Change of Plans

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"I'm constantly amazed at everything you do and I can't stop falling in love with you." Bradley spoke from the heart. Gaga's heart warmed at how much she truly loved this man. With one more tuck of Ava's blanket, she turned to see Bradley down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" Time slowed down. Gaga looked at his beautiful face painted in shades of nerves and hope. She looked at the small box he held in his hand and back to his captivating eyes. "The moment I met you I knew I loved you, but pushing you away seemed easier than opening my heart to rejection. Henry and Lilly had a love and marriage that no one else could have. At least that's what I thought..." Gaga fell to her knees to meet him on the floor, taking his head in her hands. "...until I got to know you, the real you. Until I got to know us and what we were capable of. Thank you for letting me love you. Let me love you now and for the rest of our lives. Marry me."

The answer was so obvious but hearing his words was more than she could ever imagine. The cameras and lights and crowd that surrounded them not even an hour ago was only a small portion of their life. Their entire life was right there in that room. He declared himself to her in front of those sleeping babies, in the dark under twinkling lights, to the beat of the flutter in her womb. "Yes. Yes. Oh, my God, yes." She crashed her lips into his as Bradley held her close. Their faces wet from both of their tears. They laughed as he wiped her face and removed the ring from the box. Her hand was shaking as he slid a large soft pink diamond that faintly resembled a rose on to her delicate finger. "It's beautiful. Bradley, I love you. I can't believe this." 

Bradley pulled them both up from the floor, kissing her deeply while they quietly left the room. "I love you so much." Their heart beats were the music that led their passionate love making. Bradley made sure she was ready for him before he entered her and absorbed her moans. Kissing her eyes as tears continued to fall. They whispered sweet nothings into each other ears as he held their interlocked hands over her head, both climaxing in perfect harmony. Bradley held her close, softly kissing her head, happy as all can be. 

"It's beautiful." Gaga looks at her ring through their intertwined hands. Her face was flushed, her eyelids pink from crying. "I truly cannot believe this. You make me the happiest women ever day but this...thank you."

"Thank you. You make me happier than I ever thought possible. And I can't take all credit for the ring, I had a little help picking it out." Gaga turned to hear more. "I helped Henry pick out Lilly's ring....which is funny because she told me that you had picked it out and if I was ever in a position to guide Henry then that is the one I should pick." Gaga smiled in shock at his story. "While you were in LA shooting, I asked your Dad, your mom and Natali for your hand. Know it's old school but-"

"No, I love that you did that."

"Well good, I think they did too. I think the baby helped them give me their blessing but I'm going to pretend it's because I'm a good guy." She laughed into his chest. "Your dad and Natali helped me decide on a ring. I went with pink because it's soft like you and different like you and I don't help me see life in pink..."

"Le Vie En Rose" She breathed out. Only recently did they both realize it was both of their favorite song.

"That's right." He smiled at the fresh tears that misted her eyes.

"Wait, did you-"

"I had it before I found out it was our song, honest." Bradley held up his hand truthfully.

She melted into his arms. "It's perfect. You're perfect. I love you. I can't wait to marry you Bradley."

Bradley kissed her, rolling them over once again to make love to her all night. "I can't wait either. I love you so much."

Gaga laughed into his kiss. "Bobby is going to kill us." Bradley smiled into their kiss, entering her once more. 

Bobby rubs his eyes profusely. Bradley and Gaga patiently wait for Bobby to stop freaking out. "A few weeks ago we talked about the plan. Remember? You know, the detailed plan that was going to help us smoothly allow you to reveal the news that you are going from super single to super pregnant. Remember all that?" They both nod. "Ok, so what is God's name made you want to not only propose but also immediately want to get married? Please, someone tell me! Jackson, Ava, anyone!?"

"Bobby, I love this women more than I can explain. We are both traditional people and as of recently nothing has been traditional for us, and that's ok but I want to give her at least one thing. Please, let me give her this one thing that we can have. One memory that isn't..." he looks at Jackson and Ava and reaches to touch her stomach. " memory that isn't a surprise."

"This is a huge fu-"

"Language." Gaga and Bradley say in unison. 

"This is a huge surprise to me." Bobby pulls at his non-existent hair.

"It was a huge surprise to me too." She grabbed Bradley's hand and lovingly looked at his messy hair, ice blue eyes and lopsided grin. "I never thought Bradley wanted this. We never talked about it. We've talked for hours at night when we first fell for each other, still do, but never once did this come up. But our small wedding, that will be our one memory. Bobby, my life is hectic. I want this. I need this." Bobby knew she was the boss and he could only advise. The couple sitting before him was love in its purest form.

"Brad, you couldn't wait?"

Bradley pulled Gaga closer by her outer thigh smiling. "I knew for a very long time that I wanted to marry this woman. Some day, one day. But the last few weeks, I don't know I wanted to make a commitment to myself, at least get the ring and wait until the end of the plan. But the way the way she looked at me last night, the way the lights in the nursery were twinkling across her face, the way she touched our unborn child and our kids, with the love only this perfect, selfless soul wasn't even a question. I wasn't even planning on getting on my knee, without trying she brought me to my knee and before I knew it I was proposing." Gaga leaned into the man who continued to make her heart swell and gave him three kisses on the lips. 

Bobby had to hand it to them. They really beat the odds and got it right. Defeated but happy Bobby nodded a simple, ok. Gaga sat up a little straighter, clapping her hands. "Great, so change of plans."

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