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Freddy groaned softly, slowly opening his eyes. He had hazy memories of running... something hitting him... Ava screami -

"Ava!" Freddy shot up, instantly regretting his decision as pain exploded behind her eyes and along his side. He curled into himself, taking a few hissing breaths through his teeth.


Freddy forced himself to look up where the voice had come from. The dark blue cosplayer from earlier was in front of him, waving his hand to get his attention. He focused on his face, a little concerned with how his ears were ringing, making him sound like he was underwater.

Freddy then realized how close his face was close to the demon's face and blushed.

"My apologies for what occurred earlier. We require your assistance in... quieting your companion."

"Ava?" Freddy became aware of muffled screaming from his left. He turned, shocked to see the young woman firmly restrained in the arms of the light-blue cosplayer. "Hey!" He began pushing himself up off the couch. "I don't know what the deal is with you guys, but - "

Freddy stopped short for two reasons. For one, his head was swirling and making everything go sideways.

The other was the very hot ball of fire being held inches from his face, behind which he could see the furious eyes of the white-horned cosplayer. "Watch your tone, human," he snarled, moving closer. "Or I'll burn that attitude right out of you."

"Asch, no!" The first cosplayer shot his hand out, blocking the fireball. "We need his help! Threatening him isn't going to make this any easier."

Freddy let out a short bark of laughter, causing the two men to look at him in shock. "Ava's really been giving you a hard time, huh?" He slowly stood up, feeling the world tilt dangerously again. "Ugh," he groaned, bringing a hand to his side.

"Are you all right?" The dark blue one came up to his right side, carefully taking his arm to support him.
'He's touching me!' Freddy thought.
Reluctantly, Freddy accepted his help. "I'll be okay. You guys just rang my bell a bit." He grimaced. "You also might have cracked a rib or two."

He felt him tense up beside him. "I apologize! It was not our intent to harm you!"

"Shh..." Freddy started walking towards where Ava was still panicking. "Not so loud. Bad enough Ava's going berserk..."

Once they were standing in front of Ava, Freddy clapped his hands together once, loudly. "Ava!"

To everyone's surprise, it silenced her instantly.

"That...worked?!" The orange-clad cosplayer was still incredulously reacting to everything around him.

The green one (Leif?) popped up from his position beside the couch. "Why didn't you think to try that sooner?"

"Hey, not my waited so long to... wake me up." Freddy was gasping, holding his side. Just clapping had jostled him more than he'd been prepared for. He took a careful breath, focusing his eyes on Ava. "Ava, let them talk. No more screaming..." he trailed off, his next word barely more than a whisper. "...please..."

Ava nodded once, her eyes fixed on the man.

Freddys's living crutch nodded back. "Good. All right, Pierce. Let her go."

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