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Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, Hollywoods hottest it couple continue to shock the word in their latest news!

Mother Monster, Mother Again?

Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga Expecting?!

Bobby opens the door to Gaga's estate with dread plastered on his face. Little Ava surprises him as she runs in bare foot, wearing only a long t-shirt. Bobby looks around startled. "Hello."

"...ello." Ava stared up at Bobby with her large doe eyes. 

"Is LG-is you mama home?" 

"Mama" Ava smiles and clutched at her shirt. 

"Yes, is she around?"

 "Mama and den I had juicey and big girl in potty." Ava chatted, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Oh you're a big girl and you use the potty now? Well, congratulations. That's quite the accomplishment. You should be very proud of yourself-"

"Bobby, please stop speaking to my child like she's your next 3:00 meeting." Gaga walks in with a hand supporting her achy back. She swoops the toddler into her arms.

"Sorry." Bobby laughs realizing he was speaking with a two year old. 

"I'm guessing you're here to yell at us over the latest headlines." She looks at him confidently with Ava on her hip. 

"More or less."

"I interrupted Bradley's meeting a couple weeks ago and I'm surprised it's all coming out now. I should have told you but hopefully you have a solution for us, yes?"

"I hope so." Bobby nodded at his friend, glowing with a toddler on her hip and growing belly pointed directly at him, her confidence not once impaired by the drama that surrounds her.

"Is she peeing down the side of my body?" Gaga asked blankly while holding Bobby's gaze.

"Yes." Mama, potty. "Timing is everything, Ava. It's better you know that now. I'll wait for you in the living room." Bobby turned attempting not to laugh and heads into the living room. Gaga closes her eyes and counts to three before turning to head up to the bathroom. Bradley is running with a bottomless Jackson who is proudly peeing and leaving a trail behind them.

"Where is the off button!" Bradley screams finally getting Jackson on the toilet. "Babe, I know you said we have to do this but I read we can let them choose when they are ready to potty train, or never potty train them at all."

"We will not be changing three diapers. We have to get this done before our little coconut gets here." Gaga removed Ava's shirt and strips herself. Bradley sneaks a peak at his beautiful fiancé. Gaga quickly showered her and a wiggly Ava, shouting out to Bradley. "Bobby is downstairs. I think he just wants to chat about all the rumors."

Bradley cleans Jackson and places his pull-ups on handing Gaga a towel. "For once, the rumors are pretty accurate. Good job, media. Meet you down stairs."

Jackson runs up to Bobby. Potty! "Oh really? Then why are you still wearing a diaper?" Big boy. "I'll believe it when I see it." Bobby continues typing on his laptop, sneaking a sly smile to Jackson. Gaga joins them, refreshed and glowing. Bradley helps her sit. "Well, this all feels too familiar." Bobby shuts his laptop. "Have you guys seen the headlines?"

"I was just telling Stef that they are all pretty accurate." 

"We can release a statement acknowledging the facts and be done with it." Bobby looks at them, then stays on Gaga. "I just thought we were aiming to have a wedding first, remember? You wanted to give LG something that was yours; a memory."

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