Not Now

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Gaga could almost see the sun shining through her eyelids, not quite ready to wake up. Her body was slow to catch on to the movement next to her, but soon she slowly felt her legs separating. She smiled at her naughty boy. Her neck was the lucky first spot to feel his lips. She could only moan at his exploration, as he worked his way down her body, taking a little extra time on her breasts that desperately ached for his touch. Gaga kept her eyes closed, biting her lip, anticipating his next move. Bradley pinned her hips to the mattress, pressing himself into her, willing her eyes to open. "Good Morning, you two."

"Morning, beautiful." Bradley bent to kiss her. "Is this ok?" He continued to pepper her face with kisses. She nodded and stretched, occasionally feeling the wisps of his eye lashes. "I can wait, if you want." He kissed her chest and ribs and belly and hips. 

Gaga rolled her hips into his hard center. "Something tells me you won't be able to wait." Bradley laughed. Both knowing she was right. Bradley immediately bent, biting her center and pulling her panties, letting them go with a snap. "Oh!" Her eyes widened at his response. 

"Fuck, you're soaked." Bradley rubbed her through her panties, causing her to moan and watch his movements through hooded eyes. "God, I missed you moaning. Your little sounds filling my ears. You ran through my head all day long, baby." 

"Sounds exhausting." She pulled him closer and whispered. "I dreamt of you. All of you." Bradley gripped the sides of her underwear.

"What did you dream about?" 

Gaga placed her hand over his, almost halting his movements in a teasing way. "Just you taking me in every which way possible."

"Sounds exhausting." They laugh into another kiss. Gaga released his hands and allowed him to remove her panties. Bradley bent, licking her lower lips, sucking on her clit.

"B, I need you now. It's been too long." Bradley pushed his boxers down in record timing. Gaga looked at his veiny cock, dripping in pre-cum. "Oh God." 

"Yea, it has been too long." Bradley grabbed himself and aimed himself at her entrance, taking her lips in his, while he entered her, pushing past her tight walls with his thick, aching cock. Gaga pushed his face away to moan at the contact. "Shhh" Bradley reminded her, while he pumped in and out of her. Their need consuming their bodies. "How are you this tight, fuck!" He rocked into her, deeper and deeper. 

"Don't stop. I'm already cumming. Don't-" Gaga let go and contracted around his cock. Bradley quickly kissed her to absorb her screams of desire. He quickened his own pace, watching her breasts bounce to his rhythm. "Yes, baby, yessss!"

"Oh, fuck. You fffeel ssso good." Bradley grabbed the headboard for a new angel and continued to trust. He felt his balls tighten and began to pull out. 

Gaga wrapped herself tighter around him. "Let me feel it. Let me feel you cum deep inside me." Bradley as all too quick to meet her demand, grunting and cumming into her perfect body. He pulled out and then pushed right back in, never getting enough of the way she made him feel. 

"Fuck, I love you." Bradley sucked on her neck, biting lightly, pulling out again. The two lovers laid side by side looking at their flushed faces, seeing each other for the first time in a new light of love. Bradley pulled her closer and they fell asleep once again in a pile of limbs until their two human alarm clocks were ready to start their day. 

There seemed to be a an intense baby debate coming through the baby monitor. Gaga lowered the volume and watched Bradley sleep. His body was so much larger than hers, but sleeping he seemed so gentle, so soft. She ran her hand through his hair and kissed each one of his eye lids. He groaned pulling her closer into his naked body. "You don't have to get up just yet, but we might have a baby riot on our hands if I don't get them." Bradley grunted in response. "Good point, but if they are grumpy now, they are grumpy all day which means daddy won't have time to take care of other things today." She moved his hand to her backside. Feeling him squeeze back made her smile. "That's what I thought." With one last kiss, she unwrapped him from her body. Gaga dressed in her underwear and Bradley t-shirt. Bradley joined her shortly after in only a pair of fitted sweatpants. 

"Good morning, monkeys. Jack, you're little trick worked last night, but if you ever throw a tantrum like that again, you're sleeping outside." Bradley reprimanded with Ava over his shoulder. Gaga huffed and coddled Jack, "and mama, won't be able to save you, capiche?"

"You're mean. I'll let you in, baby." She kissed Jackson and the four made their way into their familiar routine.  "B, I actually have a few things to do today, so I'm going to run and change."

"I'm off today, just a digital table read later." Bradley held her from behind. "Can you stay over tonight?" Gaga nodded, turning to kiss his lips quickly. "Didn't you have something, you wanted to tell me?"

"Not now, later. Bye, love. Bye angels!" Gaga left their food made and fruit cut up and quickly ran upstairs. 

By the time she came down to leave the home, Bradley yelled after her. "Later, remember! You promised!" 

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