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pssst... I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. I never expected to go past 10 chapters with this, so I appreciate you still reading! I added to my one shots and started a couple other stories while I figured out how to end this story, so check those out if you are bored and waiting on this couple to finally show themselves to the world!

"Oh come on, you can't tell me you don't think he's cute!" Lilly nudged Gaga with her shoulder, teasing her while they looked at Henry admire Bradley's new motorcycle.

"Fine! He's good looking, is that what you want me to say? So are a lot of guys." Gaga laughed giving into her friend taunting her. 

"He's single you know." Lilly laid back on the grass and Gaga followed, laying her head on her friends stomach as they both looked up at the clouds.

"I'm sure he is. I'm also sure that like all these Hollywood guys, he has a different girl every day of the week." Gaga felt Lilly laugh and tickled her side. "I appreciate you always looking out for me though."

"I always have your back, just like you have mine." The two girls smile and hold each other, busting out laughing when they notice Bradley pick Henry up the moment Henry tries to get on the bike. 

"Ok, ok! Put me down, tough guy! You've shown off enough!"

"I'm not showing off." Bradley puffs out his chest, sneaking glances to the girls laying in the grass. Henry continued to admire the bike and gave Bradley a side eye. "What? Ok, fine, she's hot and I like to flirt... we'll probably end up fucking and ..."

"Yea right. Not LG. She's not one of your bimbos, she's like Lilly, cool and sophisticated."

"Oh, LG, LG? You guys are so warped with her weird pseudo life. She's just like every other chick out here."

"I don't know. But you should try finding a girl. It doesn't have to be the world renowned Lady Gaga, she's out of your league anyways. But I don't know, man. Lilly is the best and I like having someone to call, someone to talk to and she's beautiful inside and out. I'm going to ask her to move in with me."

"Are you fucking with me? But I live with you!"

"Barely! And you are already becoming a house hold name. I'm proud of you and just want the best for you. She's the best and I, I don't know, I want to be around her all the time."

Bradley looked over at the girls but couldn't tear is eyes away from Gaga, her contagious laughter filling his ears. "She is pretty great...Lilly that is. Thanks, man. I'm proud of you too. And if you MUST move in with someone else, I'm glad it's her."

"Thanks man. I really do see myself settling down with her, having a family-"

Bradley shook his head at the nonsense coming out of this friends mouth. "Please, stop trying to ruin my life all in one day. Come on, let's take it for a spin."

Bradley looked at himself in the mirror. He rarely thought about his wedding day, but when the thought ever crossed his mind he knew Henry would be standing by his side. "Henry..." Bradley blinked back tears. ", I miss you. The kids are doing great. They are smart and funny and kind. Don't worry, I'm not embarrassing you too much. Stefani and I always tell them stories about you guys and show them pictures...Stefani. She is the best. I can't imagine she loves me more than I love her." Bradley smiled at the mere thought of her. "You were right. You were always right. It is incredible coming home to someone, to love someone. And now with Charlie, our life is so full and so happy. Just wish you were here. I hope you will still be up there with me." Bradley fixes his bow tie and swallows the lump in his throat. "I love you." 

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