The Calm

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Their relationship bloomed over the next week. Both settling into a new adoration for the other. A complete honeymoon happiness claimed their day-to-day as they continued to navigate co-parenting. "I wish you could come with me tonight." Gaga straddled Bradley and whined into his neck. "It's not fair. Everyone else gets to show off their man to the world, but we have to keep this a secret? I hate this." She peppered his neck with kisses. 

Bradley opened up her silk robe, licking his lips, peeking at her corset. "I know. Me too. Although, knowing that this would be under your dress would torture me all night. You do plan on wearing something over this, right?" Bradley genuinely asked, not sure what form Gaga was going to take tonight. She swatted his hand away and tied her robe shut. 

"Of course! It's the launch of Haus Labs, not a political statement...yet." Mama, up. "Oh, hello my love. Are you finished destroying my walls?" Gaga took the washable marker from Ava and lifted her in-between her and Bradley. Ava giggled looking between her two guardians with a giant green mustache stained across her face. Bradley blew raspberries on the little one causing her to burst into giggles. "Are you going to be good for daddy?" No. "Good. Ugh, no, I want to stay with you guys!" Gaga melted into another tantrum over the two.

"Tell mommy, no." No! "Say go, mama!" Go, mama! Gaga cried as the two pushed her away. 

"Sorry, LG, but we need to finish your look." Sarah walked in with Jackson on her hip.

"Fine. I'm ready. But are you? Or are you still high on baby fever?" Gaga brushed past Sarah who was enthralled with Jackson. 

"I am head over heels, but that doesn't mean we don't have a party to get too. Move it." 

Yes, the couple were just as head over heels for each other as Sarah was for Jackson and the more they committed to each other the further they fell. 

"Bradley, can you come help me grab more hamburger buns?" Gaga yelled from the patio door. Bradley excused himself and asked friends to keep an eye on the twins. Gaga and Bradley crashed against the bathroom door in a heated lip-lock. "We only have a few minutes." Gaga worked on his button on his adorable navy boat shorts. 

"That's all I need. Fuck, these tiny shorts you're wearing are killing me." Bradley turns her around to grind into Gaga while unbuttoning and pulling her shorts down. He pulled himself out and entered her in one movement. Bradley kissed her hard to absorb her screams and moans while she braced herself on the door. 5 steamy minutes later the duo cleaned up. "Hey, if I haven't already said so, this was a great idea, this picnic for the twins."

"I think everyone needed time to heal but Ava and Jack should know they are loved. This was the family Henry and Lilly had. I want the twins to have that too." Gaga brushed her fingers across his face, cleaning off her lip gloss from Bradley's lips. 

"You're amazing." Bradley softly kissed her and unlocked the door. The two joined the get-together separately, which had become habit for the two love birds. Their relationship, though involving shared children and essentially a home, was still new and fresh and bringing any media attention to it was not healthy. Though anyone around them would be blind to not notice the constant stares or light caress as they passed each other. Their souls yearned to be connected at all times. 

Gaga runs her hands slowly up Bradley thighs, landing on his firm bottom, over his tight boxer briefs. "I'm not complaining, because if I had it my way, I'd let you walk around here in nothing at all..." She gives him a squeeze. "...but I do have Freddie coming over shortly." Bradley turns around with his bowl of fruity pebbles, smiling, a little milk spilling from the corner of his mouth. "Now that I think about it, Freddie might like this even more that I do." She gets on her tippy toes and licks the drop of milk, slowly taking the drop into her mouth. 

"I'll be clothed soon, Freddie can keep his pants on. I'm doing laundry, I only brought a few things this week." Bradley fed her a spoon full. 

Gaga got pensive holding onto his waist and chewing. "Maybe... I mean only if you want... you don't have can bring more clothes." She drew soft circles around his abs, avoiding eye contact. "I can clear some drawers so you can stay for longer periods... only if you want." Bradley ate another spoonful, loving how uncomfortable she was when she was being awkward. "I know it's soon, but you are here all the time anyways...and-and-"

"I'd love to." Gaga finally looked up to see the beautiful man looking down at her. "Thank you." Bradley kissed her forehead. "My next step was going to be just wearing your hot shorts from the other day."

"HA! Hot shorts, I'd love to see that!" Freddie walks in laughing. Gaga and Bradley separate. "Oh, please, Sarah tells me everything. I'll meet you upstairs. Hot shorts, that's hilarious." The couple moved fast but happily as they continued to explore their feelings for each other. 

"Ava, baby, please give me one minute. It's almost half-time." Bradley focuses on the TV while Ava whines by his feet. Gaga smiles typing on her laptop on the other end of the couch. "Go play with mama." Ava stands up causing Bradley to look at her. "Did you see that?! She just rolled her eyes at me. Babe, she rolled her eyes, like you do!" 

"Well, good, all she wants is a little attention."

"Not cool, Ava-girl. I can't have two women in my life giving me attitude, there's only room for one. I thought we were buds?" Bradley lifts her up and flies her around the room and plopping her down on Gaga's lap. 

Gaga grabs his chin just as he releases Ava and pulls him close. "Is that one woman me?" He nods. She pulls him in for a tender kiss. 

"So, is that ok to do in front of them now?" She nods and Bradley dips down for another lingering kiss. Dada, go!  Ava points. "Attitude, young lady, cool it. You're teaching her bad habits, Stefani." Gaga rolls her eyes, smiling and continued typing. 

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