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Typically when Bradley wakes up before his alarm, he does a tiny fist pump and turns over to continue to sleep

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Typically when Bradley wakes up before his alarm, he does a tiny fist pump and turns over to continue to sleep. But on this particular morning, the sun lit up the room creating a spot light for the completely naked beauty before him. He pulled away slightly to look at her back that was pressed up against his chest and for the first time was able to take in her collection of tattoos. The muscles of her back a glorious canvas for the harsh black lines that covered it. He lifted the sheet slowly and admired her perfectly plump ass, holding in the groan that the image extracted from his body. He felt his body start to warm up and watched the meat between his legs grow. Bradley bit his lip and snaked his arm tighter around Gaga's waist. She adjusted slightly, pushing her ass back into him. Gaga's eyes floated open, taking in her surroundings, immediately feeling a poke in her backside. She couldn't help the smile that pulled at her lips. "mmm Good Morning." 

"Sorry, I woke you. I couldn't help myself."

"It's ok." She bit her lip, feeling him try and hide his arousal. 

"Last night was incredible." Bradley mumbled into her neck. "I think we both needed that."

"Well, I'm a little sore, you didn't wear a condom, I'm pretty sure the twins could hear us, I woke up in your bed, that's another rule..." Gaga listed jokingly. 

"Oh, I think you liked it a little bit." Bradley nudged her shoulder so he could see her face, just tilting his head to look at her eyes in the sunlight.  Gaga looked at him seriously, taking in his features. She lightly dragged the back of her hand down his scruffy cheek. In this light, the sun warming their bodies, his light caress on her hip, his bluer than blue eyes, he did something to her, something she was nervous to think about. Completely naked and vulnerable wrapped in his arms, she felt utterly and absolutely safe and comfortable. 

Bradley softly turns her willing body, making his way gently between her legs

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Bradley softly turns her willing body, making his way gently between her legs. His large hand secure on the side of her face as his head leans in towards her lips. They could hear light New York City traffic, morning birds chirping awake and the small creak of a door opening...mama. Bradley and Gaga startle and move away from each other fighting over the thin sheet to cover their bare bodies. "Hi Ava, baby! Um...go get Jackson." The little girl groggily pitter-patted by the door frame. She rubbed at her eyes while Gaga won over the sheet, forcing Bradley to hold a pillow over himself. "Sweetie, where's your bottle? Go get your bottle." Gaga panicked as the little girl made her way sleepily over to her side of the bed, dragging her blanket behind her. Gaga wrapped the sheet tighter around her. 

"Stef, I'm still..." Bradley held the pillow tighter to his body.

"I know, where are our clothes! Grab me something." 

"I can't!" Dada. "Hi, princess." Up. "Stef, don't grab her." 

"Oh stop. I'll turn her head, then throw me something to wear." Gaga grabbed the little girl and cradled her away from Bradley while his naked body quickly threw her a tank top and her underwear. He quickly made his way into the bathroom. Gaga distracted Ava, while hastily putting her minimal clothes on. Bradley looked at himself in the mirror, willing his body to calm down. He put his boxers on and an undershirt, all the while thinking how he almost kissed her. She was ready for him, open and willing. Why did he have the urge to kiss her so badly? He's already had her, why was his heart beating too fast? Bradley took another deep breath and walked back into he bedroom to see the two girls glowing and softly chatting about nothing. The image making his heart race once more. 

Gaga moved to make room for him

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Gaga moved to make room for him. "That was close." He nodded in response. "I was just telling Ava that it would be nice if she could go to sleep just a little while longer." Bradley made himself comfortable next to them and rubbed Ava's belly. He grabbed his phone and searched for something. 

"Ava, who's that?" He pointed to his phone. Ava looked, removed her pacifier and pointed, mama. "That's so crazy. And who's this?" Dada. Gaga was right, Ava knew the difference and remembered her parents. His eyes misted over at the confirmation. "Good, baby." The three looked at the photo while a memory came to the surface of Bradley's mind. "When your dada and mama just met, your dada and I were still living together." Gaga cuddled her and Ava closer to him to listen. "I was up early and she found me eating cereal out of the box." Ava listened intently. Though not understanding much, the sentiment was still there. "I assumed like most of the women in our lives, that she would ignore me or scoff at my fruity pebbles. But to my surprise, she poured us each a glass of milk and sat with me, grabbing a hand full for herself and making just as big of a mess as I was making. I think I knew she was the one before your dada did. He's much dumber than me, which I'll tell you all about when you're older." Ava's eyes lulled shut and Bradley's and Gaga's connected. They both thought about what they almost did. It scared them. 

"That was a great story. She used to tell me everything, she never told me that." 

"Lilly was special...I truly thought there was only one of her." Bradley's buried confession lingered in the air. Gaga cradled Ava but her hand peeked out and she wiggled her finger. Bradley hooked his finger around hers and they both drifted back to sleep. 

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