley. They had a hard night but at least that bond seemed stronger. 

"Good morning, angel." Gaga smoothed out his short hair. "Oh, Jack your drenched in sweat. Want to take that onsie off of him?" Gaga grabbed the thermometer and waved it over Jackson. "97.9, Someone broke their fever." Bradley let Jackson crawl around in his diaper, simply watching Gaga and the baby interact. "Are you feeling better? Huh? Mr. Stinky." Gaga hovered over Jackson on all fours smothering him in kisses. The nest of blankets they created a comfortable world that helped heal Jackson back to his vibrant self. Gaga sat back, pulling Jackson with her. "B, your shirt is wet from his sweat." She smoothed her hand over his abs, pulling at his shirt. Jackson turned over crawling around the mattress. Gaga averted her eyes watching Bradley remove his damp shirt. "Oh really, all this energy after keeping us up all night?" 

"I know, little faker, trying to stay home from school!" Bradley got in on the kisses and cuddled into the both of them while Gaga laughing at his stupid joke. "You know what? I'm calling in." Bradley grabbed his phone and sent a series of texts.

Gaga watched Bradley text, continuing her soft kisses on a much happier Jackson. "I'd tell you I'm fine but honestly, I'm going to need the help today." Bradley finished his conversation via text and they high-fived, letting their hands stay connected a little longer than usual. "Ok, stinky, let's give you a quick bath before Ava-" Baby chatter came over the monitor and Bradley and Gaga laughed "-and she's up."

They spent the entire day caring for Jackson who was doing much better. They cleaned the entire home to rid it of any left over germs. Bradley and Gaga danced around the kitchen entertaining the twins while they cooked later that evening. "Try this." Gaga had been working on her own versions of baby food and was going to debut tonight. She held her breath as she fed Bradley. 

He moved the baby food around his mouth and furrowed his brow until, "Wooooo!" He yelled scaring the twins who burst out laughing. "Now we're cooking. It's great, but your tough critics might have to be the final judges." Bradley made them each a plate of food from what he was cooking while Gaga removed her apron and sat to stare down the twins. She fed each of them at the same time and patiently waited. Bradley put their plates down and bent down to await the verdict. Both twins swallowed and wiggled opening their mouths again for more. Gaga jumped up screaming in delighted shock. Bradley wrapped an arm around her waist and spun her around. "Ladies and gents, she can do it all!" Her laugh filled his senses and he smiled from ear to ear. He placed her slowly back on the ground. 

Gaga spun out of his arms and continued to feed the twins. "So, I've been meaning to tell you. My parents and my sister are coming to visit next week." Bradley listened while he ate. "Just a heads up, they aren't your biggest fans." 

"Well, they don't know me so..."

"I know, I just wanted to give you a heads up. They are great people but might be a little...moody, so don't feel like you need to stick around. I'll have help and I won't be mad. So it's cool if you take a few days to yourself. That's all."

"Stef, eat." Bradley takes over feeding the kids. "I appreciate the heads up and I'll try and be on my best behavior." He winked. "But I don't mind sticking around." Gaga shyly smiled. "They are loving this." Bradley finishes feeding them and cleans them up. "Also, I am heading to New York either later next week or the week after. Press stuff. We'll have to figure something out. Maybe a sitter or nanny or someone to help out." Gaga cleans up their plates, then helps take the twins out of their highchairs. 

"Maybe we can come with you. I've been meaning to go to New York, I've been putting it off." Bradley hides his smile at how nice that sounds. "They are exhausted, yesterday was hard for all of us. Especially you, baby. I'm going to take his temperature one more time."

"He's fine, he's just tired. Let's skip reading and end this hooky day with a movie instead, what do you say?" He helps Ava walk into the living room. The four get comfortable on the couch and watch a movie. The twins sleepily stop playing and curl into Gaga. "No. No way, there are two of you and two of us, why do you both want her?"

 No way, there are two of you and two of us, why do you both want her?"

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"You're bruising uncle B's ego." The twins couldn't care lass about his feelings as they cuddled even closer to Gaga. "Aw, you're going to make him cry." Jackson reaches one hand out, refusing to move. But Bradley will take what he can get. He crawls and lays his head in Gaga's lap stretching his body out over the couch. Midway through the movie, Bradley feels Gaga run her hands through his hair a few times. The feeling felt too incredible to move. "B? Bradley." He looks up at her and she nods to the sleeping twins. Bradley gets up and grabs both. He follows her to the nursery where they tuck them in. Both moving in synchronicity, turning on their night light, adjusting blankets, enjoying the silence. 

Gaga feels Bradley close behind her, as they quietly close the door behind them. He pushes her lightly into the wall, a much different feeling than the time he drunkenly came on to her. "What are you doing?" Bradley pushed her hair behind her ears and shifted his eyes around her entire face, almost memorizing her features. "Bradley..."

"Let me touch you." He whispers and his hands come to rest on the small of her waist. He bends his head into her neck to stay quiet but also to breath her in. "You said you want to be touched. You're too busy for anything else. Ok. Let me be the one who touches you then." 

She couldn't deny that his advances didn't feel good. His hands the perfect size and strength, he smells great and his voice was sexy in her ear. Her hands rest on his chest and she gave him more access to her neck. "I don't think that's such a great idea." His hands move under there shirt, over her smooth skin. He rubs her sides dangerously close to her breasts, then finds her bare waist again, he nips at her neck.

"I think it's a great idea. No strings. Use me, Stef. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it." He was right, she has but he always reminds her why that would be a bad idea with his stupid mouth. Bradley pulls away to look softly into her eyes. He knows he would never push her if she was uncomfortable. He was fully ready to take a mental image of her beautiful face and wish her a good night. 

Gaga's breathing became more shallow, letting her defenses down. "Have you?" Bradley tilted his head. "Thought about it..." She could see him trying to hide his smile, burying his head into her neck, giving her a tiny kiss under her ear and nodding. She felt him press his hips into her, so she could feel his answer. She quickly grabbed his hand, leading him across the hall,  opening the door to the guest bedroom and swiftly led him inside. 

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