Mini Hot Dogs

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"Don't you dare." Gaga and Jackson stared each other down from across the kitchen. "Leave it, Jack." She dared to take one step and the screaming child immediately threw his bowl off the table. "Nooo!" Gaga tried to catch it but the dish and the contents inside joined the rest of the food on the floor. She worked to quickly cleaned up the mess while both twins cried and kicked and screamed. "Hey, we do not hit!" Ava continued to slap Jackson and eventually knocked her bowl off the table too. Gaga worked to separate the two, while still cleaning the big mess. Bradley arrived to see the disaster.

"Whoa, what's going on?" He put his backpack down and grabbed Jackson to quiet him down. "No hitting. Knock it off. Are you ok? What happened?"

"What happened is that these two are giving us a preview of the terrible twos and I am not here for it." Dada!!! Ava wailed. "Nuh-uh, daddy's not going to help you now. Sit." Gaga threw out the dirty paper towels, trying to pretend she the word she just said didn't feel good in her mouth. "We may have to start punishing them for bad behavior. I'm trying the corner thing, but she just keeps getting up." 

Jackson folded into Bradley's arms, his crying a low whine. "Maybe we can get a time out chair or something."

"Yea maybe but I mean we don't even have their high chairs or a proper bed for them here. We have to baby proof, they're getting into everything." Gaga stresses. 

"I'm sorry."

Gaga rubbed her temples, she didn't mean to snap at him. She rubbed his arm apologetically. "No, I didn't mean that. You have been nice enough to let me stay, I don't mean to be ungrateful.  I just mean each of our homes should be better equip in general so they aren't freaking out or behaving badly every time they go stay in a new place. I'll order duplicates of things online later. Ava sit!" The little girl threw herself into the corner crying. "At least the corner is torture for them. They have been so bad all afternoon." Gaga looks at how cute Jackson is with his pouty lip and tear stained face. She goes to kiss him. "Oh now you want to be good and cute, now that daddy's home?" Gaga didn't mean to say that again, but she couldn't help the slip. Bradley couldn't control the knots in his stomach from hearing those words, jealous that Jackson got all the kisses, happy that he had such an important role between the four of them. 

"Look I can stay in tonight, if they're acting up. We can have another hooky day, just cook and watch a movie." Bradley tried to sound casual while suggesting such a domestic night. 

"Don't be ridiculous. Go out and watch the game with your friends." The truth was, Bradley just wanted to be around her. He was completely distracted all day thinking about almost kissing her early that morning. He went back and forth about whether he was having false feelings due to their situation or whether he really felt for her, more than a friend, more than a co-parent. She was gorgeous, that's undeniable, but was he truly falling for her? "My security should be here soon. I just have to run to the studio for a meeting. I'll be back by the time you have to leave. Come here, Ava." Ava miserably slugged her way over into Gaga's arms. "I'm sorry I had to punish you. But we do not hit or throw things. OK?" Ava nodded and whimpered into Gaga's chest. "B, sorry to leave you with them like this." 

"It's ok. We got this and I'll use the corner if I need to." Gaga's phone rang and she grabbed her things. "Say bye, mama." Bradley used Jackson's arm to wave, causing Gaga to smile. 

"Bye, baby." There it was again, Bradley was jealous that her warmth wasn't directed towards him. He walked her to the door and saw as she changed her mood and posture. Her shades creating a bigger than life persona. Lady Gaga on full display, her security guard guiding her into the black suv. 

"Hey, share, please! Do you want to sit in the corner? Play nice." Bradley watched as the twins play while he finished his online order. He spun his phone around contemplating whether he should text her or not. She was probably busy and probably happy to be away from the chaos of raising two kids. He pulled up a photo and sent it. 

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