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"Well, that was interesting." Gaga and Bradley finally breathed out once settled and on their way back to his home. The New York City street lamps guided them home as the sun began its descent. Gaga checked on the twins who were content and filled with pancakes and Italian cookies. She knew Bradley's head must be spinning with thoughts but he kindly kept them to himself while he drove. Gaga touched his thigh giving him the platform to express himself.

"You're dad almost broke my hand when we said goodbye!" Bradley flexed his hand showing her the lack of mobility. 

"Aw you poor thing." Gaga joked as she peppered his hand with kisses. "I have to say, it was kind of adorable how you looked like a puppy with its tail between its legs."

"Baby, I will stand up to anything and anyone in this world for you. But i'm not fucking with your dad."


"Sorry. And another thing, you two are in big, big trouble. I thought we were a team." Uh-oh, dada. "Yea, uh-oh, big uh-oh, I almost lost an arm back there!" The twins smiled unaware of the shit-storm they caused.  Bradley looked from the road to the rearview mirror, to the road and back to the mirror. "I can't stay mad at you guys. Look at their faces, Stef." Gaga looked back to see them hold his gaze slowly dozing off. "I'm not mad, I just wish we were able to tell them slowly, in our own time, like we planned. I don't want them to see me as the guy that knocked up their daughter. You're so much more to me." 

Gaga moved her hand from his thigh to hold his hand. "I know you're not that guy. Natali knows that, too. And my parents, they will come to see that our relationship is bigger than that. We love each other and we just happen to be having a baby."

Bradley kissed her knuckles. "We're having a baby. I'll never get over hearing that." He pulled into his brownstone and carefully picked up both sleepy twins and carried them into the home. The twins came to life as soon as they heard the door close, getting a second wind and running all over the house to touch and play with everything. "Bath time, monkeys!!" The twins screamed and ran towards the bathroom. 

"Bobby's calling me." Gaga looked at her phone and then to Bradley concerned.

He kissed her head and followed the twins. "I guess better to get it out of the way. I'll take over bath time." Bradley started the bath while removing their clothes, letting them run around naked for a moment. Bradley sat on the bathroom floor and watched the twins who look like a perfect combination of both of his friends. He wondered what his own child would look like. He wondered if they would be loud and confident like Ava, or more reserved like Jackson. He wondered if they would be wild and careless like himself or strong willed and adorable like Gaga. Bradley grabbed the naked wiggle worms and placed them in the tub. The thought continued to enter his mind while he washed the twins and until he heard her approach.

"And Joe didn't kill him?" Bobby questions, shocked over the entire situation that Gaga just explained to him. Bradley heard the comment, noticing Gaga standing in the door frame.

"No, Bob. I'm still alive and just as shocked as you are." 

"Hi, Bradley. Congratulations. I'm shocked, but I'm happy for you two. I was just telling LG, I kind of had an inclination that you two were more than friends. But a baby? That's...it's unexpected but very exciting. Since I've known her I've always known that she wanted kids. No one would make a better mom." 

Gaga swiped at the tears that fell. "Thanks, Bobby! Stop making me cry!" 

"Well, looks like Jackson is peeing over there, I see you have your hands full. We'll talk later. I'll come up with a few ideas. Talk soon. Seriously, congratulations. Love you!" 

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