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Ava soon awoke with a gasp, jolting upright from her position on the bench. "This... isn't a dream... still..."

"Nope." Freddy was sitting next to her, infuriatingly calm about the entire situation. "I would have thought that'd be obvious by now." He grinned. "There's no way you'd have me here if this was."

"Here, maybe this'll help you." Pierce knelt down in front of Ava, producing a box of Munchie~Scrunchies.

That definitely caught her attention. "What the - where did you get this?!"

"I... took it."

"Without paying?!"


Ava sighed heavily. "Okay... I'm good. I'm good for today. You guys got to learn about the mall, I got to pretend to be a magic wizard-y sorcerer, and you guys stole stuff! Cool! I'm just gonna go return these, then, uh..." She trailed off, taking the box of cereal.

Freddy stood up, putting an arm around her shoulder. "For now, just give us some time to decide what we want to do next. Like, leave us alone for a day or something. Just to clear our minds. Bye!"

With that, he led Ava back through the portal to the apartment.

The Daemos stared after them in stunned silence.

"What happened?" Leif was the first to speak.

"Nothing, that's what!" Asch was incredulous. "She said she - "

"Patience, your Majesty," Rhys interrupted. "Trust them for now. They might be our only way to learn more about the humans." he then motioned to Leif.
"We also need to keep an eye on leif, the male human might have cursed him, " His eyes lit up. "Now, let me tell you about the arrangement we came to with the human male!" He blushed when he mentioned him.

Freddy's pov

This morning had been... difficult. Between Leif and Rhys coming along on my run and asking so many questions and trying to get what I said yesterday out of me, to coming back home only to realize there was only dry cereal left to eat in the pantry, it was not shaping up to be a very productive Monday.

I looked around and saw the living room was a mess. I put on my headphones and started cleaning, and when I was changing the song, I heard Rhys shout.

"She knows disarming magic!"

"Aaaa! RUN!" Noi screamed in panic.
"What's going on in there?" I shouted, confused.
"THEY CAME THROUGH THE WALLS!" I heard ava shout.
"What?" I said to myself.

The Daemos then came out of their little house hole.
"What happened in there?" I asked them.
"I went through the wall and saw the female human sitting in water.," Leif said, annoyed.
Then I saw ava come out of her room in a towel.

"Okay, if we're going to be your prisoners, we need to lay down some ground rules," She announced angrily.
"I agree."

"As prisoners, you don't get to make rules," Asch growled back.

"Who's the powerful sorcerer?" Ava interrupted. "That's right: me."

"Sorceress," Pierce corrected.

"Wait, does that mean the male human does not have access to magic?" Rhys cut in, confused.
"Oh, I do; I just haven't used any yet," I said in a threatening tone.
It seemed to work because Noi looked frightened.

"A-anyway, we're getting off track!" Ava interrupted, flustered. "Why are you guys coming through our walls?"

"Once our home is linked to a surface, we can enter from any place at will in close proximity."

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