Sweet Potato 2

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This wasn't going to be my next chapter but what the heck, it's just for fun

Bradley drove with a quick easy down the freeway occasionally stealing glances at his love seated next to him. Gaga held his arm close, as his fingers drew lazy circles between her inner thighs. "I still can't believe you did that."

"Was it too much?"

"No, it was perfect. I'm just wondering if everyone was able to pick their jaws up off the floor." Gaga laughed, squeezing his arm tighter. "It was such a power move, it was so sexy." Gaga leaned in and nipped at his neck. He growled in response "And that little lick, my God, I was going to push the scripts off the table and just take you right then and there, in front of everyone, I didn't care."

"Mmm I wish you would have." She purred into his ear just as he parked the car. 

Bradley gave her a soft kiss before whispering. "How about a bath?" She happily nodded and they quietly made their way inside. Gaga put her finger to her lips nodding towards Natali sleeping on the living room couch. "Want me to take her upstairs?" 

"She'll be fine." Gaga whispered. "I'll start a bath."

 "I'll be right in." Bradley assured while he peaked in to the nursery to see the two sleeping twins, the spinning night light occasionally passing over their angelic faces. He closed the door and went to their bedroom to drop off this backpack and jacket. Taking off his shoes and shirt he made his way to their large bathroom. Bradley smiled when he saw her naked body tiptoe towards the almost full tub. Everyone had the privilege of seeing her hot body walk away leaving them in her dust, but he had her like no body and that drove him wild. Bradley began to remove his belt as she dipped one leg then the other into the tub turning to sit and relax. 

"Hi." Gaga smiled up at him. Her body starting to react to his body slowly walking towards her, undoing his belt.

"Hi." Bradley lowered his pants, boxers and all. She shivered in the hot water looking up at her lover, his perfect body and manhood hard and swinging in her direction. He made his way behind her and embraced her under the warm water. Bradley kissed her temple , his hands coming to massage her belly, thighs, arms and back to her belly. "How's our little sweet potato?"

Gaga leaned back into him, enjoying his massage. "Good. Happy that daddy will finally be home more." 

"Me too." Bradley kisses her neck as his hands explore underwater. He feels her center and smiles feeling a mixture of water and her own silky arousal coating her folds. She moans at his large hand circling her clit. "I think someone else is happy that daddy will be home more."

Gaga laughs holding his hand, leading his finger inside her. "I may have had my own selfish reasons for disrupting you're reading. Can you blame me? Not everyone gets to have you all to themselves." She reaches her other hand around to wrap around his hard cock. "And I do mean all of you." She finalized with a long stroke. 

"Tease." Bradley whispers in her ear before turning her around to straddle his legs. Gaga shows him just how much of a tease she is by hovering right over his erection and slowly kissing him, her tongue painting a picture of all he's missed. Bradley reached for his cock and forced Gaga to give up her tease and lowers onto his thickness. They made love slowly and softly. Her wet breasts rolling over his wet chest, their hips grinding tortuously slow. Their pace quickened as they chased their desire. Gaga's hands squeezed his shoulder for support as he rapidly worked her hips up and down, back and forth, faster, faster. She braced herself quickly, her sudsy, wet hands reaching out to grip both sides of the tub, connecting their foreheads and breathing hard in pleasure. Underwater, their body push and pull to the rhythm of their own. Bradley's toes curl as he pushes up into her. Small waves crash against thier bodies, both silently breathing each other in until their mutual quiet release.  Gaga folds into his neck, her limp body recovering in the warm water. She laughed out, "My baby, whipped? Nu-uh, we both know daddy likes to take charge." Bradley laughs and looks down at her flushed face, "...don't we daddy?" 

"That's half true, but I think we both know I'd do anything for you. And that's the truth and a promise." He seals it with a passionate kiss.

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