My Friend

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"Hi, Jack." Bradley held out his arms for the little one to jump into. Dada! "I missed you so much." Mish you. Jackson made himself comfortable  in Bradleys arms, sucking on his thumb. Bradley loved everything about these kids; their personalities, their laughs, their smell. This was his happy place, he just needed to work on getting the last piece, getting it right at the same time. 

"Hey, Loops. Welcome home, sweetheart. Drop the kids off with Bradley?' Joe kissed his daughter's head when she came through he door. 

"Yea, we hit traffic but I just- wait a minute, how did you know I dropped the kids off with Bradley?" Gaga placed her bags down just as Natali appeared, hugging her sister tight.

"Hi sissy! Ugh, I missed you. Bo texted me and said I need to talk to you asap. So, what's up?"

"No, wait, dad how did you know I dropped the kids off?"

"You're mother told me?" Joe was confused over her question. 

"But I didn't tell mom." Gaga stated, crossing her arms over herself protectively. "Dad?"

"Ok, Bradley told me." Joe grabbed his coat and was out the door before Gaga could process what she heard. "See you two at the restaurant."

"Ok, tell me." Natali urged.

"Why is dad talking to Bradley?"

"Why are you avoiding my question? Bo said it was urgent." Gaga moved her bags closer into the home and took a seat on the couch. "I think dad ran into Bradley the other day. Don't stress it. So what's up?" Gaga looked at her sister, her face so similar to hers. She wondered how strong their genes must be to have such a similarity. Their age difference was enough for them to grow up together but also enough for Gaga to have a protective maternal feel over Natali. "Stef!"

"I'm pregnant." Gaga blurted out. A new tattoo, a new piercing, an idea for an outrageous act of punk rock kindness political statement, Natali would have guessed anything but pregnancy. The look on Natali's face said it all. The all too familiar tightening in her stomach sent Gaga running to the bathroom. As Gaga emptied her stomach this time with the help of Natali holding back her hair. To weak and shaky to get up, Gaga sat against the wall.

"I'll grab you some tea. I'll see if we have crackers." Gaga nodded through closed eyes. As she calmed her body down she was brought back to the week prior. 

"Hang tight for one moment, sweethearts. Mama will be right back." Gaga grabbed the plastic bag and ran into the bathroom. She left the door open to hear the light baby babble coming from around the corner. Just like that, pee on a stick and possibly change life as you know it. She laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. As she waited for the results, she washed her hands and went to check on the twins. "I'm sorry, if I'm being distant and that daddy's not here. You guys deserve our absolute attention." Ava and Jackson stared blankly back. "I remember your mommy once told me that having you was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to her and that I'd know that feeling if I ever have one of my own." Gaga brushed the hair from Jackson's eyes. "I hate to say it, but she was wrong. I love you guys more than you will ever know. I'm sorry, Lilly that I can't be you for them. I'm sorry if I pushed Bradley away." Gaga wiped at her tears. "You know I love your Dada very much, right?" Dada!  She laughed at their excitement. "I know he doesn't think so but he's a great daddy, you're very lucky. Any kid would be lucky to have him. I was lucky to have him. We can do this." She held their chubby, little, sticky hands, letting go when her timer went off. 

Gaga brushed her teeth and stared at herself in the mirror, remembering the happiness that washed over her when she saw the results. She was nervous to feel sad at such great news, but the moment she saw the positive sign all she could think about was telling Bradley and making a decision together. The fact that she wanted him to be part of the decision gave her hope for their future and the trust he was looking for. She joined her sister in the dining room. "Hi, sissy, feeling ok?" Gaga nodded accepting the tea. Natali didn't question her, didn't pressure her she just was with her for whenever she was ready to speak. 

"So that keeps happening." Gaga joked, smoothing out her hair. "Um, I haven't been feeling too well the last few weeks. I assumed it was because Bradley and I were fighting all the time, it put me in a bad mood and my body was just reacting. Things got pretty bad and we're currently on a 'break'." She didn't know what else to say. "Bo, bought me a test and I was so scared to take it." Natali reached over to grab her sisters hand. "I love him, Nat. I love him so much and I'm so scared that after his break and process to better himself, that he's not going to feel the same. And I'm mad at him for even putting us on a break while I'm going through all this." 

"Have you told him?" Gaga shook her head. "That's not fair to assume he isn't going through this with you. I think it's great he's working on himself but Stefi, you need to talk to him." Gaga nodded agreeing. "If you're just going to puke it out anyways, might as well binge on pasta. Want to go to dinner, see mom?" Ping. Gaga grabbed her phone to read the message. 

B: This is amazing! 

Gaga smiled at the video now that Bradley knew Jackson's little trick, quickly showing Natali the video

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Gaga smiled at the video now that Bradley knew Jackson's little trick, quickly showing Natali the video. "For what it's worth, only Bradley and those kids can put that kind of smile on your face. I have a feeling things will work out. Come on." 

"Dad, you didn't tell me you were talking to Bradley." Gaga passed the salad to her mother, grilling her father for answers. 

"I don't have to tell you everything." 

"Um, yea you do if it involves the fath-the man I'm raising two children with."

"What? He's my friend."

"Your friend?" Gaga pressed, seeing Joe brush it off. Cynthia watched the two, intrigued with how this will all turn out. "You're just friends with Bradley Cooper." Gaga sarcastically stated tot he table.

"We walk, we talk, we get coffee, we go to the movies. He's my friend. I don't know what you tell you, loops."

"Well, one, you could have told me." Gaga tries not to overreact. "And two...what did he say?"

"What did he say? Sweetheart, we talk about it all. I don't know. He was in bad shape, he's doing well. The shows about to start. He's standing up taller. He's a good man. But you already probably know this. Eat." Gaga sat thinking about her fathers words. She glanced at her mother who nodded and affirmed her thoughts with her eyes. 

Cynthia sipped her wine. "Hun, are you staying with us?" She asked prying for details. Gaga wasn't ready to open up and simply nodded sipping her water. 

Gaga laid awake late at night in her childhood bed. She loved her New York apartment, but home was home. Gaga stared at the ceiling and drew a small circle around her lower belly. She breathed in and breathed out. "All he needs is time. Just give him time and be patient. We can get through this and-" her phone came to life, pulling her from her tearful declaration. "B?"

"Hey." Bradley struggled to contain a screaming Jackson in his arms. 

"It's late. What's wrong? Is everything ok?" Gaga panicked and jumped out of bed, quickly getting dressed

"Yea. I didn't want to call you. It's Jack, he won't go to sleep. I tried everything. He won't stop crying." Gaga got dressed, remembering Jackson putting her through the same treatment. 

"Be there in 10, if you can survive that long,, Cooper."

Bradley smiled at their old banter. "I think I can manage. See you soon."

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